import argparse import itertools import os import re import stat import sys import traceback try: import winshell except ImportError: winshell = None from voussoirkit import clipext from voussoirkit import expressionmatch from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import safeprint from voussoirkit import spinal from voussoirkit import winglob # Thanks georg # STDIN_MODE = os.fstat(sys.stdin.fileno()).st_mode if stat.S_ISFIFO(STDIN_MODE): STDIN_MODE = 'pipe' else: STDIN_MODE = 'terminal' class NoTerms(Exception): pass class HeaderedText: def __init__(self, header, text): self.header = header self.text = text @property def with_header(self): return f'{self.header}: {self.text}' def all_terms_match(search_text, terms, match_function): matches = ( (not terms['yes_all'] or all(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['yes_all'])) and (not terms['yes_any'] or any(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['yes_any'])) and (not terms['not_all'] or not all(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['not_all'])) and (not terms['not_any'] or not any(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['not_any'])) ) return matches def search_contents_generic(filepath, content_args): try: with'r') as handle: text = except UnicodeDecodeError: try: with'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle: text = except UnicodeDecodeError: #safeprint.safeprint(filepath.absolute_path) #traceback.print_exc() return except Exception: safeprint.safeprint(filepath.absolute_path) traceback.print_exc() return content_args['text'] = text content_args['line_numbers'] = content_args.get('line_numbers', True) results = search(**content_args) results = list(results) if not results: return yield filepath.absolute_path yield from results yield '' def search_contents_windows_lnk(filepath, content_args): try: shortcut = winshell.Shortcut(filepath.absolute_path) except Exception: return text = [ HeaderedText('Target', shortcut.path), HeaderedText('Arguments', shortcut.arguments), HeaderedText('Start In', shortcut.working_directory), HeaderedText('Comment', shortcut.description), ] content_args['text'] = text results = search(**content_args) results = list(results) if not results: return yield filepath.absolute_path yield from results yield '' def search( *, yes_all=None, yes_any=None, not_all=None, not_any=None, case_sensitive=False, content_args=None, do_expression=False, do_glob=False, do_regex=False, do_strip=False, line_numbers=False, local_only=False, root_path='.', text=None, ): terms = { 'yes_all': yes_all, 'yes_any': yes_any, 'not_all': not_all, 'not_any': not_any } terms = {k: ([v] if isinstance(v, str) else v or []) for (k, v) in terms.items()} #print(terms, content_args) do_plain = not (do_glob or do_regex) if all(v == [] for v in terms.values()) and not content_args: raise NoTerms('No terms supplied') def term_matches(line, term): if not case_sensitive: line = line.lower() if do_expression: return term.evaluate(line) return ( (do_plain and term in line) or (do_regex and, line)) or (do_glob and winglob.fnmatch(line, term)) ) if do_expression: # The value still needs to be a list so the upcoming any() / all() # receives an iterable as it expects. It just happens to be 1 tree. trees = {} for (term_type, term_expression) in terms.items(): if term_expression == []: trees[term_type] = [] continue tree = ' '.join(term_expression) tree = expressionmatch.ExpressionTree.parse(tree) if not case_sensitive: trees[term_type] = [tree] terms = trees elif not case_sensitive: terms = {k: [x.lower() for x in v] for (k, v) in terms.items()} if text is None: search_objects = spinal.walk_generator( root_path, recurse=not local_only, yield_directories=True, ) elif isinstance(text, (list, tuple)): search_objects = text else: search_objects = text.splitlines() for (index, search_object) in enumerate(search_objects): # if index % 10 == 0: # print(index, end='\r', flush=True) if isinstance(search_object, pathclass.Path): search_text = search_object.basename result_text = search_object.absolute_path elif isinstance(search_object, HeaderedText): search_text = search_object.text result_text = search_object.with_header else: search_text = search_object result_text = search_object if not all_terms_match(search_text, terms, term_matches): continue if do_strip: result_text = result_text.strip() if line_numbers: result_text = f'{index+1:>4} | {result_text}' if not content_args: yield result_text continue filepath = pathclass.Path(search_object) if not filepath.is_file: continue if filepath.extension == 'lnk' and winshell: yield from search_contents_windows_lnk(filepath, content_args) else: yield from search_contents_generic(filepath, content_args) def argparse_to_dict(args): text = args.text if text is not None: text = clipext.resolve(text) elif STDIN_MODE == 'pipe': text = clipext.resolve('!i') if hasattr(args, 'content_args') and args.content_args is not None: content_args = argparse_to_dict(args.content_args) else: content_args = None return { 'yes_all': args.yes_all_1 + args.yes_all_2, 'yes_any': args.yes_any, 'not_all': args.not_all, 'not_any': args.not_any, 'case_sensitive': args.case_sensitive, 'content_args': content_args, 'do_expression': args.do_expression, 'do_glob': args.do_glob, 'do_regex': args.do_regex, 'do_strip': args.do_strip, 'local_only': args.local_only, 'line_numbers': args.line_numbers, 'text': text, } def _search_argparse(args): generator = search(**argparse_to_dict(args)) result_count = 0 for result in generator: safeprint.safeprint(result) result_count += 1 if args.show_count: print('%d items.' % result_count) def search_argparse(args): try: return _search_argparse(args) except NoTerms: print('You did not supply any search terms.') return 1 def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # The padding is inserted to guarantee that --content is not the first # argument. Because if it were, we wouldn't know if we have # [pre, '--content'] or ['--content', post], etc. and I don't want to # actually check the values. argv.insert(0, 'padding') grouper = itertools.groupby(argv, lambda x: x == '--content') halves = [list(group) for (key, group) in grouper] # halves looks like [pre, '--content', post] name_args = halves[0] # Pop the padding name_args.pop(0) content_args = [item for chunk in halves[2:] for item in chunk] # argparse doesn't work well when an argument is both positional and # named, so both of these yes_all will be combined into a single list # during the gateway function. parser.add_argument('yes_all_1', nargs='*', default=None) parser.add_argument('--all', dest='yes_all_2', nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--any', dest='yes_any', nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--not_all', '--not-all', dest='not_all', nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--not_any', '--not-any', dest='not_any', nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--strip', dest='do_strip', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--case', dest='case_sensitive', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--content', dest='do_content', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--count', dest='show_count', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--expression', dest='do_expression', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--glob', dest='do_glob', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--line_numbers', '--line-numbers', dest='line_numbers', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--local', dest='local_only', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--regex', dest='do_regex', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--text', dest='text', default=None) parser.set_defaults(func=search_argparse) args = parser.parse_args(name_args) if content_args: args.content_args = parser.parse_args(content_args) else: args.content_args = None return args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))