import argparse import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import textwrap import time from voussoirkit import getpermission from voussoirkit import passwordy from voussoirkit import winwhich GIT = winwhich.which('git') PY = winwhich.which('py') TWINE = winwhich.which('twine') BUMP_PATTERN = r'Bump to version (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.' DEBUG = False class PypiReleaseError(Exception): pass class BadSetup(PypiReleaseError): pass class DirtyState(PypiReleaseError): pass class NotSemver(PypiReleaseError): pass class VersionOutOfOrder(PypiReleaseError): pass # HELPER FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ def bump_version(version, versionbump): (major, minor, patch) = [int(x) for x in version.split('.')] if versionbump == 'major': major += 1 minor = 0 patch = 0 elif versionbump == 'minor': minor += 1 patch = 0 elif versionbump == 'patch': patch += 1 else: raise ValueError(f'versionbump should be major, minor, or patch, not {versionbump}.') version = f'{major}.{minor}.{patch}' return version def check_call(command, show_command=True): if DEBUG or show_command: print_command(command) return subprocess.check_call(command) def check_output(command, show_command=True): if DEBUG or show_command: print_command(command) return subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def pick_versionbump(major, minor, patch): mmp = (major, minor, patch) if not all(b in [True, False, None] for b in mmp): raise TypeError('major, minor, patch should all be True, False, or None.') if mmp in [(False, False, False), (None, None, None)]: versionbump = 'patch' elif mmp.count(True) > 1: raise TypeError('Must only pick one of major, minor, patch.') elif major: versionbump = 'major' elif minor: versionbump = 'minor' elif patch: versionbump = 'patch' else: raise TypeError() return versionbump def print_command(command): cmd = [('"%s"' % x) if (' ' in x or x == '') else x for x in command] cmd = ' '.join(cmd) cmd = cmd.strip() cmd = cmd.replace(GIT, 'git') cmd = cmd.replace(PY, 'py') cmd = cmd.replace(TWINE, 'twine') print(f'> {cmd}') def semver_split(semver): original = semver try: semver = semver.strip('v') mmp = semver.split('.') mmp = tuple(int(x) for x in mmp) (major, minor, patch) = mmp return mmp except Exception: raise NotSemver(original) def slowprint(s=None): slow = 0.05 if s is None: print() time.sleep(slow) return for line in s.split('\n'): print(line) time.sleep(slow) # SETUP.PY ################################################################################ def extract_info_from_setup(): handle = open('', 'r', encoding='utf-8') with handle: setup_py = name = re.findall(r'''\bname=["']([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)["']''', setup_py) if len(name) != 1: raise BadSetup(f'Expected to find 1 name but found {len(name)}.') name = name[0] version = re.findall(r'''\bversion=["'](\d+\.\d+\.\d+)["']''', setup_py) if len(version) != 1: raise BadSetup(f'Expected to find 1 version but found {len(version)}.') version = version[0] return (setup_py, name, version) def update_info_in_setup(setup_py, name, version): re_from = fr'''\bname=(["'])({name})(["'])''' re_to = fr'''name=\1\2\3''' setup_py = re.sub(re_from, re_to, setup_py) re_from = fr'''\bversion=(["'])(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(["'])''' re_to = fr'''version=\g<1>{version}\g<3>''' setup_py = re.sub(re_from, re_to, setup_py) return setup_py def write_setup(setup_py): handle = open('', 'w', encoding='utf-8') with handle: handle.write(setup_py) # GIT ################################################################################ def git_assert_current_greater_than_latest(latest_release_version, new_version): if latest_release_version >= semver_split(new_version): raise VersionOutOfOrder(f'New version should be {new_version} but {latest_release_version} already exists.') def git_assert_no_stashes(): command = [GIT, 'stash', 'list'] output = check_output(command, show_command=False) lines = output.strip().splitlines() if len(lines) != 0: raise DirtyState('Please ensure there are no stashes.') def git_assert_pushable(): command = [GIT, 'fetch', '--all'] check_output(command, show_command=False) command = [GIT, 'merge-base', '@', '@{u}'] merge_base = check_output(command, show_command=False).strip() command = [GIT, 'rev-parse', '@'] my_head = check_output(command, show_command=False).strip() command = [GIT, 'rev-parse', '@{u}'] remote_head = check_output(command, show_command=False).strip() if my_head == remote_head: pass elif my_head == merge_base: git_commits_since(merge_base.decode(), show=True, inclusive=True) raise DirtyState('Cant push, need to pull first.') elif remote_head == merge_base: pass else: git_commits_since(merge_base.decode(), show=True, inclusive=True) raise DirtyState('Cant push, diverged from remote.') def git_commit_bump(version): command = [GIT, 'add', ''] check_output(command) command = [GIT, 'commit', '-m', f'Bump to version {version}.'] check_output(command) def git_commits_since(commit, show, inclusive=False): if commit: if inclusive: commit += '~1' command = [GIT, '--no-pager', 'log', '--oneline', '--graph', '--branches', '--remotes', f'{commit}..'] else: command = [GIT, '--no-pager', 'log', '--oneline', '--graph'] if show: check_call(command, show_command=False) else: output = check_output(command, show_command=False) lines = output.strip().splitlines() return lines def git_current_remote_branch(): command = [GIT, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--symbolic-full-name', '@{u}'] output = check_output(command, show_command=False) output = output.strip().decode() (remote, branch) = output.split('/') return (remote, branch) def git_determine_latest_release(): (latest_tagged_commit, latest_tag_version) = git_latest_tagged_commit() (latest_bump_commit, latest_bump_version) = git_latest_bump_commit() if latest_tagged_commit is None: latest_release_commit = latest_bump_commit latest_release_version = latest_bump_version elif latest_bump_commit is None: latest_release_commit = latest_tagged_commit latest_release_version = latest_tag_version elif latest_tag_version > latest_bump_version: latest_release_commit = latest_tagged_commit latest_release_version = latest_tag_version else: latest_release_commit = latest_bump_commit latest_release_version = latest_bump_version return (latest_release_commit, latest_release_version) def git_latest_bump_commit(): command = [GIT, 'log', '--oneline', '--no-abbrev-commit', '--grep', 'Bump to version *.', '-1'] output = check_output(command, show_command=False) output = output.strip() if not output: return (None, None) commit = output.splitlines()[0].decode() version =, commit).group(1) version = semver_split(version) commit = commit.split()[0] return (commit, version) def git_latest_tagged_commit(): command = [GIT, 'log', '--oneline', '--no-abbrev-commit', '--tags=v*.*.*', '-1'] output = check_output(command, show_command=False) output = output.strip() if not output: return (None, None) commit = output.splitlines()[0].decode().split()[0] for tag in git_tags_on_commit(commit): try: version = semver_split(tag) break except NotSemver: pass else: return (None, None) return (commit, version) def git_push(remote, branch): command = [GIT, 'push', remote, branch] check_output(command) def git_push_tag(remote, tag): command = [GIT, 'push', remote, tag] check_output(command) def git_show_commit(commit): command = [GIT, 'show', '--oneline', '-s', commit] check_call(command, show_command=False) def git_stash_push(): token = passwordy.urandom_hex(32) command = [GIT, 'stash', 'push', '--include-untracked', '--message', token] output = check_output(command) command = [GIT, 'stash', 'list', '--grep', token] output = check_output(command).strip() did_stash = bool(output) return did_stash def git_stash_restore(): command = [GIT, 'stash', 'pop'] output = check_output(command) def git_tag_version(tag): command = [GIT, 'tag', '-a', tag, '-m', ''] check_output(command) def git_tags_on_commit(commit): command = [GIT, 'tag', '--points-at', commit] output = check_output(command, show_command=False) output = output.strip() if not output: return [] output = output.decode().splitlines() return output # PYPI ################################################################################ def pypi_upload(name): egg_dir = f'{name}.egg-info' command = [PY, '', 'sdist'] check_output(command) command = [TWINE, 'upload', '-r', 'pypi', 'dist\\*'] check_output(command) shutil.rmtree('dist') shutil.rmtree(egg_dir) def pypi_release(do_tag=False, versionbump='patch'): git_assert_no_stashes() git_assert_pushable() (setup_py, name, old_version) = extract_info_from_setup() new_version = bump_version(old_version, versionbump) new_tag = f'v{new_version}' (latest_release_commit, latest_release_version) = git_determine_latest_release() git_assert_current_greater_than_latest(latest_release_version, new_version) commits_since_last_release = git_commits_since(latest_release_commit, show=False) if len(commits_since_last_release) == 0: print('No new commits to release') return (remote, branch) = git_current_remote_branch() def linebreak(): cli_width = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] line = '#' * (cli_width - 1) line += '\r' line += f'# {name} {new_version} ' line = f'\n{line}\n' slowprint(line) linebreak() slowprint(f'Upgrading {name} from {old_version} --> {new_version}.') slowprint() if latest_release_commit: slowprint('Latest release:') git_show_commit(latest_release_commit) slowprint() slowprint('This release:') git_commits_since(latest_release_commit, show=True) slowprint() setup_py = update_info_in_setup(setup_py, name, new_version) slowprint('Rewrite') slowprint(textwrap.indent(setup_py, '>>> ')) slowprint() slowprint(f'Release will be pushed to {remote} {branch}.') linebreak() if not getpermission.getpermission(f'READY TO RELEASE {name} {new_version}.'): return write_setup(setup_py) git_commit_bump(new_version) if do_tag: git_tag_version(new_tag) git_push(remote, branch) if do_tag: git_push_tag(remote, new_tag) did_stash = git_stash_push() pypi_upload(name) if did_stash: git_stash_restore() git_commits_since(latest_release_commit, show=True) def pypi_release_argparse(args): global DEBUG if args.debug: DEBUG = True versionbump = pick_versionbump(args.major, args.minor, args.patch) try: return pypi_release(do_tag=args.do_tag, versionbump=versionbump) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print(exc.output) return 1 def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--major', dest='major', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--minor', dest='minor', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--patch', dest='patch', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--do_tag', '--do-tag', dest='do_tag', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(func=pypi_release_argparse) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))