import argparse import os import re import shutil import sys import time from voussoirkit import betterhelp from voussoirkit import bytestring from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import winglob RESERVE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE = 30 * bytestring.GIBIBYTE def RARCOMMAND( basename, input_pattern, workdir, password=None, rec=None, rev=None, volume=None, ): ''' winrar a = make archive -ibck = run in the background -ma = rar5 mode -m0 = compression level: store -mt1 = thread count: 1 -v{x}M = split into x megabyte volumes -ri x:y = x priority (lower is less pri) y ms sleep between ops -r = include subdirectories -ep1 = arcnames will start relative to the main folder, instead of having the whole abspath of the input_pattern. -rr{x}% = x% recovery record -rv{x}% = x% recovery volumes -hp{x} = encrypt with password x -y = yes on all prompts -x = exclude certain filenames destination workdir/basename.rar files to include input_pattern ''' command = [ 'winrar', 'a -ibck -ma -m0 -mt1 -ri1:30 -r -ep1', '-y -xthumbs.db -xdesktop.ini', ] if volume is not None: command.append(f'-v{volume}M') if rec is not None: command.append(f'-rr{rec}%') if rev is not None: command.append(f'-rv{rev}%') if password is not None: command.append(f'-hp{password}') command.append(f'"{workdir.absolute_path}{os.sep}{basename}.rar"') command.append(f'"{input_pattern}"') command = ' '.join(command) return command def PARCOMMAND(workdir, basename, par): ''' phpar2 c = create pars -t1 = thread count: 1 -r{x} = x% recovery destination workdir/basename.par2 ''' command = [ 'phpar2', 'c -t1', f'-r{par}', f'"{workdir.absolute_path}{os.sep}{basename}"', f'"{workdir.absolute_path}{os.sep}{basename}*.rar"', ] command = ' '.join(command) return command def assert_enough_space(pathsize, workdir, moveto, rec, rev, par): plus_percent = (rec + rev + par) / 100 needed = pathsize * (1 + plus_percent) reserve = RESERVE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE + needed workdir_drive = os.path.splitdrive(workdir.absolute_path)[0] free_space = shutil.disk_usage(workdir_drive).free if moveto is not None: moveto_drive = os.path.splitdrive(moveto.absolute_path)[0] free_space = min(free_space, shutil.disk_usage(moveto_drive).free) message = ' '.join([ f'For {bytestring.bytestring(pathsize)},', f'Reserving {bytestring.bytestring(reserve)} /', f'{bytestring.bytestring(free_space)}.', ]) print(message) if reserve > free_space: raise IOError('Please leave more space') def move(pattern, directory): files = winglob.glob(pattern) for file in files: print(file) shutil.move(file, directory) def _normalize_percentage(rec): if rec is None: return None if rec == 0: return None if isinstance(rec, str): rec = rec.strip('%') rec = int(rec) if not (0 <= rec <= 100): raise ValueError(f'rec, rev, par {rec} must be 0-100.') return rec def normalize_password(password): if password is None: return None if not isinstance(password, str): raise TypeError(f'password must be a {str}, not {type(password)}') if password == '': return None return password def _normalize_volume(volume, pathsize): if volume is None: return None if isinstance(volume, int): return volume if isinstance(volume, float): return int(volume) if isinstance(volume, str): volume = volume.strip() if volume == '100%': return None minmax_parts = re.findall(r'(min|max)\((.+?), (.+?)\)', volume) if minmax_parts: (func, left, right) = minmax_parts[0] func = {'min': min, 'max': max}[func] left = _normalize_volume(left, pathsize=pathsize) right = _normalize_volume(right, pathsize=pathsize) return func(left, right) if volume.endswith('%'): volume = volume[:-1] volume = float(volume) / 100 volume = (pathsize * volume) / bytestring.MIBIBYTE volume = max(1, volume) return int(volume) return int(volume) raise TypeError(f'Invalid volume {type(volume)}.') def normalize_volume(volume, pathsize): volume = _normalize_volume(volume, pathsize) if volume is not None and volume < 1: raise ValueError('Volume must be >= 1.') return volume def run_script(script, dry=False): status = 0 if dry: for command in script: print(command) return status for command in script: print(command) if isinstance(command, str): status = os.system(command) else: status = command() status = status or 0 if status != 0: break return status def rarpar( path, *, basename=None, dry=False, moveto=None, par=None, password=None, rec=None, rev=None, volume=None, workdir='.', ): path = pathclass.Path(path) path.assert_exists() if path.is_dir: input_pattern = path.absolute_path + '\\*' else: input_pattern = path.absolute_path workdir = pathclass.Path(workdir) workdir.assert_is_directory() if moveto: moveto = pathclass.Path(moveto) moveto.assert_is_directory() pathsize = path.size volume = normalize_volume(volume, pathsize) rec = _normalize_percentage(rec) rev = _normalize_percentage(rev) par = _normalize_percentage(par) if RESERVE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE: assert_enough_space( pathsize, workdir=workdir, moveto=moveto, rec=rec or 0, rev=rev or 0, par=par or 0, ) timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if not basename: basename = f'{path.basename} ({timestamp})' else: basename = basename.format(timestamp=timestamp) existing = winglob.glob(f'{basename}*.rar') if existing: raise Exception(f'{existing[0]} already exists.') #### #### script = [] rarcommand = RARCOMMAND( basename=basename, input_pattern=input_pattern, password=password, rec=rec, rev=rev, volume=volume, workdir=workdir, ) script.append(rarcommand) if par: parcommand = PARCOMMAND( basename=basename, par=par, workdir=workdir, ) script.append(parcommand) def move_rars(): move(f'{workdir.absolute_path}\\{basename}*.rar', f'{moveto.absolute_path}') def move_revs(): move(f'{workdir.absolute_path}\\{basename}*.rev', f'{moveto.absolute_path}') def move_pars(): move(f'{workdir.absolute_path}\\{basename}*.par2', f'{moveto.absolute_path}') if moveto: if True: script.append(move_rars) if rev: script.append(move_revs) if par: script.append(move_pars) #### #### status = run_script(script, dry) return status def rarpar_argparse(args): return rarpar( path=args.path, volume=args.volume, basename=args.basename, dry=args.dry, moveto=args.moveto, par=args.par, password=args.password, rec=args.rec, rev=args.rev, workdir=args.workdir, ) DOCSTRING = ''' path: The input file or directory to rarpar. --volume X | X% | min(A, B) | max(A, B) Split rars into volumes of this many megabytes. Should be An integer number of megabytes, or; A percentage "X%" to calculate volumes as X% of the file size, down to a 1 MB minimum, or; A string "min(A, B)" or "max(A, B)" where A and B follow the above rules. --rec X A integer to generate X% recovery record in the rars. See winrar documentation for information about recovery records. --rev X A integer to generate X% recovery volumes. Note that winrar's behavior is the number of revs will always be less than the number of rars. If you don't split volumes, you will have 1 rar and thus 0 revs even if you ask for 100% rev. See winrar documentation for information about recovery volumes. --par X A number to generate X% recovery with par2. --basename A basename for the rar and par files. You will end up with basename.partXX.rar and basename.par2. Without this argument, the default basename is "basename ({timestamp})". Your string may include {timestamp} including the braces to get the timestamp there. --password A password with which to encrypt the rar files. --workdir: The directory in which the rars and pars will be generated while the program is working. --moveto: The directory to which the rars and pars will be moved after the program has finished working. --dry: Print the commands that will be run, but don't actually run them. ''' def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('path') parser.add_argument('--volume', dest='volume') parser.add_argument('--rec', dest='rec') parser.add_argument('--rev', dest='rev') parser.add_argument('--par', dest='par') parser.add_argument('--basename', dest='basename') parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password') parser.add_argument('--workdir', dest='workdir', default='.') parser.add_argument('--moveto', dest='moveto') parser.add_argument('--dry', dest='dry', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(func=rarpar_argparse) return betterhelp.single_main(argv, parser, DOCSTRING) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))