import argparse import fnmatch import itertools import os import re import stat import sys import traceback from voussoirkit import clipext from voussoirkit import expressionmatch from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import safeprint from voussoirkit import spinal # Thanks georg # STDIN_MODE = os.fstat(sys.stdin.fileno()).st_mode if stat.S_ISFIFO(STDIN_MODE): STDIN_MODE = 'pipe' else: STDIN_MODE = 'terminal' def all_terms_match(search_text, terms, match_function): matches = ( (not terms['yes_all'] or all(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['yes_all'])) and (not terms['yes_any'] or any(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['yes_any'])) and (not terms['not_all'] or not all(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['not_all'])) and (not terms['not_any'] or not any(match_function(search_text, term) for term in terms['not_any'])) ) return matches def search( *, yes_all=None, yes_any=None, not_all=None, not_any=None, case_sensitive=False, content_args=None, do_expression=False, do_glob=False, do_regex=False, line_numbers=False, local_only=False, text=None, ): terms = { 'yes_all': yes_all, 'yes_any': yes_any, 'not_all': not_all, 'not_any': not_any } terms = {k: ([v] if isinstance(v, str) else v or []) for (k, v) in terms.items()} #print(terms, content_args) if all(v == [] for v in terms.values()) and not content_args: raise ValueError('No terms supplied') def term_matches(line, term): if not case_sensitive: line = line.lower() if do_expression: return term.evaluate(line) return ( (term in line) or (do_regex and, line)) or (do_glob and fnmatch.fnmatch(line, term)) ) if do_expression: # The value still needs to be a list so the upcoming any() / all() # receives an iterable as it expects. It just happens to be 1 tree. trees = {} for (key, value) in terms.items(): if value == []: trees[key] = [] continue tree = ' '.join(value) tree = expressionmatch.ExpressionTree.parse(tree) if not case_sensitive: trees[key] = [tree] terms = trees elif not case_sensitive: terms = {k: [x.lower() for x in v] for (k, v) in terms.items()} if text is None: search_objects = spinal.walk_generator( depth_first=False, recurse=not local_only, yield_directories=True, ) else: search_objects = text.splitlines() for (index, search_object) in enumerate(search_objects): if index % 10 == 0: #print(index, end='\r', flush=True) pass if isinstance(search_object, pathclass.Path): search_text = search_object.basename result_text = search_object.absolute_path else: search_text = search_object result_text = search_object if line_numbers: result_text = '%4d | %s' % (index+1, result_text) if all_terms_match(search_text, terms, term_matches): if not content_args: yield result_text else: filepath = pathclass.Path(search_object) if not filepath.is_file: continue try: with open(filepath.absolute_path, 'r') as handle: text = except UnicodeDecodeError: try: with open(filepath.absolute_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle: text = except UnicodeDecodeError: #safeprint.safeprint(filepath.absolute_path) #traceback.print_exc() continue except Exception: safeprint.safeprint(filepath.absolute_path) traceback.print_exc() continue content_args['text'] = text content_args['line_numbers'] = True results = search(**content_args) results = list(results) if not results: continue yield filepath.absolute_path yield from results yield '' def argparse_to_dict(args): text = args.text if text is not None: text = clipext.resolve(text) elif STDIN_MODE == 'pipe': text = clipext.resolve('!i') if hasattr(args, 'content_args') and args.content_args is not None: content_args = argparse_to_dict(args.content_args) else: content_args = None return { 'yes_all': args.yes_all, 'yes_any': args.yes_any, 'not_all': args.not_all, 'not_any': args.not_any, 'case_sensitive': args.case_sensitive, 'content_args': content_args, 'do_expression': args.do_expression, 'do_glob': args.do_glob, 'do_regex': args.do_regex, 'local_only': args.local_only, 'line_numbers': args.line_numbers, 'text': text, } def search_argparse(args): generator = search(**argparse_to_dict(args)) result_count = 0 for result in generator: safeprint.safeprint(result) result_count += 1 if args.show_count: print('%d items.' % result_count) def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # The padding is inserted to guarantee that --content is not the first # argument. Because if it were, we wouldn't know if we have # [pre, '--content'] or ['--content', post], etc. and I don't want to # actually check the values. argv.insert(0, 'padding') grouper = itertools.groupby(argv, lambda x: x == '--content') halves = [list(group) for (key, group) in grouper] # halves looks like [pre, '--content', post] name_args = halves[0] # Pop the padding name_args.pop(0) content_args = [item for chunk in halves[2:] for item in chunk] parser.add_argument('yes_all', nargs='*', default=None) parser.add_argument('--all', dest='yes_all', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--any', dest='yes_any', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--not_all', dest='not_all', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--not_any', dest='not_any', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--case', dest='case_sensitive', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--content', dest='do_content', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--count', dest='show_count', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--expression', dest='do_expression', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--glob', dest='do_glob', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--line_numbers', dest='line_numbers', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--local', dest='local_only', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--regex', dest='do_regex', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--text', dest='text', default=None) parser.set_defaults(func=search_argparse) args = parser.parse_args(name_args) if content_args: args.content_args = parser.parse_args(content_args) else: args.content_args = None args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))