import os import argparse import subprocess import sys from voussoirkit import betterhelp from voussoirkit import spinal from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import pipeable from voussoirkit import vlogging from voussoirkit import winwhich log = vlogging.getLogger(__name__, 'ffdecodetest') def ffdecodetest_argparse(args): FFMPEG = pathclass.Path(winwhich.which('ffmpeg')) patterns = pipeable.input_many(args.patterns) if args.recurse: files = spinal.walk(glob_filenames=patterns) else: files = (file for pattern in patterns for file in pathclass.glob_files(pattern)) goods = 0 bads = 0 for file in files: command = [ FFMPEG.absolute_path, '-i', file.absolute_path, '-f', 'null', os.devnull, ] log.debug(command) process = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) success = True for line in process.stdout: # If you have more comprehensive tests, let me know. if b'Error while decoding' in line or b'broken header' in line: success = False for line in process.stdout: pass break process.communicate() success = success and process.returncode == 0 if success:'{file.absolute_path} ok.') goods += 1 else: log.error(f'{file.absolute_path} failed.') bads += 1 if bads > 0: log.warning(f'{goods} ok, {bads} failed.') return 1 else:'{goods} ok, {bads} failed.') return 0 @vlogging.main_decorator def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=''' Uses FFMPEG to decode the input files, testing their validity. ''', ) parser.add_argument( 'patterns', nargs='+', ) parser.add_argument('--recurse', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults(func=ffdecodetest_argparse) return betterhelp.go(parser, argv) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))