
54 lines
1.6 KiB

import os
from PIL import Image
import sys
from voussoirkit import winglob
def fit_into_bounds(image_width, image_height, frame_width, frame_height):
Given the w+h of the image and the w+h of the frame,
return new w+h that fits the image into the frame
while maintaining the aspect ratio.
(1920, 1080, 400, 400) -> (400, 225)
width_ratio = frame_width / image_width
height_ratio = frame_height / image_height
ratio = min(width_ratio, height_ratio)
new_width = int(image_width * ratio)
new_height = int(image_height * ratio)
return (new_width, new_height)
filenames = sys.argv[1]
filenames = winglob.glob(filenames)
for filename in filenames:
i =
if all(x.isdigit() for x in sys.argv[2:3]):
new_x = int(sys.argv[2])
new_y = int(sys.argv[3])
ratio = float(sys.argv[2])
new_x = int(i.size[0] * ratio)
new_y = int(i.size[1] * ratio)
except ValueError:
print('you did it wrong')
(image_width, image_height) = i.size
if new_x == 0:
(new_x, new_y) = fit_into_bounds(image_width, image_height, 10000000, new_y)
if new_y == 0:
(new_x, new_y) = fit_into_bounds(image_width, image_height, new_x, 10000000)
print(i.size, new_x, new_y)
i = i.resize( (new_x, new_y), Image.ANTIALIAS)
suffix = '_{width}x{height}'.format(width=new_x, height=new_y)
(base, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
newname = base + suffix + extension, quality=100)