This commit is contained in:
unknown 2015-07-10 03:44:09 -07:00
parent 34d495fd6a
commit c0e7e8f5fc
4 changed files with 392 additions and 106 deletions

DailyProgrammer/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
[2015-07-06] Challenge #222 [Easy] Balancing Words
# Description
Today we're going to balance words on one of the letters in them. We'll use the position and letter itself to calculate the weight around the balance point. A word can be balanced if the weight on either side of the balance point is equal. Not all words can be balanced, but those that can are interesting for this challenge.
The formula to calculate the weight of the word is to look at the letter position in the English alphabet (so A=1, B=2, C=3 ... Z=26) as the letter weight, then multiply that by the distance from the balance point, so the first letter away is multiplied by 1, the second away by 2, etc.
As an example:
STEAD balances at T: 1 * S(19) = 1 * E(5) + 2 * A(1) + 3 * D(4))
# Input Description
You'll be given a series of English words. Example:
# Output Description
Your program or function should emit the words split by their balance point and the weight on either side of the balance point. Example:
S T EAD - 19
This indicates that the T is the balance point and that the weight on either side is 19.
# Challenge Input
# Challenge Output
# Notes
This was found on a [word games page]( suggested by /u/cDull, thanks! If you have your own idea for a challenge, submit it to /r/DailyProgrammer_Ideas, and there's a good chance we'll post it.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
def get_weight(character, distance):
return (ord(character.lower()) - 96) * distance
def try_balancing(word, pivot):
left = word[:pivot]
wleft = sum(get_weight(left[x], len(left)-x) for x in range(len(left)))
right = word[pivot+1:]
wright = sum(get_weight(right[x], x+1) for x in range(len(right)))
if wright == wleft:
print '%s %s %s - %d' % (left, word[pivot], right, wleft)
for word in WORDS:
for x in range(len(word)):
try_balancing(word, x)

Datapoint/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Plotting points like an idiot.

View file

@ -1,125 +1,345 @@
import time
import tkinter import tkinter
class DataPoint: class DataPoint:
def __init__(self, width=720, height=480): def __init__(self, width=720, height=480, autostart=False):
self.windowtitle = 'DataPoint' self.windowtitle = 'DataPoint'
self.t = tkinter.Tk() self.color_outbound = '#999'
self.t.title(self.windowtitle) self.color_crossbar = '#bbb'
self.w = width self.color_point = '#000'
self.h = height self.crossbar_count = 10
self.screenwidth = self.t.winfo_screenwidth() self.point_diameter = 4
self.screenheight = self.t.winfo_screenheight() self.margin = 0.10
self.windowwidth = self.w self.origin = (0, 0)
self.windowheight = self.h
self.windowx = (self.screenwidth-self.windowwidth) / 2
self.windowy = ((self.screenheight-self.windowheight) / 2) - 27
self.geometrystring = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.windowwidth, self.windowheight, self.windowx, self.windowy)
self.reset_attributes() self._started = False
self.t = tkinter.Tk()
self.w = width
self.h = height
self.windowx = (self.screen_width-self.w) / 2
self.windowy = ((self.screen_height-self.h) / 2) - 27
self.geometrystring = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (self.w, self.h,
self.windowx, self.windowy)
self.margin = 0.10 self.countdown = -1
self.c = tkinter.Canvas(self.t) self.lastbump = 0
self.c.pack(fill='both', expand=True) self.t.configure(bg='#f00')
self.t.bind('<Configure>', self.movereplot)
self.c = tkinter.Canvas(self.t)
self.c.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
self.c.bind('<Motion>', self.draw_coordinateslabel)
self.previous_w = self.w
self.previous_h = self.h
self._started = autostart
self.clear() @property
def screen_width(self):
return self.t.winfo_screenwidth()
def mainloop(self): @property
self.t.mainloop() def screen_height(self):
return self.t.winfo_screenheight()
def reset_attributes(self): @property
''' def window_width(self):
Set the DataPoint's grid attributes back to None if not self._started:
so that they will be recalculated during the next plot return self.w
''' return self.t.winfo_width()
self.lowestx = None
self.highestx = None
self.lowesty = None
self.highesty = None
self.spanx = None
self.spany = None
self.marginx = None
self.marginy = None
self.drawablew = None
self.drawableh = None
def clear(self): @property
self.c.delete('all') def window_height(self):
if not self._started:
return self.h
return self.t.winfo_height()
def meow(self): def mainloop(self):
return 'meow.' self._started = True
def function(self, x): def movereplot(self, *b):
x -= 50 '''
x *= 0.1 When the user expands the window, replot the graph after a
y = 1 / (1 + (2.718 ** -x)) short delay.
return y '''
previous = (self.previous_w, self.previous_h)
current = (self.window_width, self.window_height)
now = time.time()
if now - self.lastbump < 0.2:
# Go away.
if previous != current:
# Set.
self.previous_w = current[0]
self.previous_h = current[1]
self.countdown = 1
self.lastbump = now
self.t.after(500, self.movereplot)
if self.countdown > -1:
# Count.
self.countdown -= 1
self.lastbump = now
self.t.after(500, self.movereplot)
if self.countdown == 0:
# Plot.
def verifypoints(self, points): def reset(self):
for item in points: '''
if len(item) != 2: Set the DataPoint's grid attributes back to None.
raise Exception('%s Incorrect number of values for coordinate. Use help(plotpoints)' % str(item)) '''
for subitem in item: self.POINTS = set()
try: self.lowest_x = None
int(subitem) self.highest_x = None
except ValueError as e: self.lowest_y = None
if not e.args: self.highest_y = None
e.args = ('',) self.span_x = None
e.args += ('Invalid format. Use help(plotpoints',) self.span_y = None
raise self.drawable_w = None
self.drawable_h = None
self.margin_x = self.window_width * self.margin
self.margin_y = self.window_height * self.margin
def plotpoints(self, points, pointdiameter=4, fill='#000'): def meow(self):
''' return 'meow.'
Plot points onto the canvas
var points = list, where each element is a 2-length list, where [0] is x and [1] is y coordinate
var pointdiameter = int for how wide the plotted point should be, in pixels
if self.lowestx is None: def clear_screen(self):
xs = [point[0] for point in points] '''
ys = [point[1] for point in points] Delete all canvas elements.
self.lowestx = min(xs) '''
self.highestx = max(xs) self.c.delete('all')
self.lowesty = min(ys)
self.highesty = max(ys)
del xs
del ys
self.spanx = abs(self.highestx - self.lowestx) def draw_axes(self, x, y):
self.spany = abs(self.highesty - self.lowesty) '''
if self.spanx == 0: Given the x, y pixel coordinates, draw some axes there.
self.spanx = 1 '''
if self.spany == 0: self.c.create_line(0, y, self.screen_width*2, y)
self.spany = 1 self.c.create_line(x, 0, x, self.screen_height*2)
self.marginx = self.w * self.margin def draw_margin(self):
self.marginy = self.h * self.margin '''
self.drawablew = self.w - (2 * self.marginx) Draw the dark margin.
self.drawableh = self.h - (2 * self.marginy) '''
self.c.create_rectangle(0, 0, self.window_width, self.window_height,
self.c.create_rectangle(self.margin_x, self.margin_y,
self.window_width - self.margin_x,
self.window_height - self.margin_y,
self.coordinateslabel = self.c.create_text(8, 8, text='xy',
font=('Consolas', 10))
for point in points: def draw_labels(self):
# Get percentage of the span '''
x = ((point[0]) - self.lowestx) / self.spanx Draw the text labels along the axes.
y = ((point[1]) - self.lowesty) / self.spany '''
# Flip y if len(self.POINTS) == 0:
y = 1 - y return
# Use the percentage to get a location on the board if len(self.POINTS) == 1:
x *= self.drawablew p = next(iter(self.POINTS))
y *= self.drawableh if p == self.origin:
# Put into center return
x += self.marginx lp = self.transform_coord(*p)
y += self.marginy self.c.create_text(lp[0], lp[1]+10, text=str(p))
r = pointdiameter / 2 low = self.transform_coord(self.lowest_x, self.lowest_y)
self.c.create_oval(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, fill=fill) low_x = low[0]
self.c.update() low_y = low[1]
#print(point, x, y) hi = self.transform_coord(self.highest_x, self.highest_y)
hi_x = hi[0]
hi_y = hi[1]
if __name__ == '__main__': if self.highest_x != self.lowest_x:
dp = DataPoint() # LOW X
points = list(range(100)) self.c.create_text(low_x+5, low_y+5,
points = [[p, dp.function(p)] for p in points] text=str(round(self.lowest_x, 4)), anchor='nw')
dp.plotpoints(points) # FAR X
dp.mainloop() self.c.create_text(hi_x+5, low_y+5,
text=str(round(self.highest_x, 4)), anchor='nw')
increment_x = (self.highest_x - self.lowest_x) / self.crossbar_count
# crossbartop = (self.window_height - self.margin_y) - 5
# crossbarbot = (self.window_height - self.margin_y) + 5
crossbartop = self.margin_y
crossbarbot = self.window_height - self.margin_y
for x in range(1, self.crossbar_count):
x = (x * increment_x) + self.lowest_x
p = self.transform_coord(x, self.lowest_y)
self.c.create_line(p[0], crossbartop, p[0], crossbarbot,
x = str(round(x, 3))
self.c.create_text(p[0], low_y+5, text=x, anchor='n')
if self.highest_y != self.lowest_y:
self.c.create_text(low_x-5, low_y,
text=str(round(self.lowest_y, 4)), anchor='se')
self.c.create_text(low_x-5, hi_y,
text=str(round(self.highest_y, 4)), anchor='e')
increment_y = (self.highest_y - self.lowest_y) / self.crossbar_count
# crossbarlef = self.margin_x - 5
# crossbarrgt = self.margin_x + 5
crossbarlef = self.margin_x
crossbarrgt = self.window_width - self.margin_x
for y in range(1, self.crossbar_count):
y = (y * increment_y) + self.lowest_y
p = self.transform_coord(self.lowest_x, y)
self.c.create_line(crossbarlef, p[1], crossbarrgt, p[1],
y = str(round(y, 3))
self.c.create_text(low_x-5, p[1], text=y, anchor='e')
def draw_coordinateslabel(self, event):
if len(self.POINTS) < 2:
l = self.transform_coord(event.x, event.y, reverse=True)
l = '%03.12f, %03.12f' % l
self.c.itemconfigure(self.coordinateslabel, text=l)
def transform_coord(self, x, y, reverse=False):
Given an x,y coordinate for a point, return the screen coordinates
or vice-versa.
if not reverse:
if len(self.POINTS) == 1:
return (self.window_width/2, self.window_height/2)
# Get percentage of the span
x = ((x) - self.lowest_x) / self.span_x
y = ((y) - self.lowest_y) / self.span_y
# Flip y
y = 1 - y
# Use the percentage to get a location on the board
x *= self.drawable_w
y *= self.drawable_h
# Put into drawing area
x += self.margin_x
y += self.margin_y
if self.highest_x != self.lowest_x:
x -= self.margin_x
x /= self.drawable_w
x = (x * self.span_x) + self.lowest_x
x = self.lowest_x
if self.highest_y != self.lowest_y:
y -= self.margin_y
y /= self.drawable_h
y = 1 - y
y = (y * self.span_y) + self.lowest_y
y = self.lowest_y
return (x, y)
def plotpoints(self, points=[]):
Plot points onto the canvas.
var points = list, where each element is a 2-length tuple, where [0]
is x and [1] is y coordinate.
for point in points:
if len(self.POINTS) == 0:
xs = [point[0] for point in self.POINTS]
ys = [point[1] for point in self.POINTS]
self.lowest_x = min(xs)
self.highest_x = max(xs)
self.lowest_y = min(ys)
self.highest_y = max(ys)
self.span_x = abs(self.highest_x - self.lowest_x)
self.span_y = abs(self.highest_y - self.lowest_y)
if self.span_x == 0:
self.span_x = 1
if self.span_y == 0:
self.span_y = 1
self.drawable_w = self.window_width - (2 * self.margin_x)
self.drawable_h = self.window_height - (2 * self.margin_y)
if len(self.POINTS) > 1 or self.origin in self.POINTS:
p = self.transform_coord(*self.origin)
for point in self.POINTS:
p = self.transform_coord(point[0], point[1])
x = p[0]
y = p[1]
r = self.point_diameter / 2
self.c.create_oval(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, fill=self.color_point,
def plotpoint(self, x, y):
self.plotpoints([[x, y]])
def set_origin(self, x, y):
self.origin = (x, y)
def example(function):
dp = DataPoint()
points = list(range(100))
points = [[p, function(p)] for p in points]
def example2():
dp = DataPoint()
points = [
(1, 2), (2, 20), (3, 2), (4, 4), (5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 3), (8, 1),
(9, 1), (10, 1), (11, 1), (12, 2), (13, 5), (14, 306), (15, 60),
(16, 543), (17, 225), (18, 616), (19, 1546), (20, 1523), (21, 1578),
(22, 1423), (23, 1257), (24, 1612), (25, 1891), (26, 2147), (27, 2154),
(28, 2286), (29, 2411), (30, 2412), (31, 2382), (32, 2954), (33, 3051),
(34, 3240), (35, 3794), (36, 2762), (37, 2090), (38, 2424), (39, 3448),
(40, 4039), (41, 4115), (42, 3885), (43, 3841), (44, 4563), (45, 4974),
(46, 1816), (47, 1631), (48, 1924), (49, 2024), (50, 2381), (51, 2253),
(52, 2579), (53, 2713), (54, 3151), (55, 3380), (56, 4144), (57, 5685),
(58, 5373), (59, 5571), (60, 5383), (61, 5967), (62, 8577), (63, 8196),
(64, 8120), (65, 8722), (66, 8752), (67, 9841), (68, 10929),
(69, 12585), (70, 11963), (71, 12632), (72, 11186), (73, 11122),
(74, 13547), (75, 13376), (76, 13253), (77, 15094), (78, 14401),
(79, 14577), (80, 15264), (81, 14621), (82, 13479), (83, 14028),
(84, 14514), (85, 15345), (86, 23059), (87, 26502), (88, 23460),
(89, 19223), (90, 19972), (91, 17815), (92, 21154), (93, 22606),
(94, 22320), (95, 23703), (96, 40752), (97, 21730), (98, 27637),
(99, 45931), (100, 18443), (101, 20048), (102, 18097), (103, 11430)
def examplefunction(x):
x -= 50
x *= 0.1
y = 1 / (1 + (2.718 ** -x))
return y
def examplefunction2(x):
return x ** 2