import datetime import math import os import sqlite3 import sys import time UID_CHARACTERS = 16 RECENT_COUNT = 12 STRFTIME = '%Y %m %d %H:%M' SQL_MEAL_ID = 0 SQL_MEAL_CREATED = 1 SQL_MEAL_HUMAN = 2 SQL_REL_FOOD = 1 SQL_GROUP_FOOD = 0 SQL_GROUP_GROUP = 1 DB_INIT = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meals(id TEXT, created INT, human TEXT); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS meal_foods(mealid TEXT, food TEXT); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS food_groups(food TEXT, foodgroup TEXT); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_meal_id on meals(id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_meal_created on meals(created); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_food_mealid on meal_foods(mealid); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_food_food on meal_foods(food); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_group_food on food_groups(food); '''.strip() HELP_TEXT = ''' > meal add pizza, soda : Add a new meal with the foods "pizza" and "soda". > meal adjust ec2 +10 : Adjust the timestamp of the meal starting with "ec2" by +10 seconds. > meal adjust ec2 +10*60 : Adjusting timestamps supports math operations. > meal group water drinks : Add "water" to foodgroup "drinks". Used for organization & reports. > meal group water : Display the name of the group "water" belongs to. > meal recent : Display info and foods for recent meals. Default {recent_count}. > meal recent 4 : Display the last 4 meals. > meal recent all : Display ALL meals. > meal remove ec2 : Remove the meal whose ID starts with "ec2". > meal show ec2 : Display info and foods for the meal whose ID starts with "ec2". > meal ungroup water : Remove "water" from its foodgroup. '''.format(recent_count=RECENT_COUNT) def listget(li, index, fallback=None): try: return li[index] except IndexError: return fallback def uid(length=None): ''' Generate a u-random hex string.. ''' if length is None: length = UID_CHARACTERS identifier = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in os.urandom(math.ceil(length / 2))) if len(identifier) > length: identifier = identifier[:length] return identifier class MealDB(): def __init__(self, dbname='C:/Git/else/Meal/meal.db'): self.dbname = dbname self._sql = None self._cur = None @property def sql(self): if self._sql is None: self._sql = sqlite3.connect(self.dbname) return self._sql @property def cur(self): if self._cur is None: self._cur = self.sql.cursor() statements = DB_INIT.split(';') for statement in statements: #print(statement) self._cur.execute(statement) return self._cur def add_meal(self, foods=None): if foods is None: raise Exception('Empty meal!') assert isinstance(foods, (list, tuple)) foods = set(foods) if ''.join(foods).replace(' ', '') == '': raise Exception('Empty meal!') mealid = self.new_uid('meals') now = now_stamp = int(now.timestamp()) now_string = now.strftime(STRFTIME) self.normalized_query('INSERT INTO meals VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [mealid, now_stamp, now_string]) for food in foods: self.normalized_query('INSERT INTO meal_foods VALUES(?, ?)', [mealid, food]) self.sql.commit() foods = ', '.join(foods) print('Added meal %s at %s with %s' % (mealid, now_string, foods)) return mealid def adjust_timestamp(self, mealid, adjustment): ''' Move a certain meal by `adjustment` seconds. This is useful when you need to report a meal that happened a while ago, rather than the current timestamp. ''' meal = self.get_meal_by_id(mealid) mealid = meal[SQL_MEAL_ID] meal_time = meal[SQL_MEAL_CREATED] meal_time += adjustment time_string = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(meal_time).strftime(STRFTIME) self.normalized_query('UPDATE meals SET created=?, human=? WHERE id=?', [meal_time, time_string, mealid]) self.sql.commit() print('Adjusted %s to %s' % (mealid, time_string)) def normalized_query(self, query, bindings): nbindings = [] for binding in bindings: if isinstance(binding, str): nbindings.append(binding.lower()) continue nbindings.append(binding) self.cur.execute(query, nbindings) def get_foods_for_meal(self, mealid): meal = self.get_meal_by_id(mealid) mealid = meal[SQL_MEAL_ID] self.normalized_query('SELECT food FROM meal_foods WHERE mealid == ?', [mealid]) items = self.cur.fetchall() items = [item[0] for item in items] return items def get_meal_by_id(self, mealid): if len(mealid) == UID_CHARACTERS: meal_q = mealid self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM meals WHERE id == ?', [meal_q]) else: meal_q = mealid + '%' self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM meals WHERE id LIKE ?', [meal_q]) items = self.cur.fetchall() if len(items) > 1: items = [str(item) for item in items] items = '\n'.join(items) raise Exception('Found multiple meals for id "%s"\n%s' % (meal_q, items)) if len(items) == 0: raise Exception('Found no meal for id "%s"' % (meal_q)) meal = items[0] return meal def group(self, food, groupname): ''' Insert `food` into the foodgroup `groupname`. This is used for organization, normalization, and creating dietary reports. ''' self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM food_groups WHERE food == ?', [food]) belongs = self.cur.fetchone() if groupname is None: self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM food_groups where foodgroup == ?', [food]) contains = self.cur.fetchall() if belongs is not None: print('"%s" belongs to group "%s".' % (food, belongs[1])) else: print('"%s" is not in any group.' % (food)) if contains is not None and len(contains) > 0: contains = [x[0] for x in contains] contains = [repr(x) for x in contains] contains = ', '.join(contains) print('The "%s" group contains: %s' % (food, contains)) return if belongs is not None: raise Exception('"%s" is already in group "%s"' % (f[0], f[1])) self.normalized_query('INSERT INTO food_groups VALUES(?, ?)', [food, groupname]) self.sql.commit() print('Added "%s" to group "%s"' % (food, groupname)) def new_uid(self, table): ''' Create a new UID that is unique to the given table. ''' result = None query = 'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE id == ?'.format(table=table) while result is None: i = uid() # Just gotta be sure, man. self.normalized_query(query, [i]) if self.cur.fetchone() is None: result = i return result def remove_meal(self, mealid): meal = self.get_meal_by_id(mealid) mealid = meal[SQL_MEAL_ID] self.normalized_query('DELETE FROM meals WHERE id == ?', [mealid]) self.normalized_query('DELETE FROM meal_foods WHERE mealid == ?', [mealid]) self.sql.commit() print('Removed meal %s' % (mealid)) def show_meal(self, mealid): ''' Display: id timestamp foods for the meal with the given ID. ''' meal = self.get_meal_by_id(mealid) foods = self.get_foods_for_meal(mealid) print(meal[SQL_MEAL_ID]) print(meal[SQL_MEAL_HUMAN]) foods = ', '.join(foods) print(foods) def show_recent(self, count=RECENT_COUNT): ''' Display: id : timestamp : foods for the `count` most recent meals. If count is "all" or "*", show ALL meals. ''' if count in ('all', '*'): self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM meals ORDER BY created DESC', []) else: self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM meals ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT ?', [count]) meals = self.cur.fetchall() output = [] for meal in meals: mealid = meal[SQL_MEAL_ID] human = meal[SQL_MEAL_HUMAN] foods = self.get_foods_for_meal(mealid) foods = ', '.join(foods) output.append('%s : %s : %s' % (mealid, human, foods)) output = '\n'.join(output) print(output) def ungroup(self, food): ''' Remove `food` from whatever group it is in. ''' self.normalized_query('SELECT * FROM food_groups WHERE food == ?', [food]) f = self.cur.fetchone() if f is None: raise Exception('"%s" is not part of a group' % (food)) groupname = f[1] self.normalized_query('DELETE FROM food_groups WHERE food == ?', [food]) self.sql.commit() print('Removed "%s" from group "%s"' % (food, groupname)) if __name__ == '__main__': mealdb = MealDB() args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: command = '' else: command = args[0].lower() if command == 'add': args = args[1:] elif command == 'adjust': mealid = args[1] adjustment = args[2] adjustment = eval(adjustment) mealdb.adjust_timestamp(mealid, adjustment) quit() elif command == 'group': food = args[1] groupname = listget(args, 2, None), groupname) quit() elif command == 'recent': count = listget(args, 1, RECENT_COUNT) mealdb.show_recent(count) quit() elif command == 'remove': mealids = args[1] mealids = mealids.replace(' ', '') mealids = mealids.split(',') for mealid in mealids: mealdb.remove_meal(mealid) quit() elif command == 'show': mealid = args[1] mealdb.show_meal(mealid) quit() elif command == 'ungroup': food = args[1] mealdb.ungroup(food) quit() else: print(HELP_TEXT) quit() args = ' '.join(args) if ';' in args: (args, adjustment) = args.split(';') adjustment = adjustment.strip() adjustment = eval(adjustment) else: adjustment = 0 args = args.strip() args = args.split(',') args = [food.strip() for food in args] meal = mealdb.add_meal(args) if adjustment != 0: mealdb.adjust_timestamp(meal, adjustment) quit()