import argparse import math import PIL.Image import PIL.ImageDraw import sys def choose_guideline_style(guideline_mod): if guideline_mod % 16 == 0: return ('#1f32ff', 3) if guideline_mod % 8 == 0: return ('#80f783', 2) if guideline_mod % 4 == 0: return ('#f4bffb', 1) def in_ellipsoid(x, y, z, rad_x, rad_y, rad_z, center_x=None, center_y=None, center_z=None): ''' Given a point (x, y, z), return whether that point lies inside the ellipsoid defined by (x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 = 1 ''' if center_x is None: center_x = rad_x if center_y is None: center_y = rad_y if center_z is None: center_z = rad_z #print(x, y, z, rad_x, rad_y, rad_z, center_x, center_y, center_z) x = ((x - center_x) / rad_x) ** 2 y = ((y - center_y) / rad_y) ** 2 z = ((z - center_z) / rad_z) ** 2 distance = x + y + z #print(distance) return distance < 1 def voxelspheregenerator(WIDTH, HEIGH, DEPTH, WALL_THICKNESS=None, specific=None): ODD_W = WIDTH % 2 == 1 ODD_H = HEIGH % 2 == 1 ODD_D = DEPTH % 2 == 1 RAD_X = WIDTH / 2 RAD_Y = HEIGH / 2 RAD_Z = DEPTH / 2 if WALL_THICKNESS: INNER_RAD_X = RAD_X - WALL_THICKNESS INNER_RAD_Y = RAD_Y - WALL_THICKNESS INNER_RAD_Z = RAD_Z - WALL_THICKNESS X_CENTER = {WIDTH // 2} if ODD_W else {WIDTH // 2, (WIDTH // 2) - 1} Y_CENTER = {HEIGH // 2} if ODD_H else {HEIGH // 2, (HEIGH // 2) - 1} Z_CENTER = {DEPTH // 2} if ODD_D else {DEPTH // 2, (DEPTH // 2) - 1} layer_digits = len(str(DEPTH)) filename_form = '{w}x{h}x{d}w{wall}-{{layer:0{digits}}}.png' filename_form = filename_form.format( w=WIDTH, h=HEIGH, d=DEPTH, wall=WALL_THICKNESS if WALL_THICKNESS else 0, digits=layer_digits, ) dot_highlight ='dot_highlight.png') dot_normal ='dot_normal.png') dot_corner ='dot_corner.png') pixel_scale = dot_highlight.size[0] # Space between each pixel PIXEL_MARGIN = 7 # Space between the pixel area and the canvas PIXELSPACE_MARGIN = 2 # Space between the canvas area and the image edge CANVAS_MARGIN = 2 LABEL_HEIGH = 20 FINAL_IMAGE_SCALE = 1 PIXELSPACE_WIDTH = (WIDTH * pixel_scale) + ((WIDTH - 1) * PIXEL_MARGIN) PIXELSPACE_HEIGH = (HEIGH * pixel_scale) + ((HEIGH - 1) * PIXEL_MARGIN) CANVAS_WIDTH = PIXELSPACE_WIDTH + (2 * PIXELSPACE_MARGIN * pixel_scale) CANVAS_HEIGH = PIXELSPACE_HEIGH + (2 * PIXELSPACE_MARGIN * pixel_scale) IMAGE_WIDTH = CANVAS_WIDTH + (2 * CANVAS_MARGIN * pixel_scale) IMAGE_HEIGH = CANVAS_HEIGH + (2 * CANVAS_MARGIN * pixel_scale) + LABEL_HEIGH CANVAS_START_X = CANVAS_MARGIN * pixel_scale CANVAS_START_Y = CANVAS_MARGIN * pixel_scale CANVAS_END_X = CANVAS_START_X + CANVAS_WIDTH CANVAS_END_Y = CANVAS_START_Y + CANVAS_HEIGH PIXELSPACE_START_X = CANVAS_START_X + (PIXELSPACE_MARGIN * pixel_scale) PIXELSPACE_START_Y = CANVAS_START_Y + (PIXELSPACE_MARGIN * pixel_scale) PIXELSPACE_END_X = PIXELSPACE_START_X + PIXELSPACE_WIDTH PIXELSPACE_END_Y = PIXELSPACE_START_Y + PIXELSPACE_HEIGH GUIDELINE_MOD_X = math.ceil(RAD_X) GUIDELINE_MOD_Y = math.ceil(RAD_Y) def pixel_coord(x, y): x = PIXELSPACE_START_X + (x * pixel_scale) + (x * PIXEL_MARGIN) y = PIXELSPACE_START_Y + (y * pixel_scale) + (y * PIXEL_MARGIN) return (x, y) def make_layer_matrix(z): layer_matrix = [[None for y in range(math.ceil(RAD_Y))] for x in range(math.ceil(RAD_X))] # Generate the upper left corner. furthest_x = RAD_X furthest_y = RAD_Y for y in range(math.ceil(RAD_Y)): for x in range(math.ceil(RAD_X)): ux = x + 0.5 uy = y + 0.5 uz = z + 0.5 within = in_ellipsoid(ux, uy, uz, RAD_X, RAD_Y, RAD_Z) if WALL_THICKNESS: in_hole = in_ellipsoid( ux, uy, uz, INNER_RAD_X, INNER_RAD_Y, INNER_RAD_Z, RAD_X, RAD_Y, RAD_Z ) within = within and not in_hole if within: if x in X_CENTER or y in Y_CENTER: if z in Z_CENTER: dot = dot_normal else: dot = dot_highlight else: if z in Z_CENTER: dot = dot_highlight else: dot = dot_normal layer_matrix[x][y] = dot furthest_x = min(x, furthest_x) furthest_y = min(y, furthest_y) #layer_image.paste(dot, box=(pixel_coord_x, pixel_coord_y)) # Mark the corner pieces furthest_y = math.floor(furthest_y) for y in range(furthest_y, math.ceil(RAD_Y-1)): for x in range(furthest_x, math.ceil(RAD_X-1)): is_corner = ( layer_matrix[x][y] is not None and layer_matrix[x-1][y+1] is not None and layer_matrix[x+1][y-1] is not None and ( # Outer corners (layer_matrix[x][y-1] is None and layer_matrix[x-1][y] is None) or # Inner corners, if hollow (layer_matrix[x][y+1] is None and layer_matrix[x+1][y] is None) ) ) if is_corner: layer_matrix[x][y] = dot_corner return layer_matrix def make_layer_image(layer_matrix): layer_image ='RGBA', size=(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGH), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) draw = PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw(layer_image) # Plot. LABEL_Y = (2 * math.ceil(RAD_Y)) for y in range(math.ceil(RAD_Y)): bottom_y = (HEIGH - 1) - y for x in range(math.ceil(RAD_X)): right_x = (WIDTH - 1) - x if layer_matrix[x][y] is not None: layer_image.paste(layer_matrix[x][y], box=pixel_coord(x, y)) layer_image.paste(layer_matrix[x][y], box=pixel_coord(right_x, y)) layer_image.paste(layer_matrix[x][y], box=pixel_coord(x, bottom_y)) layer_image.paste(layer_matrix[x][y], box=pixel_coord(right_x, bottom_y)) # Draw the counting helpers along the bottom. # Start at the center top of the circle and walk along the edge. # Every time the walker 'falls' down, mark the distance. def put_counterhelper(start_x, end_x, y): if start_x > end_x: return y = (HEIGH + 1) - y span = end_x - start_x center = start_x + 1 draw.text(pixel_coord(center, y), str(span), fill='#000') y = 0 x = math.floor(RAD_X) - 1 end_x = x start_y = None while x >= y and y < RAD_Y: #print(x, y, start_y) pixel = layer_matrix[x][y] if pixel is None: y += 1 if x != end_x: put_counterhelper(x, end_x, y) if start_y is None: start_y = y else: put_counterhelper(x, end_x, start_y) end_x = x continue x -= 1 y += 1 put_counterhelper(x, end_x, y) # To draw the guidelines, start from for x in range(GUIDELINE_MOD_X % 4, WIDTH + 4, 4): # Vertical guideline as_if = GUIDELINE_MOD_X - x #print(x, as_if) line_x = PIXELSPACE_START_X + (x * pixel_scale) + (x * PIXEL_MARGIN) line_x = line_x - PIXEL_MARGIN + (PIXEL_MARGIN // 2) if line_x >= PIXELSPACE_END_X: continue (color, width) = choose_guideline_style(as_if) draw.line((line_x, CANVAS_START_Y, line_x, CANVAS_END_Y - 1), fill=color, width=width) draw.text((line_x, CANVAS_END_X), str(x), fill='#000') for y in range(GUIDELINE_MOD_Y % 4, HEIGH + 4, 4): # Horizontal guideline as_if = GUIDELINE_MOD_Y - y #print(y, as_if) line_y = PIXELSPACE_START_Y + (y * pixel_scale) + (y * PIXEL_MARGIN) line_y = line_y - PIXEL_MARGIN + (PIXEL_MARGIN // 2) if line_y >= PIXELSPACE_END_Y: continue (color, width) = choose_guideline_style(as_if) draw.line((CANVAS_START_X, line_y, CANVAS_END_X - 1, line_y), fill=color, width=width) draw.text((CANVAS_END_X, line_y), str(y), fill='#000') draw.rectangle((CANVAS_START_X, CANVAS_START_Y, CANVAS_END_X - 1, CANVAS_END_Y - 1), outline='#000') draw.text((CANVAS_START_X, IMAGE_HEIGH - LABEL_HEIGH), layer_filename, fill='#000') print(layer_filename) if FINAL_IMAGE_SCALE != 1: layer_image = layer_image.resize((FINAL_IMAGE_SCALE * IMAGE_WIDTH, FINAL_IMAGE_SCALE * IMAGE_HEIGH)) return layer_image if specific is None: zrange = range(DEPTH) elif isinstance(specific, int): zrange = [specific] else: zrange = specific layer_matrices = [] for z in zrange: if z < math.ceil(RAD_Z): layer_matrix = make_layer_matrix(z) layer_matrices.append(layer_matrix) else: layer_matrix = layer_matrices[(DEPTH - 1) - z] layer_filename = filename_form.format(layer=z) layer_image = make_layer_image(layer_matrix) def voxelsphere_argparse(args): height_depth_match = bool(args.height) == bool(args.depth) if not height_depth_match: raise ValueError('Must provide both or neither of height+depth. Not just one.') if (args.height is args.depth is None): args.height = args.width args.depth = args.width wall_thickness = int(args.wall_thickness) if args.wall_thickness else None specific = int(args.specific) if args.specific else None voxelspheregenerator( WIDTH=int(args.width), HEIGH=int(args.height), DEPTH=int(args.depth), WALL_THICKNESS=wall_thickness, specific=specific, ) def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('width') parser.add_argument('height', nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('depth', nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('--wall', dest='wall_thickness', default=None) parser.add_argument('--specific', dest='specific', default=None) parser.set_defaults(func=voxelsphere_argparse) args = parser.parse_args(argv) return args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))