Dodgy ======== Get chased by exclamators. Collect candies to get bombs. Blow up exclamators. Repeat ![Screenshot](/../master/.GitImages/Dodgy00.png?raw=true) ![Screenshot](/../master/.GitImages/Dodgy01.png?raw=true) Ideas for later: Smokescreen pickup: Exclamators cannot detect player. Will wander randomly for 5-10 steps Gold candy: Special candy which gives quadruple points. Is invisible, flashes every 5 steps, relocates if not found fast enough Hats. Enemies spawn in larger numbers as the game goes on Enemies move faster as the game goes on Randomzied walls in the middle of the arena Arena walls may be boobytrapped. Running alongside a wall may result in death/stun to disincentivize this tactic Save game scores in db Exclamators should not be able to fall into the same tile Hats. Sound Stop using tkinter like a caveman