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Use it to determine # what type of SpinalError has occured. class SpinalError(Exception): def __init__(self, err, desc): super(SpinalError, self) self.description = desc def copyfile(src, dst, overwrite=True, callbackfunction=None): ''' Copy a file from src to dst. src : the file to copy. dst : the filename of the new copy. overwrite : if True, copy src to dst even if dst already exists. else, do nothing. default = True callbackfunction : if provided, this function will be called after writing each CHUNKSIZE bytes to dst with three parameters: name of file being copied, number of bytes written so far, total number of bytes needed. default = None RETURN : [dst filename, number of bytes written to dst] ''' src = os.path.abspath(src) dst = os.path.abspath(dst) if not os.path.isfile(src): raise SpinalError("Source file is not a file: %s" % src, EXC_SRCNOTFILE) totalbytes = os.path.getsize(src) dstexists = os.path.exists(dst) if dstexists and overwrite is False: if callbackfunction is not None: callbackfunction(dst, totalbytes, totalbytes) return [dst, totalbytes] elif dstexists: src_modtime = os.path.getmtime(src) dst_modtime = os.path.getmtime(dst) if src_modtime == dst_modtime: if callbackfunction is not None: callbackfunction(dst, totalbytes, totalbytes) return [dst, totalbytes] writtenbytes = 0 srcfile = open(src, 'rb') dstfile = open(dst, 'wb') while True: filedata = srcfile.read(CHUNKSIZE) datasize = len(filedata) if datasize == 0: break dstfile.write(filedata) writtenbytes += datasize if callbackfunction is not None: callbackfunction(dst, writtenbytes, totalbytes) srcfile.close() dstfile.close() shutil.copystat(src, dst) return [dst, writtenbytes] def copydir(srcdir, dstdir, overwrite=True, precalcsize=False, callbackfunction=None, callbackfile=None): ''' Copy all of the contents from srcdir to dstdir, including subdirectories. srcdir : the directory which will be copied. dstdir : the directory in which copied files are placed. overwrite : if True, overwrite any files in dstdir with the copies from srcdir should they already exist. else, ignore them. default = True precalcsize : if True, calculate the size of srcdir before beginning the operation. This number can be used in the callbackfunction. else, callbackfunction will receive written bytes as total bytes. default = False callbackfunction : if provided, this function will be called after each file copy with three parameters: name of file copied, number of bytes written to dstdir so far, total bytes needed (from precalcsize). default = None callbackfile : will be passed into each individual copyfile() as the callbackfunction for that file. default = None RETURN : [dstdir path, number of bytes written to dstdir] ''' srcdir = os.path.abspath(srcdir) dstdir = os.path.abspath(dstdir) if dstdir.startswith(srcdir): raise SpinalError("Will not copy a dir into itself %s" % dstdir, EXC_RECURDIR) if os.path.isfile(srcdir): raise SpinalError("Destination dir is a file: %s" % dstdir, EXC_SRCNOTDIR) if precalcsize is True: totalbytes = getdirsize(srcdir) else: totalbytes = 0 walker = os.walk(srcdir) writtenbytes = 0 for step in walker: # (path, [dirs], [files]) srcpath = step[0] dstpath = srcpath.replace(srcdir, dstdir) files = step[2] if not os.path.exists(dstpath): os.makedirs(dstpath) for filename in files: srcfile = os.path.join(srcpath, filename) dstfile = os.path.join(dstpath, filename) copied = copyfile(srcfile, dstfile, overwrite=overwrite, callbackfunction=callbackfile) copiedname = copied[0] writtenbytes += copied[1] if callbackfunction is None: continue if totalbytes == 0: # precalcsize was not used. Just report the written bytes callbackfunction(copiedname, writtenbytes, writtenbytes) else: # provide the precalcsize callbackfunction(copiedname, writtenbytes, totalbytes) return [dstdir, writtenbytes] def getdirsize(srcdir): ''' Using os.walk, return the total number of bytes this directory contains, including all subdirectories. ''' srcdir = os.path.abspath(srcdir) if not os.path.isdir(srcdir): raise SpinalError("Source dir is not a directory: %s" % srcdir, EXC_SRCNOTDIR) totalbytes = 0 walker = os.walk(srcdir) for step in walker: # (path, [dirs], [files]) path = step[0] files = step[2] for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(path, filename) totalbytes += os.path.getsize(fpath) return totalbytes def cb(filename, written, total): ''' Example of a callbackfunction. Prints the number of bytes written, total bytes needed, and percentage so far. ''' name = os.path.basename(filename) if written >= total: ends = '\n' else: ends = '\n' percentage = (100 * written) / total percentage = '%03.3f' % percentage written = '{:,}'.format(written) total = '{:,}'.format(total) written = (' '*(len(total)-len(written))) + written status = '%s %s / %s (%s)\r' % (name, written, total, percentage) print(status, end=ends)