import sys from PIL import Image as PILImage import random import string ARGS_ENCODE = ['encode', 'save', 'write'] ARGS_DECODE = ['decode', 'read'] # Alternate operation names for commandline use. def png_filename(filename): if filename[-4:].lower() != '.png': filename += '.png' return filename def encode_character(text, densitymin=0, densitymax=300): ''' Given a character, take its ord() value and return an RGB pixel representation. The RGB channels will become the ord value, a number lower than the ord value, and a number higher than the ord value, though the order will be randomized. `densitymin` and `densitymax` control how much lower and higher the additional values will be relative to the ord value, in %. Returns a tuple (R,G,B) ''' densitymin = abs(densitymin) densitymax = abs(densitymax) asciivalue = ord(text) percentmin = int((asciivalue * densitymin) / 100) percentmax = int((asciivalue * densitymax) / 100) lowerfill = random.randint(asciivalue - percentmax, asciivalue - percentmin) upperfill = random.randint(asciivalue + percentmin, asciivalue + percentmax) lowerfill = max(0, lowerfill) upperfill = min(255, upperfill) rgb = [lowerfill, asciivalue, upperfill] random.shuffle(rgb) return tuple(rgb) def encode_string(text, densitymin=0, densitymax=300): ''' Given a string `text`, map each character to an RGB pixel, and return these pixels so they can be written to a file. `densitymin` and `densitymax` are passed to encode_character Returns a list where [0] is (width,height), [1] is a dict of pixels: {(x,y) : (R,G,B)} ''' text = text.strip() lines = text.split('\n') encoded_height = len(lines) encoded_width = max([len(line) for line in lines]) encoded_pixels = {} for y in range(encoded_height): line = lines[y] for x in range(len(line)): character = line[x] pixel = encode_character(character, densitymin, densitymax) encoded_pixels[(x,y)] = pixel dim = (encoded_width, encoded_height) out = [dim, encoded_pixels] return out def write_pixels(dimout, filename): ''' Given pixel data of the form returned by `encode_string()`, write it to a PNG file named `filename`. ''' filename = png_filename(filename) dim = dimout[0] encoded_pixels = dimout[1] image ='RGBA', dim) for pixel in encoded_pixels: image.putpixel(pixel, encoded_pixels[pixel]) ############################################################################## def decode_pixel(pixel): ''' Given a tuple (R,G,B), return the decoded text character. The character is the str() for the middle value of the tuple. ("middle" referring to numeric value, not index) ''' pixel = sorted(list(pixel)) character = chr(pixel[1]) return character def decode_image(image): ''' Given an image, return the decoded string `image` may be a string representing the filename or a PIL Image object ''' if isinstance(image, str): if image[-4:].lower() != '.png': image += '.png' image = png_filename(image) image = width = image.size[0] height = image.size[1] decoded_string = '' for y in range(height): for x in range(width): pixel = image.getpixel((x,y)) if pixel[3] == 0: break decoded_string += decode_pixel(pixel) decoded_string += '\n' decoded_string = decoded_string.strip() return decoded_string def argsfail(): print('\ninvalid parameters.') print('> encode text filename') print('> decode filename') quit() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: argsfail() op = sys.argv[1].lower() if op in ARGS_ENCODE and len(sys.argv) == 4: text = sys.argv[2] if text[-4:].lower() == '.txt': try: tfile = open(text, 'r') text = tfile.close() except FileNotFoundError: pass filename = sys.argv[3] pixels = encode_string(text) write_pixels(pixels, filename) print('Done.') elif op in ARGS_DECODE and len(sys.argv) == 3: filename = sys.argv[2] print(decode_image(filename)) else: argsfail()