135 lines
3.6 KiB
135 lines
3.6 KiB
import math
FILE_READ_CHUNK = 512 * 1024
def chunk_sequence(sequence, chunk_length, allow_incomplete=True):
Given a sequence, divide it into sequences of length `chunk_length`.
If True, allow the final chunk to be shorter if the
given sequence is not an exact multiple of `chunk_length`.
If False, the incomplete chunk will be discarded.
(complete, leftover) = divmod(len(sequence), chunk_length)
if not allow_incomplete:
leftover = 0
chunk_count = complete + min(leftover, 1)
chunks = []
for x in range(chunk_count):
left = chunk_length * x
right = left + chunk_length
return chunks
def comma_split(s):
Split the string apart by commas, discarding all extra whitespace and
blank phrases.
if s is None:
return s
s = s.replace(' ', ',')
s = [x.strip() for x in s.split(',')]
s = [x for x in s if x]
return s
def edit_params(original, modifications):
Given a dictionary representing URL parameters,
apply the modifications and return a URL parameter string.
{'a':1, 'b':2}, {'b':3} => ?a=1&b=3
new_params = original.copy()
if not new_params:
return ''
new_params = ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in new_params.items() if v]
new_params = '&'.join(new_params)
if new_params:
new_params = '?' + new_params
return new_params
def fit_into_bounds(image_width, image_height, frame_width, frame_height):
Given the w+h of the image and the w+h of the frame,
return new w+h that fits the image into the frame
while maintaining the aspect ratio.
ratio = min(frame_width/image_width, frame_height/image_height)
new_width = int(image_width * ratio)
new_height = int(image_height * ratio)
return (new_width, new_height)
def hms_to_seconds(hms):
Convert hh:mm:ss string to an integer seconds.
hms = hms.split(':')
seconds = 0
if len(hms) == 3:
seconds += int(hms[0])*3600
if len(hms) == 2:
seconds += int(hms[0])*60
if len(hms) == 1:
seconds += int(hms[0])
return seconds
def is_xor(*args):
Return True if and only if one arg is truthy.
return [bool(a) for a in args].count(True) == 1
def read_filebytes(filepath, range_min, range_max):
Yield chunks of bytes from the file between the endpoints.
range_span = range_max - range_min
#print('read span', range_min, range_max, range_span)
f = open(filepath, 'rb')
sent_amount = 0
with f:
while sent_amount < range_span:
chunk = f.read(FILE_READ_CHUNK)
if len(chunk) == 0:
yield chunk
sent_amount += len(chunk)
def seconds_to_hms(seconds):
Convert integer number of seconds to an hh:mm:ss string.
Only the necessary fields are used.
seconds = math.ceil(seconds)
(minutes, seconds) = divmod(seconds, 60)
(hours, minutes) = divmod(minutes, 60)
parts = []
if hours: parts.append(hours)
if minutes: parts.append(minutes)
hms = ':'.join('%02d' % part for part in parts)
return hms
def truthystring(s):
if isinstance(s, (bool, int)) or s is None:
return s
s = s.lower()
if s in {'1', 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on'}:
return True
if s in {'null', 'none'}:
return None
return False