import mimetypes import os import re import tempfile import urllib.parse import uuid import zipfile import bs4 import tinycss2 from voussoirkit import pathclass MIMETYPE_CONTENT = 'application/epub+zip' HTML_LINK_PROPERTIES = { 'a': ['href'], 'audio': ['src'], 'image': ['href', 'xlink:href'], 'img': ['src'], 'link': ['href'], 'script': ['src'], 'source': ['src'], 'track': ['src'], 'video': ['src', 'poster'], } EXTENSION_MIMETYPES = { 'html': 'application/xhtml+xml', 'xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml', 'htm': 'application/xhtml+xml', 'smi': 'application/smil+xml', 'smil': 'application/smil+xml', 'sml': 'application/smil+xml', 'pls': 'application/pls+xml', 'otf': 'font/otf', 'ttf': 'font/ttf', 'woff': 'font/woff', 'woff2': 'font/woff2', } MIMETYPE_DIRECTORIES = { 'application/x-dtbncx+xml': '.', 'application/font-sfnt': 'Fonts', 'application/xhtml+xml': 'Text', 'font': 'Fonts', 'image': 'Images', 'text/css': 'Styles', 'audio': 'Audio', 'video': 'Video', } MIMETYPE_FILE_TEMPLATE = 'application/epub+zip' CONTAINER_XML_TEMPLATE = ''' '''.strip() OPF_TEMPLATE = ''' {uuid} author aut title und '''.strip() NCX_TEMPLATE = ''' Unknown '''.strip() NAV_XHTML_TEMPLATE = ''' '''.strip() TEXT_TEMPLATE = ''' {head_content} {body_content} '''.strip() def compress_epub(directory, epub_filepath): directory = pathclass.Path(directory) epub_filepath = pathclass.Path(epub_filepath) if epub_filepath in directory: raise ValueError('Epub inside its own directory') if epub_filepath.extension != 'epub': epub_filepath = epub_filepath.add_extension('epub') with zipfile.ZipFile(epub_filepath.absolute_path, 'w') as z: z.write(directory.with_child('mimetype').absolute_path, arcname='mimetype') for file in directory.walk(): if file in [directory.with_child('mimetype'), directory.with_child('sigil.cfg')]: continue z.write( file.absolute_path, arcname=file.relative_to(directory), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, ) return epub_filepath def extract_epub(epub_filepath, directory): epub_filepath = pathclass.Path(epub_filepath) directory = pathclass.Path(directory) with zipfile.ZipFile(epub_filepath.absolute_path, 'r') as z: z.extractall(directory.absolute_path) def fix_xhtml(xhtml, return_soup=False): if isinstance(xhtml, bs4.BeautifulSoup): soup = xhtml else: # For the text pages, html5lib is the best because html.parser and lxml # lowercase all attributes, breaking svg's case-sensitive viewBox etc. # and xml loses all of the namespaces when namespaced elements are nested # like . # The downside of html5lib is it turns the xml declaration at the top # into a comment which we must undo manually. soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(xhtml, 'html5lib') if not soup.html: html = soup.new_tag('html') for child in list(soup.contents): html.append(child) soup.append(html) if not soup.html.body: body = soup.new_tag('body') for child in list(soup.html.contents): body.append(child) soup.html.append(body) if not soup.html.get('xmlns'): soup.html['xmlns'] = '' try: doctype = next(i for i in soup.contents if isinstance(i, bs4.Doctype)) except StopIteration: doctype = bs4.Doctype('html') soup.html.insert_before(doctype) # html5lib turns the xml declaration into a comment which we must revert. try: if isinstance(soup.contents[0], bs4.Comment): declaration = bs4.Declaration('xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"') soup.insert(0, declaration) except StopIteration: pass try: declaration = next(i for i in soup.contents if isinstance(i, bs4.Declaration)) except StopIteration: declaration = bs4.Declaration('xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"') doctype.insert_before(declaration) if return_soup: return soup return str(soup) def get_directory_for_mimetype(mime): directory = ( MIMETYPE_DIRECTORIES.get(mime) or MIMETYPE_DIRECTORIES.get(mime.split('/')[0]) or 'Misc' ) return directory def get_mimetype_for_basename(basename): extension = os.path.splitext(basename)[1].strip('.') mime = ( EXTENSION_MIMETYPES.get(extension) or mimetypes.guess_type(basename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' ) return mime def make_manifest_item(id, href, mime): manifest_item = f'' # 'html.parser' just for having the simplest output. manifest_item = bs4.BeautifulSoup(manifest_item, 'html.parser') return manifest_item.item def make_meta_item(content=None, attrs=None): if content: meta_item = f'{content}' else: meta_item = f'' meta_item = bs4.BeautifulSoup(meta_item, 'html.parser') if attrs: meta_item.attrs.update(attrs) return meta_item.meta def make_spine_item(id): spine_item = f'' # 'html.parser' just for having the simplest output. spine_item = bs4.BeautifulSoup(spine_item, 'html.parser') return spine_item.itemref class EpubfileException(Exception): error_message = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.given_args = args self.given_kwargs = kwargs self.error_message = self.error_message.format(*args, **kwargs) self.args = (self.error_message, args, kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.error_message class FileExists(EpubfileException): error_message = 'There is already a file at {}.' class IDExists(EpubfileException): error_message = 'There is already a file with id {}.' class NotInManifest(EpubfileException): error_message = '{} is not in the manifest.' class NotInSpine(EpubfileException): error_message = '{} is not in the spine.' class Epub: def __init__(self, directory): if isinstance(directory, tempfile.TemporaryDirectory): self._tempdir_reference = directory directory = self.root_directory = pathclass.Path(directory, force_sep='/') self.opf_filepath = None self.opf = None self.read_opf(self.get_opfs()[0]) def __repr__(self): return f'Epub({repr(self.root_directory.absolute_path)})' def assert_file_not_exists(self, filepath): if filepath.exists: existing = filepath.relative_to(self.opf_filepath.parent) raise FileExists(existing) def assert_id_not_exists(self, id): if self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'id': id}): raise IDExists(id) # LOADING AND SAVING ############################################################################ @classmethod def new(cls): def writefile(filepath, content): os.makedirs(filepath.parent.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) with open(filepath.absolute_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as handle: handle.write(content) uid = uuid.uuid4().urn tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='epubfile-') root = pathclass.Path( writefile(root.join('mimetype'), MIMETYPE_FILE_TEMPLATE) writefile(root.join('META-INF/container.xml'), CONTAINER_XML_TEMPLATE) writefile(root.join('OEBPS/content.opf'), OPF_TEMPLATE.format(uuid=uid)) writefile(root.join('OEBPS/toc.ncx'), NCX_TEMPLATE.format(uuid=uid)) writefile(root.join('OEBPS/Text/nav.xhtml'), NAV_XHTML_TEMPLATE) return cls(tempdir) @classmethod def open(cls, epub_filepath): extract_to = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='epubfile-') extract_epub(epub_filepath, return cls(extract_to) def save(self, epub_filepath): self.write_opf() compress_epub(self.root_directory, epub_filepath) # CONTAINER & OPF ############################################################################ def get_opfs(self): container = self.read_container_xml() rootfiles = container.find_all('rootfile') rootfiles = [x.get('full-path') for x in rootfiles] rootfiles = [self.root_directory.join(x) for x in rootfiles] return rootfiles def read_container_xml(self): container_xml_path = self.root_directory.join('META-INF/container.xml') container = open(container_xml_path.absolute_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') # 'xml' and 'html.parser' seem about even here except that html.parser doesn't self-close. container = bs4.BeautifulSoup(container, 'xml') return container def read_opf(self, rootfile): rootfile = pathclass.Path(rootfile, force_sep='/') rootfile_xml = open(rootfile.absolute_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() # 'html.parser' preserves namespacing the best, but unfortunately it # botches the items because it wants them to be self-closing # and the string contents come out. We will fix in just a moment. # This is still preferable to 'xml' which handles the dc: prefixes when # parsing only the metadata block, but loses all namespaces when parsing # the whole doc. 'lxml' wraps the content in and also # botches the metas so it's not any better than html.parser. self.opf = bs4.BeautifulSoup(rootfile_xml, 'html.parser') # Let's fix those metas. metas ='meta') for meta in metas: neighbor = if neighbor.parent != meta.parent: break if not isinstance(neighbor, bs4.element.NavigableString): continue meta.append(neighbor.extract().strip()) self.opf_filepath = rootfile return self.opf def write_container_xml(self, container): if isinstance(container, bs4.BeautifulSoup): container = str(container) container_xml_path = self.root_directory.join('META-INF/container.xml') container_xml = open(container_xml_path.absolute_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') container_xml.write(container) def write_opf(self): with open(self.opf_filepath.absolute_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as rootfile: rootfile.write(str(self.opf)) # FILE OPERATIONS ############################################################################ def add_file(self, id, basename, content): self.assert_id_not_exists(id) basename = os.path.basename(basename) mime = get_mimetype_for_basename(basename) directory = get_directory_for_mimetype(mime) directory = self.opf_filepath.parent.with_child(directory) os.makedirs(directory.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) filepath = directory.with_child(basename) self.assert_file_not_exists(filepath) if mime == 'application/xhtml+xml': # bs4 converts bytes to str so this must come before the handle choice. content = fix_xhtml(content) if isinstance(content, str): handle = open(filepath.absolute_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') elif isinstance(content, bytes): handle = open(filepath.absolute_path, 'wb') else: raise TypeError(type(content)) with handle: handle.write(content) href = filepath.relative_to(self.opf_filepath.parent, simple=True) href = urllib.parse.quote(href) manifest_item = make_manifest_item(id, href, mime) self.opf.manifest.append(manifest_item) if mime == 'application/xhtml+xml': spine_item = make_spine_item(id) self.opf.spine.append(spine_item) return id def easy_add_file(self, filepath): filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath) with open(filepath.absolute_path, 'rb') as handle: self.add_file( id=filepath.basename, basename=filepath.basename,, ) def delete_file(self, id): os.remove(self.get_filepath(id).absolute_path) spine_item = self.opf.spine.find('itemref', {'idref': id}) if spine_item: spine_item.extract() manifest_item = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'id': id}) manifest_item.extract() def get_filepath(self, id): href = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'id': id})['href'] filepath = self.opf_filepath.parent.join(href) if not filepath.exists: href = urllib.parse.unquote(href) filepath = self.opf_filepath.parent.join(href) return filepath def open_file(self, id, mode): if mode not in ('r', 'w'): raise ValueError(f'Mode {mode} should be either r or w.') filepath = self.get_filepath(id) mime = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'id': id})['media-type'] is_text = ( mime in ('application/xhtml+xml', 'application/x-dtbncx+xml') or mime.startswith('text/') ) if is_text: handle = open(filepath.absolute_path, mode, encoding='utf-8') else: handle = open(filepath.absolute_path, mode + 'b') return handle def read_file(self, id, *, soup=False): # text vs binary handled by open_file. content = self.open_file(id, 'r').read() if soup and self.get_manifest_item(id)['media-type'] == 'application/xhtml+xml': return fix_xhtml(content, return_soup=True) return content def rename_file(self, id, new_basename=None, *, fix_interlinking=True): if isinstance(id, dict): basename_map = id else: if new_basename is None: raise TypeError('new_basename can be omitted if id is a dict.') basename_map = {id: new_basename} rename_map = {} for (id, new_basename) in basename_map.items(): old_filepath = self.get_filepath(id) new_filepath = old_filepath.parent.with_child(new_basename) if not new_filepath.extension: new_filepath = new_filepath.add_extension(old_filepath.extension) self.assert_file_not_exists(new_filepath) os.rename(old_filepath.absolute_path, new_filepath.absolute_path) rename_map[old_filepath] = new_filepath if fix_interlinking: self.fix_interlinking(rename_map) else: self.fix_interlinking_opf(rename_map) return rename_map def write_file(self, id, content): # text vs binary handled by open_file. if isinstance(content, bs4.BeautifulSoup): content = str(content) with self.open_file(id, 'w') as handle: handle.write(content) # GETTING THINGS ############################################################################ def get_manifest_items(self, filter='', soup=False, spine_order=False): query = f'item{filter}' items = if spine_order: items = {x['id']: x for x in items} ordered_items = [] for spine_id in self.get_spine_order(): ordered_items.append(items.pop(spine_id)) ordered_items.extend(items.values()) items = ordered_items if soup: return items return [x['id'] for x in items] def get_manifest_item(self, id): item = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'id': id}) if not item: raise NotInManifest(id) return item def get_fonts(self, *, soup=False): return self.get_manifest_items( filter='[media-type^="application/font"],[media-type^="font/"]', soup=soup, ) def get_images(self, *, soup=False): return self.get_manifest_items( filter='[media-type^="image/"]', soup=soup, ) def get_media(self, *, soup=False): return self.get_manifest_items( filter='[media-type^="video/"],[media-type^="audio/"]', soup=soup, ) def get_nav(self, *, soup=False): nav = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'properties': 'nav'}) if not nav: return None if soup: return nav return nav['id'] def get_ncx(self, *, soup=False): ncx = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'media-type': 'application/x-dtbncx+xml'}) if not ncx: return None if soup: return ncx return ncx['id'] def get_styles(self, *, soup=False): return self.get_manifest_items( filter='[media-type="text/css"]', soup=soup, ) def get_texts(self, *, soup=False, skip_nav=False): texts = self.get_manifest_items( filter='[media-type="application/xhtml+xml"]', soup=True, spine_order=True, ) if skip_nav: texts = [x for x in texts if x.get('properties') != 'nav'] if soup: return texts return [x['id'] for x in texts] # COVER ############################################################################ def get_cover_image(self, *, soup=False): cover = self.opf.manifest.find('item', {'properties': 'cover-image'}) if cover: return cover if soup else cover['id'] cover = self.opf.metadata.find('meta', {'name': 'cover'}) if cover: return cover if soup else cover['content'] return None def remove_cover_image(self): current_cover = self.get_cover_image(soup=True) if not current_cover: return del current_cover['properties'] meta = self.opf.metadata.find('meta', {'name': 'cover'}) if meta: meta.extract() def set_cover_image(self, id): if id is None: self.remove_cover_image() current_cover = self.get_cover_image(soup=True) if not current_cover: pass elif current_cover['id'] == id: return else: del current_cover['properties'] manifest_item = self.get_manifest_item(id) manifest_item['properties'] = 'cover-image' current_meta = self.opf.metadata.find('meta', {'name': 'cover'}) if current_meta: current_meta[content] = id else: meta = make_meta_item(attrs={'name': 'cover', 'content': id}) self.opf.metadata.append(meta) # SPINE ############################################################################ def get_spine_order(self, *, only_linear=False): items = self.opf.spine.find_all('itemref') if only_linear: items = [x for x in items if x.get('linear') != 'no'] return [x['idref'] for x in items] return ids def set_spine_order(self, ids): manifest_ids = self.get_manifest_items() # Fetch the existing entries so that we can preserve their attributes # while rearranging, only creating new spine entries for ids that aren't # already present. spine_items ='itemref') spine_items = {item['idref']: item for item in spine_items} for id in ids: if id not in manifest_ids: raise NotInManifest(id) if id in spine_items: self.opf.spine.append(spine_items.pop(id)) else: self.opf.spine.append(make_spine_item(id)) # The remainder of the current spine items were not used, so pop them out. for spine_item in spine_items.values(): spine_item.extract() def get_spine_linear(self, id): spine_item = self.opf.spine.find('itemref', {'idref': id}) if not spine_item: raise NotInSpine(id) linear = spine_item.get('linear') linear = {None: None, 'yes': True, 'no': False}.get(linear, linear) return linear def set_spine_linear(self, id, linear): ''' Set linear to yes or no. Or pass None to remove the property. ''' spine_item = self.opf.spine.find('itemref', {'idref': id}) if not spine_item: raise NotInSpine(id) if linear is None: del spine_item['linear'] return if isinstance(linear, str): if linear not in ('yes', 'no'): raise ValueError(f'Linear must be yes or no, not {linear}.') elif isinstance(linear, (bool, int)): linear = {True: 'yes', False: 'no'}[bool(linear)] else: raise TypeError(linear) spine_item['linear'] = linear # METADATA ############################################################################ def get_authors(self): ''' Thank you double_j for showing how to deal with find_all not working on namespaced tags. ''' creators = self.opf.metadata.find_all({'dc:creator'}) creators = [str(c.contents[0]) for c in creators if len(c.contents) == 1] return creators def get_languages(self): languages = self.opf.metadata.find_all({'dc:language'}) languages = [str(l.contents[0]) for l in languages if len(l.contents) == 1] return languages def get_titles(self): titles = self.opf.metadata.find_all({'dc:title'}) titles = [str(t.contents[0]) for t in titles if len(t.contents) == 1] return titles # UTILITIES ############################################################################ def fix_all_xhtml(self): for id in self.get_texts(): self.write_file(id, self.read_file(id, soup=True)) @staticmethod def _fix_interlinking_helper(link, rename_map, relative_to, old_relative_to=None): if link is None: return None link = urllib.parse.urlsplit(link) if link.scheme: return None if old_relative_to is None: old_relative_to = relative_to new_filepath = ( rename_map.get(link.path) or rename_map.get(old_relative_to.join(link.path)) or rename_map.get(old_relative_to.join(urllib.parse.unquote(link.path))) or None ) if new_filepath is None: return None link = link._replace(path=new_filepath.relative_to(relative_to, simple=True)) link = link._replace(path=urllib.parse.quote(link.path)) return link.geturl() @staticmethod def _fix_interlinking_css_helper(tag): links = [] commit = lambda: None if not isinstance(tag, bs4.element.Tag): pass elif == 'style' and tag.contents: style = tinycss2.parse_stylesheet(tag.contents[0]) links = [ token for rule in style if isinstance(rule, tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule) for token in rule.content if isinstance(token, tinycss2.ast.URLToken) ] commit = lambda: tag.contents[0].replace_with(tinycss2.serialize(style)) elif tag.get('style'): style = tinycss2.parse_declaration_list(tag['style']) links = [ token for declaration in style if isinstance(declaration, tinycss2.ast.Declaration) for token in declaration.value if isinstance(token, tinycss2.ast.URLToken) ] commit = lambda: tag.attrs.update(style=tinycss2.serialize(style)) return (links, commit) def fix_interlinking_text(self, id, rename_map, old_relative_to=None): text_parent = self.get_filepath(id).parent soup = self.read_file(id, soup=True) for tag in soup.descendants: for link_property in HTML_LINK_PROPERTIES.get(, []): link = tag.get(link_property) link = self._fix_interlinking_helper(link, rename_map, text_parent, old_relative_to) if not link: continue tag[link_property] = link (style_links, style_commit) = self._fix_interlinking_css_helper(tag) for token in style_links: link = token.value link = self._fix_interlinking_helper(link, rename_map, text_parent, old_relative_to) if not link: continue token.value = link style_commit() text = str(soup) self.write_file(id, text) def fix_interlinking_ncx(self, rename_map, old_relative_to=None): ncx_id = self.get_ncx() if not ncx_id: return ncx_parent = self.get_filepath(ncx_id).parent ncx = self.read_file(ncx_id) # 'xml' because 'lxml' and 'html.parser' lowercase the navPoint tag name. ncx = bs4.BeautifulSoup(ncx, 'xml') for point in'navPoint > content[src]'): link = point['src'] link = self._fix_interlinking_helper(link, rename_map, ncx_parent, old_relative_to) if not link: continue point['src'] = link ncx = str(ncx) self.write_file(ncx_id, ncx) def fix_interlinking_opf(self, rename_map): opf_parent = self.opf_filepath.parent for opf_item in'guide > reference[href], manifest > item[href]'): link = opf_item['href'] link = self._fix_interlinking_helper(link, rename_map, opf_parent) if not link: continue opf_item['href'] = link def fix_interlinking(self, rename_map): self.fix_interlinking_opf(rename_map) for id in self.get_texts(): self.fix_interlinking_text(id, rename_map) self.fix_interlinking_ncx(rename_map) def move_nav_to_end(self): ''' Move the nav.xhtml file to the end and set linear=no. ''' nav = self.get_nav() if not nav: return spine = self.get_spine_order() for (index, id) in enumerate(spine): if id == nav: spine.append(spine.pop(index)) break self.set_spine_order(spine) self.set_spine_linear(nav, False) def normalize_directory_structure(self): # This must come before the opf rewrite because that would affect the # location of all all manifest item hrefs. manifest_items = self.get_manifest_items(soup=True) old_filepaths = {item['id']: self.get_filepath(item['id']) for item in manifest_items} old_ncx = self.get_ncx() try: old_ncx_parent = self.get_filepath(self.get_ncx()).parent except Exception: old_ncx_parent = None if self.opf_filepath.parent == self.root_directory: oebps = self.root_directory.with_child('OEBPS') os.makedirs(oebps.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) self.write_opf() new_opf_path = oebps.with_child(self.opf_filepath.basename) os.rename(self.opf_filepath.absolute_path, new_opf_path.absolute_path) container = self.read_container_xml() rootfile = container.find('rootfile', {'full-path': self.opf_filepath.basename}) rootfile['full-path'] = new_opf_path.relative_to(self.root_directory, simple=True) self.write_container_xml(container) self.opf_filepath = new_opf_path rename_map = {} for manifest_item in manifest_items: old_filepath = old_filepaths[manifest_item['id']] directory = get_directory_for_mimetype(manifest_item['media-type']) directory = self.opf_filepath.parent.with_child(directory) os.makedirs(directory.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) new_filepath = directory.with_child(old_filepath.basename) rename_map[old_filepath] = new_filepath os.rename(old_filepath.absolute_path, new_filepath.absolute_path) manifest_item['href'] = new_filepath.relative_to(self.opf_filepath.parent, simple=True) self.fix_interlinking_opf(rename_map) for id in self.get_texts(): self.fix_interlinking_text(id, rename_map, old_relative_to=old_filepaths[id].parent) self.fix_interlinking_ncx(rename_map, old_relative_to=old_ncx_parent) # COMMAND LINE TOOLS ################################################################################ import argparse import glob import html import random import string import sys from voussoirkit import betterhelp DOCSTRING = ''' {addfile} {covercomesfirst} {holdit} {merge} {normalize} '''.lstrip() SUB_DOCSTRINGS = { 'addfile': ''' addfile: Add files into the book. > addfile book.epub page1.html image.jpg '''.strip(), 'covercomesfirst': ''' covercomesfirst: Rename the cover image file so that it is the alphabetically-first image. > covercomesfirst book.epub I use CBXShell to get thumbnails of epub files on Windows, and because it is generalized for zip files and doesn't read epub metadata, alphabetized mode works best for getting epub covers as icons. In my testing, CBXShell considers the image's whole path and not just the basename, so you may want to consider normalizing the directory structure first, otherwise some /a/image.jpg will always be before /images/cover.jpg. '''.strip(), 'holdit': ''' holdit: Extract the book and leave it open for manual editing, then save. > holdit book.epub ''', 'merge': ''' merge: Merge multiple books into one. > merge book1.epub book2.epub --output final.epub flags: --headerfile: Add a file before each book with an

containing its title. -y | --autoyes: Overwrite the output file without prompting. '''.strip(), 'normalize': ''' normalize: Rename files and directories in the book to match a common structure. Moves all book content from / into /OEBPS and sorts files into subdirectories by type: Text, Images, Styles, etc. > normalize book.epub '''.strip() } DOCSTRING = betterhelp.add_previews(DOCSTRING, SUB_DOCSTRINGS) def random_string(length, characters=string.ascii_lowercase): return ''.join(random.choice(characters) for x in range(length)) def addfile_argparse(args): book = for file in args.files: print(f'Adding file {file}.') file = pathclass.Path(file) try: book.easy_add_file(file) except (IDExists, FileExists) as exc: rand_suffix = random_string(3, string.digits) base = file.replace_extension('').basename id = f'{base}_{rand_suffix}' basename = f'{base}_{rand_suffix}{file.dot_extension}' content = open(file.absolute_path, 'rb').read() book.add_file(id, basename, content) book.move_nav_to_end() def covercomesfirst(book): basenames = {i: book.get_filepath(i).basename for i in book.get_images()} if len(basenames) <= 1: return cover_image = book.get_cover_image() if not cover_image: return cover_basename = book.get_filepath(cover_image).basename cover_index = sorted(basenames.values()).index(cover_basename) if cover_index == 0: return rename_map = basenames.copy() if not cover_basename.startswith('!'): cover_basename = '!' + cover_basename rename_map[cover_image] = cover_basename else: rename_map.pop(cover_image) for (id, basename) in rename_map.copy().items(): if id == cover_image: continue if basename > cover_basename: rename_map.pop(id) continue if basename < cover_basename and basename.startswith('!'): basename = basename.lstrip('!') rename_map[id] = basename if basename < cover_basename or basename.startswith('.'): basename = '_' + basename rename_map[id] = basename book.rename_file(rename_map) def covercomesfirst_argparse(args): epubs = [epub for pattern in args.epubs for epub in glob.glob(pattern)] for epub in epubs: print(epub) book = covercomesfirst(book) def holdit_argparse(args): book = print(book.root_directory.absolute_path) input('Press Enter when ready.') def merge(input_filepaths, output_filename, do_headerfile=False): book = index_length = len(str(len(input_filepaths))) rand_prefix = random_string(3, string.digits) input_filepaths = [pathclass.Path(p) for p in input_filepaths] for (index, input_filepath) in enumerate(input_filepaths): print(f'Merging {input_filepath}.') prefix = f'{rand_prefix}_{index:>0{index_length}}_{{}}' input_book = input_book.normalize_directory_structure() input_ncx = input_book.get_ncx() input_nav = input_book.get_nav() manifest_ids = input_book.get_manifest_items(spine_order=True) manifest_ids = [x for x in manifest_ids if x not in (input_ncx, input_nav)] basename_map = {} for id in manifest_ids: old_basename = input_book.get_filepath(id).basename new_basename = prefix.format(old_basename) basename_map[id] = new_basename # Don't worry, we're not going to save this! input_book.rename_file(basename_map) if do_headerfile: content = '' try: title = input_book.get_titles()[0] except IndexError: title = input_filepath.replace_extension('').basename finally: content += f'


' try: author = input_book.get_authors()[0] content += f'


' except IndexError: pass headerfile_id = prefix.format('headerfile') headerfile_basename = prefix.format('headerfile.html') book.add_file(headerfile_id, headerfile_basename, content) for id in manifest_ids: new_id = f'{rand_prefix}_{index:>0{index_length}}_{id}' new_basename = basename_map[id] book.add_file(new_id, new_basename, input_book.read_file(id)) book.move_nav_to_end() def merge_argparse(args): if os.path.exists(args.output): ok = args.autoyes if not ok: ok = input(f'Overwrite {args.output}? y/n\n>').lower() in ('y', 'yes') if not ok: raise ValueError(f'{args.output} exists.') return merge(input_filepaths=args.epubs, output_filename=args.output, do_headerfile=args.headerfile) def normalize_argparse(args): epubs = [epub for pattern in args.epubs for epub in glob.glob(pattern)] for epub in epubs: print(epub) book = book.normalize_directory_structure() book.move_nav_to_end() @betterhelp.subparser_betterhelp(main_docstring=DOCSTRING, sub_docstrings=SUB_DOCSTRINGS) def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() p_addfile = subparsers.add_parser('addfile') p_addfile.add_argument('epub') p_addfile.add_argument('files', nargs='+', default=[]) p_addfile.set_defaults(func=addfile_argparse) p_covercomesfirst = subparsers.add_parser('covercomesfirst') p_covercomesfirst.add_argument('epubs', nargs='+', default=[]) p_covercomesfirst.set_defaults(func=covercomesfirst_argparse) p_holdit = subparsers.add_parser('holdit') p_holdit.add_argument('epub') p_holdit.set_defaults(func=holdit_argparse) p_merge = subparsers.add_parser('merge') p_merge.add_argument('epubs', nargs='+', default=[]) p_merge.add_argument('--output', dest='output', default=None, required=True) p_merge.add_argument('--headerfile', dest='headerfile', action='store_true') p_merge.add_argument('-y', '--autoyes', dest='autoyes', action='store_true') p_merge.set_defaults(func=merge_argparse) p_normalize = subparsers.add_parser('normalize') p_normalize.add_argument('epubs', nargs='+', default=[]) p_normalize.set_defaults(func=normalize_argparse) args = parser.parse_args(argv) args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))