diff --git a/frontends/etiquette_flask/templates/tags.html b/frontends/etiquette_flask/templates/tags.html
index b39c2d1..f71271e 100644
--- a/frontends/etiquette_flask/templates/tags.html
+++ b/frontends/etiquette_flask/templates/tags.html
@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ h2, h3
{% set parents = specific_tag.get_parents() %}
@@ -171,26 +170,31 @@ h2, h3
{{tag_object.tag_object(tag, link="search_musts", innertext="(+)")}}
{{tag_object.tag_object(tag, link="search_forbids", innertext="(x)")}}
{{tag_object.tag_object(tag, link="info", innertext=qualified_name, with_alt_description=True)-}}
+ {% if '.' in qualified_name -%}
- {{-''-}}
+ >
+ Unlink
+ {%- else -%}
+ {% endif %}
{% if include_synonyms %}
@@ -207,7 +211,9 @@ h2, h3
data-confirm-class="remove_tag_button_perm red_button"
data-cancel-class="remove_tag_button_perm gray_button"
- >Remove
+ >
+ Remove
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@@ -258,141 +264,12 @@ var add_tag_button = document.getElementById('add_tag_button');
var message_area = document.getElementById('message_area');
common.bind_box_to_button(add_tag_textbox, add_tag_button, false);
-function get_all_tag_objects()
-{ return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".tag_object[href^='/tag/']")); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_descendant(tag_name, child_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}\\.${re_escape(child_name)}($|\\.|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_descendants(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}\\.`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_synonym(synonym)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`\\+${re_escape(synonym)}$`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_non_root_tag(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`\\.${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_non_root_tag_and_descendants(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`\\.${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\.|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_root_tag(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`^${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_root_tag_and_descendants(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`^${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\.|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_tag(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}$`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_tag_and_descendants(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\.|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_for_tag_and_synonyms(tag_name)
-{ return get_tag_objects_matching(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}($|\\+)`); }
-function get_tag_objects_matching(regex)
- regex = new RegExp(regex);
- const ret = get_all_tag_objects().filter(tag_object => tag_object.innerText.match(regex));
- return ret;
-function split_exclusive(text, tag_name)
- /*
- Given text="a.b.c.d.e", tag_name"c", return "d.e".
- */
- const regex = `(?:^|\\.)${re_escape(tag_name)}(?:$|\\.)`;
- const splitted = text.split(new RegExp(regex));
- if (splitted.length == 1)
- { return null; }
- const descendantry = splitted.pop();
- return descendantry;
-function split_inclusive(text, tag_name)
- /*
- Given text="a.b.c.d.e", tag_name"c", return "c.d.e".
- */
- const descendantry = split_exclusive(text, tag_name);
- if (descendantry === null)
- { return null; }
- if (descendantry === "")
- { return tag_name; }
- return tag_name + "." + descendantry;
function tag_object_from_li(li)
const tag_objects = li.getElementsByClassName("tag_object");
return tag_objects[tag_objects.length - 1];
-function lift_tag_object(tag_object, from_parent)
- const descendantry = split_exclusive(tag_object.innerText, from_parent);
- const regex = `(^|\\.)${re_escape(from_parent)}\\.`;
- tag_object.innerText = tag_object.innerText.replace(new RegExp(regex), "$1");
- const is_now_root = tag_object.innerText.indexOf(descendantry) == 0;
- if (! is_now_root)
- {
- return;
- }
- const other_parents = get_tag_objects_matching(`\\.${re_escape(descendantry)}$`)
- if (other_parents.length == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- const li = tag_object.closest("li");
- li.parentElement.removeChild(li);
-function re_escape(s)
- // Thank you Pi Marillion.
- // https://stackoverflow.com/a/30851002
- return s.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/g, '\\$&');
-// FORM FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function easybake_form()
const easybake_string = add_tag_textbox.value;
@@ -454,69 +331,6 @@ function remove_synonym_form(event)
return api.tags.remove_synonym(tag_name, synonym, tag_action_callback);
-// CALLBACKS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-function easybake_callback(response)
- tag_action_callback(response);
- if (response.meta.status !== 200)
- {return;}
- for (const data of response.data)
- {
- if (!("action" in data))
- {continue;}
- const action = data.action;
- if (action == "new_tag")
- {
- const tag_name = data.tagname;
- new_tag(tag_name);
- }
- else if (action == "new_synonym")
- {
- const [tag_name, synonym] = data.tagname.split("+");
- new_synonym(tag_name, synonym);
- }
- else if (action == "join_group")
- {
- const [parent_name, child_name] = data.tagname.split(".");
- join_group(parent_name, child_name);
- }
- else if (action == "rename_tag")
- {
- const [rename_from, rename_to] = data.tagname.split("=");
- rename_tag(rename_from, rename_to);
- }
- }
-function delete_tag_callback(response)
- tag_action_callback(response);
- if (response.meta.status !== 200)
- {return;}
- const tag_name = response.data.tagname;
- delete_tag(tag_name);
-function remove_child_callback(response)
- tag_action_callback(response);
- if (response.meta.status !== 200)
- {return;}
- const [parent_name, tag_name] = response.data.tagname.split(".");
- remove_child(parent_name, tag_name);
-function remove_synonym_callback(response)
- tag_action_callback(response);
- if (response.meta.status !== 200)
- {return;}
- const synonym = response.data.synonym;
- remove_synonym(synonym);
function tag_action_callback(response)
let datas = response.data;
@@ -566,216 +380,6 @@ function tag_action_callback(response)
-// UI UPDATERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-function new_tag(tag_name)
- const template = TEMPLATE_TAG_LI.replace(/\{tag_name\}/g, tag_name);
- const new_li = common.html_to_element(template);
- add_buttons_to_li(new_li);
- document.getElementById("tag_list").appendChild(new_li);
- sort_tag_objects();
-function new_synonym(tag_name, synonym)
- for (const tag_object of get_tag_objects_for_tag(tag_name))
- {
- const li = tag_object.closest("li");
- const new_li = li.cloneNode(true);
- tag_object_from_li(new_li).innerText += `+${synonym}`;
- li.parentElement.appendChild(new_li);
- add_buttons_to_li(new_li);
- }
- sort_tag_objects();
-function join_group(parent_name, child_name)
- console.log(parent_name + " " + SPECIFIC_TAG);
- if (parent_name === SPECIFIC_TAG)
- {
- console.log("GO!");
- return new_tag(`${parent_name}.${child_name}`);
- }
- const parent_tags = get_tag_objects_for_tag(parent_name);
- const seen_names = new Set();
- for (child_tag of get_tag_objects_for_tag_and_descendants(child_name))
- {
- const descendantry = split_inclusive(child_tag.innerText, child_name);
- if (seen_names.has(descendantry))
- { break; }
- seen_names.add(descendantry);
- const child_li = child_tag.closest("li");
- for (const parent_tag of parent_tags)
- {
- const parent_li = parent_tag.closest("li");
- const new_li = child_li.cloneNode(true);
- tag_object_from_li(new_li).innerText = parent_tag.innerText + "." + descendantry;
- parent_li.parentElement.appendChild(new_li);
- add_buttons_to_li(new_li);
- }
- }
- for (const tag_object of get_tag_objects_for_root_tag_and_descendants(child_name))
- {
- const li = tag_object.closest("li");
- li.parentElement.removeChild(li);
- }
- sort_tag_objects();
-function rename_tag(rename_from, rename_to)
- if (rename_from == rename_to)
- { return; }
- for (const tag_object of get_all_tag_objects())
- {
- tag_object.innerText = tag_object.innerText.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\\.)${re_escape(rename_from)}($|\\.|\\+)`), `$1${rename_to}$2`);
- }
- sort_tag_objects();
-function delete_tag(tag_name)
- const tag_objects = get_tag_objects_for_tag_and_synonyms(tag_name);
- for (const tag_object of tag_objects)
- {
- const li = tag_object.closest("li");
- li.parentElement.removeChild(li);
- }
- const child_tags = get_tag_objects_for_descendants(tag_name);
- for (const child_tag of child_tags)
- {
- lift_tag_object(child_tag, tag_name);
- }
- update_all_li_buttons();
- sort_tag_objects();
-function remove_child(parent_name, child_name)
- const tag_objects = get_tag_objects_for_descendant(parent_name, child_name);
- const seen_names = new Set();
- for (const tag_object of tag_objects)
- {
- const descendantry = split_exclusive(tag_object.innerText, parent_name);
- if (descendantry === null)
- {
- continue;
- }
- const tag_li = tag_object.closest("li");
- if (seen_names.has(descendantry))
- {
- tag_li.parentElement.removeChild(tag_li);
- continue;
- }
- tag_object.innerText = descendantry;
- update_li_buttons(tag_li);
- seen_names.add(descendantry);
- }
- const child_as_root = get_tag_objects_for_root_tag_and_descendants(child_name);
- const child_as_non_root = get_tag_objects_for_non_root_tag(child_name)
- if (child_as_non_root.length > 0)
- {
- for (const tag_object of child_as_root)
- {
- const tag_li = tag_object.closest("li");
- tag_li.parentElement.removeChild(tag_li);
- }
- }
- sort_tag_objects();
-function remove_synonym(synonym)
- for (const tag_object of get_tag_objects_for_synonym(synonym))
- {
- const li = tag_object.closest("li");
- li.parentElement.removeChild(li);
- }
-function add_buttons_to_li(li)
- for (const existing of Array.from(li.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder")))
- {
- li.removeChild(existing);
- }
- li.appendChild(common.html_to_element(TEMPLATE_BUTTON_DELETE_TAG));
- li.appendChild(common.html_to_element(TEMPLATE_BUTTON_REMOVE_CHILD));
- li.appendChild(common.html_to_element(TEMPLATE_BUTTON_REMOVE_SYNONYM));
- for (const button of Array.from(li.getElementsByClassName("button_with_confirm")))
- {
- common.init_button_with_confirm(button);
- }
- update_li_buttons(li);
-function add_buttons_to_all_lis()
- const lis = document.getElementById("tag_list").children;
- for (const li of lis)
- {
- add_buttons_to_li(li);
- }
-function update_li_buttons(li)
- const tag_object = tag_object_from_li(li);
- const delete_button = li.querySelector(".confirm_holder_delete_tag");
- const unlink_button = li.querySelector(".confirm_holder_remove_child");
- const synonym_button = li.querySelector(".confirm_holder_remove_synonym");
- if (tag_object.innerText.includes("+"))
- {
- synonym_button.classList.remove("hidden");
- delete_button.classList.add("hidden");
- unlink_button.classList.add("hidden");
- }
- else if (tag_object.innerText.includes("."))
- {
- unlink_button.classList.remove("hidden");
- delete_button.classList.add("hidden");
- synonym_button.classList.add("hidden");
- }
- else
- {
- delete_button.classList.remove("hidden");
- unlink_button.classList.add("hidden");
- synonym_button.classList.add("hidden");
- }
-function update_all_li_buttons()
- const lis = document.getElementById("tag_list").children;
- for (const li of lis)
- {
- update_li_buttons(li);
- }
-function sort_tag_objects()
- const start = performance.now();
- function compare(li1, li2)
- {
- const tag1 = tag_object_from_li(li1).innerText;
- const tag2 = tag_object_from_li(li2).innerText;
- return tag1 < tag2 ? -1 : 1;
- }
- const tag_list = document.getElementById("tag_list");
- const lis = Array.from(tag_list.children);
- lis.sort(compare);
- for (const li of lis)
- {
- tag_list.appendChild(li);
- }
- const end = performance.now();
{% if specific_tag is not none %}
function on_open(ed, edit_element_map)
@@ -833,11 +437,5 @@ var name_text = document.getElementById("name_text");
var description_text = document.getElementById("description_text");
var ed = new editor.Editor([name_text, description_text], on_open, on_save, on_cancel);
{% endif %}
-function on_pageload()
- // window.setTimeout(add_buttons_to_all_lis, 0);
-document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", on_pageload);