var common = {}; common.INPUT_TYPES = new Set(["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"]); common._request = function _request(method, url, callback) { let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); let response = { "completed": false, }; request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState != 4) {return;} if (callback == null) {return;} if (request.status != 0) { response.completed = true; = JSON.parse(request.responseText); } response.meta = { "request_url": url, "status": request.status } callback(response); }; let asynchronous = true;, url, asynchronous); return request; } common.get = function get(url, callback) { request = common._request("GET", url, callback); request.send(); } = function post(url, data, callback) { request = common._request("POST", url, callback); request.send(data); } common.bind_box_to_button = function bind_box_to_button(box, button, ctrl_enter) { /* Bind a textbox to a button so that pressing Enter within the textbox is the same as clicking the button. If `ctrl_enter` is true, then you must press ctrl+Enter to trigger the button, which is important for textareas. Thanks Yaroslav Yakovlev */ let bound_box_hook = function(event) { if (event.key !== "Enter") {return;} ctrl_success = !ctrl_enter || (event.ctrlKey); if (! ctrl_success) {return;}; } box.addEventListener("keyup", bound_box_hook); } common.create_message_bubble = function create_message_bubble(message_area, message_positivity, message_text, lifespan) { if (lifespan === undefined) { lifespan = 8000; } let message = document.createElement("div"); message.className = "message_bubble " + message_positivity; let span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = message_text; message.appendChild(span); message_area.appendChild(message); setTimeout(function(){message_area.removeChild(message);}, lifespan); } common.delete_all_children = function delete_all_children(element) { while (element.firstChild) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } } common.entry_with_history_hook = function entry_with_history_hook(event) { //console.log(event); let box =; if (box.entry_history === undefined) {box.entry_history = [];} if (box.entry_history_pos === undefined) {box.entry_history_pos = -1;} if (event.key === "Enter") { box.entry_history.push(box.value); } else if (event.key === "ArrowUp") { if (box.entry_history.length == 0) {return} if (box.entry_history_pos == -1) {box.entry_history_pos = box.entry_history.length - 1;} else if (box.entry_history_pos > 0) {box.entry_history_pos -= 1;} box.value = box.entry_history[box.entry_history_pos]; setTimeout(function(){box.selectionStart = box.value.length;}, 0); } else if (event.key === "Escape") { box.value = ""; } else { box.entry_history_pos = -1; } } common.html_to_element = function html_to_element(html) { let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = html; return template.content.firstChild; } common.init_atag_merge_params = function init_atag_merge_params() { /* To create an tag where the ?parameters written on the href are merged with the parameters of the current page URL, give it the class "merge_params". If the URL and href contain the same parameter, the href takes priority. Optional: data-merge-params: A whitelist of parameter names, separated by commas or spaces. Only these parameters will be merged from the page URL. data-merge-params-except: A blacklist of parameter names, separated by commas or spaces. All parameters except these will be merged from the page URL. Example: URL: ?filter=hello&orderby=score href: "?orderby=date" Result: "?filter=hello&orderby=date" */ function ingest(params, new_params) { for (const [key, value] of params) { new_params.set(key, value); } } const page_params = Array.from(new URLSearchParams(; let as = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("merge_params")); for (const a of as) { const a_params = new URLSearchParams(; const new_params = new URLSearchParams(); if (a.dataset.mergeParams) { let keep = new Set(a.dataset.mergeParams.split(/[\s,]+/)); ingest(page_params.filter(key_value => keep.has(key_value[0])), new_params); delete a.dataset.mergeParams; } else if (a.dataset.mergeParamsExcept) { let remove = new Set(a.dataset.mergeParamsExcept.split(/[\s,]+/)); ingest(page_params.filter(key_value => (! remove.has(key_value[0]))), new_params); delete a.dataset.mergeParamsExcept; } else { ingest(page_params, new_params); } ingest(a_params, new_params); = new_params.toString(); a.classList.remove("merge_params"); } } common.init_button_with_confirm = function init_button_with_confirm() { /* To create a button that requires a second confirmation step, assign it the class "button_with_confirm". Required: data-onclick: String that would normally be the button's onclick. This is done so that if the button_with_confirm fails to initialize, the button will be non-operational as opposed to being operational but with no confirmation. For dangerous actions I think this is a worthwhile move though it could lead to feature downtime. Optional: data-prompt: Text that appears next to the confirm button. Default is "Are you sure?". data-prompt-class: CSS class for the prompt span. data-confirm: Text inside the confirm button. Default is to inherit the original button's text. data-confirm-class: CSS class for the confirm button. Default is to inheret all classes of the original button, except for "button_with_confirm" of course. data-cancel: Text inside the cancel button. Default is "Cancel". data-cancel-class: CSS class for the cancel button. data-holder-class: CSS class for the new span that holds the menu. */ let buttons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("button_with_confirm")); for (const button of buttons) { button.classList.remove("button_with_confirm"); let holder = document.createElement("span"); holder.classList.add("confirm_holder"); holder.classList.add(button.dataset.holderClass || "confirm_holder"); button.parentElement.insertBefore(holder, button); button.parentElement.removeChild(button); let holder_stage1 = document.createElement("span"); holder_stage1.classList.add("confirm_holder_stage1"); holder_stage1.appendChild(button); holder.appendChild(holder_stage1); let holder_stage2 = document.createElement("span"); holder_stage2.classList.add("confirm_holder_stage2"); holder_stage2.classList.add("hidden"); holder.appendChild(holder_stage2); let prompt; let input_source; if (button.dataset.isInput) { prompt = document.createElement("input"); prompt.placeholder = button.dataset.prompt || ""; input_source = prompt; } else { prompt = document.createElement("span"); prompt.innerText = (button.dataset.prompt || "Are you sure?") + " "; input_source = undefined; } prompt.className = button.dataset.promptClass || ""; holder_stage2.appendChild(prompt) delete button.dataset.prompt; delete button.dataset.promptClass; let button_confirm = document.createElement("button"); button_confirm.innerText = (button.dataset.confirm || button.innerText).trim(); if (button.dataset.confirmClass === undefined) { button_confirm.className = button.className; button_confirm.classList.remove("button_with_confirm"); } else { button_confirm.className = button.dataset.confirmClass; } button_confirm.input_source = input_source; holder_stage2.appendChild(button_confirm); holder_stage2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); if (button.dataset.isInput) { common.bind_box_to_button(prompt, button_confirm); } delete button.dataset.confirm; delete button.dataset.confirmClass; delete button.dataset.isInput; let button_cancel = document.createElement("button"); button_cancel.innerText = button.dataset.cancel || "Cancel"; button_cancel.className = button.dataset.cancelClass || ""; holder_stage2.appendChild(button_cancel); delete button.dataset.cancel; delete button.dataset.cancelClass; // If this is stupid, let me know. let confirm_onclick = button.dataset.onclick + ` ; let holder =; holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage1")[0].classList.remove("hidden"); holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage2")[0].classList.add("hidden"); ` button_confirm.onclick = Function(confirm_onclick); button.removeAttribute("onclick"); button.onclick = function(event) { let holder =; holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage1")[0].classList.add("hidden"); holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage2")[0].classList.remove("hidden"); let input = holder.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; if (input) { input.focus(); } } button_cancel.onclick = function(event) { let holder =; holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage1")[0].classList.remove("hidden"); holder.getElementsByClassName("confirm_holder_stage2")[0].classList.add("hidden"); } delete button.dataset.onclick; } } common.init_enable_on_pageload = function init_enable_on_pageload() { /* To create an input element which is disabled at first, and is enabled when the DOM has completed loading, give it the disabled attribute and the class "enable_on_pageload". */ let elements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("enable_on_pageload")); for (const element of elements) { element.disabled = false; element.classList.remove("enable_on_pageload"); } } common.init_entry_with_history = function init_entry_with_history() { const inputs = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("entry_with_history")); for (const input of inputs) { input.addEventListener("keyup", common.entry_with_history_hook); input.classList.remove("entry_with_history"); } } common.init_tabbed_container = function init_tabbed_container() { let switch_tab = function switch_tab(event) { let tab_button =; if (tab_button.classList.contains("tab_button_active")) { return; } let tab_id = tab_button.dataset.tabId; let tab_buttons = tab_button.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("tab_button"); let tabs = tab_button.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("tab"); for (const tab_button of tab_buttons) { if (tab_button.dataset.tabId === tab_id) { tab_button.classList.remove("tab_button_inactive"); tab_button.classList.add("tab_button_active"); } else { tab_button.classList.remove("tab_button_active"); tab_button.classList.add("tab_button_inactive"); } } for (const tab of tabs) { if (tab.dataset.tabId === tab_id) { tab.classList.remove("hidden"); } else { tab.classList.add("hidden"); } } } let tabbed_containers = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("tabbed_container")); for (const tabbed_container of tabbed_containers) { let button_container = document.createElement("div"); button_container.className = "tab_buttons"; tabbed_container.prepend(button_container); let tabs = Array.from(tabbed_container.getElementsByClassName("tab")); for (const tab of tabs) { tab.classList.add("hidden"); let tab_id = tab.dataset.tabId || tab.dataset.tabTitle; tab.dataset.tabId = tab_id; = "transparent"; let button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = "tab_button tab_button_inactive"; button.onclick = switch_tab; button.innerText = tab.dataset.tabTitle; button.dataset.tabId = tab_id; button_container.append(button); } tabs[0].classList.remove("hidden"); button_container.firstElementChild.classList.remove("tab_button_inactive"); button_container.firstElementChild.classList.add("tab_button_active"); } } common.refresh = function refresh() { window.location.reload(); } common.on_pageload = function on_pageload() { common.init_atag_merge_params(); common.init_button_with_confirm(); common.init_enable_on_pageload(); common.init_entry_with_history(); common.init_tabbed_container(); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", common.on_pageload);