<!DOCTYPE html5>
    {% import "header.html" as header %}
    {% import "tag_object.html" as tag_object %}
    <title>{{photo.basename}} | Photos</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/common.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/etiquette.css">
    {% if theme %}<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/theme_{{theme}}.css">{% endif %}
    <script src="/static/js/common.js"></script>
    <script src="/static/js/api.js"></script>
    <script src="/static/js/hotkeys.js"></script>
    <script src="/static/js/photo_clipboard.js"></script>
    <script src="/static/js/spinner.js"></script>
    <script src="/static/js/tag_autocomplete.js"></script>

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#photo_viewer audio,
#photo_viewer video
    width: 100%;
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    max-height: 100%;

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    margin: auto auto;
    display: grid;
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#photo_viewer img
    position: absolute;
    max-height: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
#photo_viewer a
    margin: auto;

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<div id="content_body">
<div id="left" class="panel">
    <div id="editor_area">
        <h3 id="photo_filename">{{photo.basename}}</h3>

        <!-- TAG INFO -->
        <ul id="this_tags">
                <input type="text" id="add_tag_textbox" class="entry_with_history entry_with_tagname_replacements" list="tag_autocomplete_datalist">
                <button id="add_tag_button" class="green_button" onclick="return add_photo_tag_form();">add</button>
            {% set tags = photo.get_tags()|sort(attribute='name') %}
            {% for tag in tags %}
                {{tag_object.tag_object(tag, link="info", with_alt_description=True)}}<!--
                class="remove_tag_button red_button"
                onclick="return remove_photo_tag_form('{{photo.id}}', '{{tag.name}}');">
            {% endfor %}

        <!-- METADATA & DOWNLOAD -->
            File info
        <ul id="metadata">
            {% set author = photo.get_author() %}
            {% if author is not none %}
                <li>Author: <a href="/user/{{author.username}}">{{author.display_name}}</a></li>
            {% endif %}
            {% if photo.width %}
                <li title="{{photo.area}} px">Dimensions: {{photo.width}}x{{photo.height}} px</li>
                <li>Aspect ratio: {{photo.ratio}}</li>
            {% endif %}
            <li>Size: {{photo.bytes|bytestring}}</li>
            {% if photo.duration %}
                <li>Duration: {{photo.duration_string}}</li>
                <li>Overall Bitrate: {{photo.bitrate|int}} kbps</li>
            {% endif %}
            <li><button id="refresh_metadata_button" class="green_button button_with_spinner" onclick="return refresh_metadata_form();">refresh metadata</button></li>
            <li><a href="{{photo|file_link}}?download=true&original_filename=true">Download as original filename</a></li>
            <li><a href="{{photo|file_link}}?download=true">Download as {{photo.id}}.{{photo.extension}}</a></li>
                <input id="searchhidden_checkbox" type="checkbox" {%if photo.searchhidden%}checked{%endif%} onchange="return set_searchhidden_form();"
                />Hidden from search
                <input type="checkbox" class="photo_card_selector_checkbox" data-photo-id="{{photo.id}}" onchange="return photo_clipboard.on_photo_select(event);"

        <!-- CONTAINING ALBUMS -->
        {% set albums = photo.get_containing_albums() %}
        {% if albums %}
        <h4>Albums containing this photo</h4>
        <ul id="containing albums">
            {% for album in albums %}
            <li><a href="/album/{{album.id}}">{{album.display_name}}</a></li>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        <!-- BEFORE & AFTER SEARCH LINKS -->
        <div id="before_after_links">
            <a href="/search?created=-{{photo.created}}">&larr;Before</a>
            <span> | </span>
            <a href="/search?created={{photo.created}}-&orderby=created-asc">After&rarr;</a>

    <div id="message_area"></div>

<div id="right">
    <!-- THE PHOTO ITSELF -->
    <div id="photo_viewer" class="photo_viewer_{{photo.simple_mimetype}}" {%if photo.simple_mimetype == "image"%}onclick="return toggle_hoverzoom(event);"{%endif%}>
        {% if photo.simple_mimetype == "image" %}
        <img src="{{photo|file_link}}" alt="{{photo.basename}}" onload="this.style.opacity=0.99">

        {% elif photo.simple_mimetype == "video" %}
        {%if photo.thumbnail%}poster="/thumbnail/{{photo.id}}.jpg"{%endif%}

        {% elif photo.simple_mimetype == "audio" %}
        <audio src="{{photo|file_link}}" controls></audio>

        {% else %}
        <a href="{{photo|file_link}}">View {{photo.basename}}</a>

        {% endif %}
    <div id="hovering_tools">
        {% if photo.simple_mimetype == "video" %}
        <button id="generate_thumbnail_button" class="green_button button_with_spinner" onclick="return generate_thumbnail_for_video_form();">Capture thumbnail</button>
        {% endif %}
        class="red_button button_with_confirm"
        data-onclick="return delete_photo_form();"
        data-prompt="Delete photo, keep file?"

        class="red_button button_with_confirm"
        data-onclick="return delete_photo_from_disk_form();"
        data-prompt="Delete file on disk?"

<script type="text/javascript">
const PHOTO_ID = "{{photo.id}}";

const add_tag_box = document.getElementById('add_tag_textbox');
const add_tag_button = document.getElementById('add_tag_button');
common.bind_box_to_button(add_tag_box, add_tag_button, false);

const message_area = document.getElementById('message_area');

// API /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function add_photo_tag_form()
    const tagname = document.getElementById("add_tag_textbox").value;
    if (tagname == "")
    api.photos.add_tag(PHOTO_ID, tagname, add_photo_tag_callback);
    add_tag_box.value = "";

function add_photo_tag_callback(response)
    if (response.meta.status !== 200)
    const this_tags = document.getElementById("this_tags");
    const tag_objects = this_tags.getElementsByClassName("tag_object");
    for (const tag_object of tag_objects)
        if (tag_object.innerText === response.data.tagname)
    const li = document.createElement("li");
    const tag_object = document.createElement("a");
    tag_object.className = "tag_object"
    tag_object.href = "/tag/" + response.data.tagname;
    tag_object.innerText = response.data.tagname;
    const remove_button = document.createElement("button");
    remove_button.className = "remove_tag_button red_button"
    remove_button.onclick = () => remove_photo_tag_form(PHOTO_ID, response.data.tagname);

function remove_photo_tag_form(photo_id, tagname)
    api.photos.remove_tag(photo_id, tagname, remove_photo_tag_callback);

function remove_photo_tag_callback(response)
    if (response.meta.status !== 200)
    const tag_objects = document.getElementById("this_tags").getElementsByClassName("tag_object");
    for (const tag_object of tag_objects)
        if (tag_object.innerText === response.data.tagname)
            const li = tag_object.parentElement;

function add_remove_photo_tag_callback(response)
    let message_text;
    let message_positivity;
    if ("error_type" in response.data)
        message_positivity = "message_negative";
        message_text = response.data.error_message;
        const tagname = response.data.tagname;
        let action;
        message_positivity = "message_positive";
        if (response.meta.request_url.includes("add_tag"))
            message_text = "Added tag " + tagname;
        else if (response.meta.request_url.includes("remove_tag"))
            message_text = "Removed tag " + tagname;
    common.create_message_bubble(message_area, message_positivity, message_text, 8000);

function delete_photo_form()
    api.photos.delete(PHOTO_ID, false, api.photos.callback_go_to_search);

function delete_photo_from_disk_form()
    api.photos.delete(PHOTO_ID, true, api.photos.callback_go_to_search);

function generate_thumbnail_for_video_form()
    const timestamp = document.querySelector("#right video").currentTime;
    const special = {"timestamp": timestamp};
    api.photos.generate_thumbnail(PHOTO_ID, special, generate_thumbnail_callback)

function generate_thumbnail_callback(response)
    if (response.meta.status == 200)
        common.create_message_bubble(message_area, "message_positive", "Thumbnail captured", 8000);
    else if (response.meta.json_ok)
        common.create_message_bubble(message_area, "message_negative", response.data.error_message, 8000);
    const generate_thumbnail_button = document.getElementById("generate_thumbnail_button");

function refresh_metadata_form()
    api.photos.refresh_metadata(PHOTO_ID, common.refresh_or_alert);

function set_searchhidden_form()
    const checkbox = document.getElementById("searchhidden_checkbox");
    if (checkbox.checked)
        api.photos.set_searchhidden(PHOTO_ID, set_searchhidden_callback);
        api.photos.unset_searchhidden(PHOTO_ID, set_searchhidden_callback);

function set_searchhidden_callback(response)
    if (response.meta.status !== 200)

// UI //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function sort_tag_objects()
    const tag_list = document.getElementById("this_tags");
    const lis = Array.from(tag_list.children).filter(el => el.getElementsByClassName("tag_object").length);
    function compare(li1, li2)
        const tag1 = li1.querySelector(".tag_object:last-of-type").innerText;
        const tag2 = li2.querySelector(".tag_object:last-of-type").innerText;
        return tag1 < tag2 ? -1 : 1;
    for (const li of lis)

// UI - HOVERZOOM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const ZOOM_BG_URL = "url('{{photo|file_link}}')";
function enable_hoverzoom(event)
    //console.log("enable zoom");
    const photo_viewer = document.getElementById("photo_viewer");
    const photo_img = photo_viewer.children[0];
    if (
        photo_img.naturalWidth < photo_viewer.offsetWidth &&
        photo_img.naturalHeight < photo_viewer.offsetHeight
    photo_img.style.opacity = "0";
    photo_img.style.display = "none";
    photo_viewer.style.cursor = "zoom-out";
    photo_viewer.style.backgroundImage = ZOOM_BG_URL;
    photo_viewer.onmousemove = move_hoverzoom;
    return true;
function disable_hoverzoom()
    //console.log("disable zoom");
    const photo_viewer = document.getElementById("photo_viewer");
    const photo_img = photo_viewer.children[0];

    photo_img.style.opacity = "100";
    photo_viewer.style.cursor = "";
    photo_img.style.display = "";
    photo_viewer.style.backgroundImage = "none";
    photo_viewer.onmousemove = null;
function toggle_hoverzoom(event)
    const photo_img = document.getElementById("photo_viewer").children[0];
    if (photo_img.style.opacity === "0")
    if (common.is_wide_mode())

function move_hoverzoom(event)
    const photo_viewer = document.getElementById("photo_viewer");
    const photo_img = photo_viewer.children[0];
    let x;
    let y;

    When clicking on the image, the event handler takes the image as the event
    target even though the handler was assigned to the holder. The coordinates
    for the zoom need to be based on the holder, so when this happens we need
    to adjust the numbers.
    I'm not sure why the offset is the holder's offsetLeft. It seems that when
    the event triggers on the holder, the event X is based on its bounding box,
    but when it triggers on the image it's based on the viewport.
    let mouse_x = event.offsetX;
    let mouse_y = event.offsetY;
    if (event.target !== photo_viewer)
        mouse_x -= photo_viewer.offsetLeft;
        mouse_y -= photo_viewer.offsetTop;

    Adding 5% to perceived position gives us a bit of padding around the image,
    so you don't need to navigate a 1px line to see the edge.
    We first subtract half of the image dimensions so that the 5% is applied
    to both left and right. Otherwise 105% of 0 is still 0 which doesn't
    apply padding on the left.
    mouse_x -= (photo_viewer.offsetWidth / 2);
    mouse_x *= 1.05;
    mouse_x += (photo_viewer.offsetWidth / 2);

    mouse_y -= (photo_viewer.offsetHeight / 2);
    mouse_y *= 1.05;
    mouse_y += (photo_viewer.offsetHeight / 2);

    if (photo_img.naturalWidth < photo_viewer.offsetWidth)
        // If the image is smaller than the frame, just center it
        x = (photo_img.naturalWidth - photo_viewer.offsetWidth) / 2;
        // Take the amount of movement necessary (frame width - image width)
        // times our distance across the image as a percentage.
        x = (photo_img.naturalWidth - photo_viewer.offsetWidth) * (mouse_x / photo_viewer.offsetWidth);

    if (photo_img.naturalHeight < photo_viewer.offsetHeight)
        y = (photo_img.naturalHeight - photo_viewer.offsetHeight) / 2;
        y = (photo_img.naturalHeight - photo_viewer.offsetHeight) * (mouse_y / photo_viewer.offsetHeight);
    photo_viewer.style.backgroundPosition=(-x)+"px "+(-y)+"px";

function autofocus_add_tag_box()
    If the add_tag_box has autofocus set by the HTML, then when the screen is
    in narrow mode, the autofocusing of the tag box snaps the screen down to it,
    which is annoying. So, this function focuses the box manually as long as
    we're not narrow.
    if (common.is_wide_mode())


function on_pageload()
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", on_pageload);