import bcrypt import copy import json import logging import os import random import sqlite3 import string import tempfile import time from . import constants from . import decorators from . import exceptions from . import helpers from . import objects from . import searchhelpers from . import tag_export from voussoirkit import cacheclass from voussoirkit import expressionmatch from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import ratelimiter from voussoirkit import spinal from voussoirkit import sqlhelpers logging.basicConfig() #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### class PDBAlbumMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._album_cache = cacheclass.Cache() def get_album(self, id=None, path=None): if not helpers.is_xor(id, path): raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['id', 'path']) if id is not None: return self.get_album_by_id(id) else: return self.get_album_by_path(path) def get_album_by_id(self, id): return self.get_thing_by_id('album', id) def get_album_by_path(self, filepath): ''' Return the album with the `associated_directory` of this value, NOT case-sensitive. ''' filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath).absolute_path query = 'SELECT albumid FROM album_associated_directories WHERE directory == ?' bindings = [filepath] album_row = self.sql_select_one(query, bindings) if album_row is None: raise exceptions.NoSuchAlbum(filepath) album_id = album_row[0] return self.get_album(album_id) def get_albums(self): yield from self.get_things(thing_type='album') def get_albums_by_id(self, ids): return self.get_things_by_id('album', ids) def get_root_albums(self): for album in self.get_albums(): if album.get_parent() is None: yield album @decorators.required_feature('') @decorators.transaction def new_album( self, title=None, description=None, *, associated_directory=None, author=None, commit=True, photos=None, ): ''' Create a new album. Photos can be added now or later. ''' title = objects.Album.normalize_title(title) description = objects.Album.normalize_description(description) album_id = self.generate_id('albums') self.log.debug('New Album: %s %s', album_id, title) author_id = self.get_user_id_or_none(author) data = { 'id': album_id, 'title': title, 'description': description, 'author_id': author_id, } self.sql_insert(table='albums', data=data) album = objects.Album(self, data) if associated_directory is not None: album.add_associated_directory(associated_directory, commit=False) if photos is not None: photos = [self.get_photo(photo) for photo in photos] album.add_photos(photos, commit=False) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - new Album') self.commit() return album class PDBBookmarkMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._bookmark_cache = cacheclass.Cache() def get_bookmark(self, id): return self.get_thing_by_id('bookmark', id) def get_bookmarks(self): yield from self.get_things(thing_type='bookmark') def get_bookmarks_by_id(self, ids): return self.get_things_by_id('bookmark', ids) @decorators.required_feature('') @decorators.transaction def new_bookmark(self, url, title=None, *, author=None, commit=True): title = objects.Bookmark.normalize_title(title) url = objects.Bookmark.normalize_url(url) bookmark_id = self.generate_id('bookmarks') author_id = self.get_user_id_or_none(author) data = { 'author_id': author_id, 'id': bookmark_id, 'title': title, 'url': url, } self.sql_insert(table='bookmarks', data=data) bookmark = objects.Bookmark(self, data) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - new Bookmark') self.commit() return bookmark class PDBPhotoMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._photo_cache = cacheclass.Cache() def _assert_no_such_photo(self, filepath): try: existing = self.get_photo_by_path(filepath) except exceptions.NoSuchPhoto: return else: raise exceptions.PhotoExists(existing) def get_photo(self, id): return self.get_thing_by_id('photo', id) def get_photo_by_path(self, filepath): filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath) query = 'SELECT * FROM photos WHERE filepath == ?' bindings = [filepath.absolute_path] photo_row = self.sql_select_one(query, bindings) if photo_row is None: raise exceptions.NoSuchPhoto(filepath) photo = objects.Photo(self, photo_row) return photo def get_photos_by_id(self, ids): return self.get_things_by_id('photo', ids) def get_photos_by_recent(self, count=None): ''' Yield photo objects in order of creation time. ''' if count is not None and count <= 0: return query = 'SELECT * FROM photos ORDER BY created DESC' photo_rows = self.sql_select(query) for photo_row in photo_rows: photo = objects.Photo(self, photo_row) yield photo if count is None: continue count -= 1 if count <= 0: break @decorators.required_feature('') @decorators.transaction def new_photo( self, filepath, *, allow_duplicates=False, author=None, commit=True, do_metadata=True, do_thumbnail=True, tags=None, ): ''' Given a filepath, determine its attributes and create a new Photo object in the database. Tags may be applied now or later. If `allow_duplicates` is False, we will first check the database for any files with the same path and raise exceptions.PhotoExists if found. Returns the Photo object. ''' filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath) if not filepath.is_file: raise FileNotFoundError(filepath.absolute_path) if not allow_duplicates: self._assert_no_such_photo(filepath=filepath) self.log.debug('New Photo: %s', filepath.absolute_path) author_id = self.get_user_id_or_none(author) created = photo_id = self.generate_id('photos') data = { 'id': photo_id, 'filepath': filepath.absolute_path, 'override_filename': None, 'extension': filepath.extension, 'created': created, 'tagged_at': None, 'author_id': author_id, 'searchhidden': False, # These will be filled in during the metadata stage. 'bytes': None, 'width': None, 'height': None, 'area': None, 'ratio': None, 'duration': None, 'thumbnail': None, } self.sql_insert(table='photos', data=data) photo = objects.Photo(self, data) if do_metadata: photo.reload_metadata(commit=False) if do_thumbnail: photo.generate_thumbnail(commit=False) tags = tags or [] tags = [self.get_tag(name=tag) for tag in tags] for tag in tags: photo.add_tag(tag, commit=False) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - new_photo') self.commit() return photo @decorators.transaction def purge_deleted_files(self, photos=None, *, commit=True): ''' Remove Photo entries if their corresponding file is no longer found. photos: An iterable of Photo objects to check. If not provided, everything is checked. ''' if photos is None: photos = self.get_photos_by_recent() for photo in photos: if photo.real_path.exists: continue photo.delete(commit=False) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - purge deleted photos') self.commit() @decorators.transaction def purge_empty_albums(self, *, commit=True): albums = self.get_albums() for album in albums: if album.get_children() or album.get_photos(): continue album.delete(commit=False) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - purge empty albums') self.commit() def search( self, *, area=None, width=None, height=None, ratio=None, bytes=None, duration=None, author=None, created=None, extension=None, extension_not=None, filename=None, has_tags=None, has_thumbnail=None, is_searchhidden=False, mimetype=None, tag_musts=None, tag_mays=None, tag_forbids=None, tag_expression=None, limit=None, offset=None, orderby=None, warning_bag=None, give_back_parameters=False, ): ''' PHOTO PROPERTIES area, width, height, ratio, bytes, duration: A hyphen_range string representing min and max. Or just a number for lower bound. TAGS AND FILTERS author: A list of User objects, or usernames, or user ids. created: A hyphen_range string respresenting min and max. Or just a number for lower bound. extension: A string or list of strings of acceptable file extensions. extension_not: A string or list of strings of unacceptable file extensions. Including '*' will forbid all extensions filename: A string or list of strings in the form of an expression. Match is CASE-INSENSITIVE. Examples: '.pdf AND (programming OR "survival guide")' '.pdf programming python' (implicitly AND each term) has_tags: If True, require that the Photo has >=1 tag. If False, require that the Photo has no tags. If None, any amount is okay. has_thumbnail: Require a thumbnail? If None, anything is okay. is_searchhidden: Find photos that are marked as searchhidden? If True, find *only* searchhidden photos. If False, find *only* nonhidden photos. If None, either is okay. Default False. mimetype: A string or list of strings of acceptable mimetypes. 'image', 'video', ... Note we are only interested in the simple "video", "audio" etc. For exact mimetypes you might as well use an extension search. tag_musts: A list of tag names or Tag objects. Photos MUST have ALL tags in this list. tag_mays: A list of tag names or Tag objects. Photos MUST have AT LEAST ONE tag in this list. tag_forbids: A list of tag names or Tag objects. Photos MUST NOT have ANY tag in the list. tag_expression: A string or list of strings in the form of an expression. Can NOT be used with the must, may, forbid style search. Examples: 'family AND (animals OR vacation)' 'family vacation outdoors' (implicitly AND each term) QUERY OPTIONS limit: The maximum number of *successful* results to yield. offset: How many *successful* results to skip before we start yielding. orderby: A list of strings like ['ratio DESC', 'created ASC'] to sort and subsort the results. Descending is assumed if not provided. warning_bag: If provided, invalid search queries will add a warning to the bag and try their best to continue. The generator will yield the bag back to you as the final object. Without the bag, exceptions may be raised. give_back_parameters: If True, the generator's first yield will be a dictionary of all the cleaned up, normalized parameters. The user may have given us loads of trash, so we should show them the formatting we want. ''' start_time = time.time() maximums = {} minimums = {} searchhelpers.minmax('area', area, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('created', created, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('width', width, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('height', height, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('ratio', ratio, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('bytes', bytes, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) searchhelpers.minmax('duration', duration, minimums, maximums, warning_bag=warning_bag) author = searchhelpers.normalize_author(author, photodb=self, warning_bag=warning_bag) extension = searchhelpers.normalize_extension(extension) extension_not = searchhelpers.normalize_extension(extension_not) filename = searchhelpers.normalize_filename(filename) has_tags = searchhelpers.normalize_has_tags(has_tags) has_thumbnail = searchhelpers.normalize_has_thumbnail(has_thumbnail) is_searchhidden = searchhelpers.normalize_is_searchhidden(is_searchhidden) mimetype = searchhelpers.normalize_extension(mimetype) if has_tags is False: tag_musts = None tag_mays = None tag_forbids = None tag_expression = None else: tag_musts = searchhelpers.normalize_tagset(self, tag_musts, warning_bag=warning_bag) tag_mays = searchhelpers.normalize_tagset(self, tag_mays, warning_bag=warning_bag) tag_forbids = searchhelpers.normalize_tagset(self, tag_forbids, warning_bag=warning_bag) tag_expression = searchhelpers.normalize_tag_expression(tag_expression) if extension is not None and extension_not is not None: extension = extension.difference(extension_not) mmf_expression_noconflict = searchhelpers.check_mmf_expression_exclusive( tag_musts, tag_mays, tag_forbids, tag_expression, warning_bag ) if not mmf_expression_noconflict: tag_musts = None tag_mays = None tag_forbids = None tag_expression = None if tag_expression: frozen_children = self.get_cached_frozen_children() tag_expression_tree = searchhelpers.tag_expression_tree_builder( tag_expression=tag_expression, photodb=self, frozen_children=frozen_children, warning_bag=warning_bag, ) if tag_expression_tree is None: giveback_tag_expression = None tag_expression = None else: giveback_tag_expression = str(tag_expression_tree) print(giveback_tag_expression) tag_match_function = searchhelpers.tag_expression_matcher_builder(frozen_children) else: giveback_tag_expression = None if has_tags is True and (tag_musts or tag_mays): # has_tags check is redundant then, so disable it. has_tags = None limit = searchhelpers.normalize_limit(limit, warning_bag=warning_bag) offset = searchhelpers.normalize_offset(offset, warning_bag=warning_bag) orderby = searchhelpers.normalize_orderby(orderby, warning_bag=warning_bag) if filename: try: filename_tree = expressionmatch.ExpressionTree.parse(filename) x: x.lower()) except expressionmatch.NoTokens: filename_tree = None else: filename_tree = None giveback_orderby = [ '%s-%s' % (column.replace('RANDOM()', 'random'), direction) for (column, direction) in orderby ] if not orderby: orderby = [('created', 'desc')] if give_back_parameters: parameters = { 'area': area, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'ratio': ratio, 'bytes': bytes, 'duration': duration, 'author': list(author) or None, 'created': created, 'extension': list(extension) or None, 'extension_not': list(extension_not) or None, 'filename': filename or None, 'has_tags': has_tags, 'has_thumbnail': has_thumbnail, 'mimetype': list(mimetype) or None, 'tag_musts': tag_musts or None, 'tag_mays': tag_mays or None, 'tag_forbids': tag_forbids or None, 'tag_expression': giveback_tag_expression or None, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset or None, 'orderby': giveback_orderby, } yield parameters photo_tag_rel_exist_clauses = searchhelpers.photo_tag_rel_exist_clauses( tag_musts, tag_mays, tag_forbids, ) notnulls = set() yesnulls = set() wheres = [] bindings = [] if author: author_ids = [ for user in author] wheres.append('author_id IN %s' % helpers.sql_listify(author_ids)) if extension: if '*' in extension: wheres.append('extension != ""') else: binders = ', '.join('?' * len(extension)) wheres.append('extension IN (%s)' % binders) bindings.extend(extension) if extension_not: if '*' in extension_not: wheres.append('extension == ""') else: binders = ', '.join('?' * len(extension_not)) wheres.append('extension NOT IN (%s)' % binders) bindings.extend(extension_not) if mimetype: notnulls.add('extension') if has_tags is True: wheres.append('EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM photo_tag_rel WHERE photoid ==') if has_tags is False: wheres.append('NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM photo_tag_rel WHERE photoid ==') if has_thumbnail is True: notnulls.add('thumbnail') elif has_thumbnail is False: yesnulls.add('thumbnail') for (column, direction) in orderby: if column != 'RANDOM()': notnulls.add(column) if is_searchhidden is True: wheres.append('searchhidden == 1') elif is_searchhidden is False: wheres.append('searchhidden == 0') for column in notnulls: wheres.append(column + ' IS NOT NULL') for column in yesnulls: wheres.append(column + ' IS NULL') for (column, value) in minimums.items(): wheres.append(column + ' >= ' + str(value)) for (column, value) in maximums.items(): wheres.append(column + ' <= ' + str(value)) if photo_tag_rel_exist_clauses: wheres.extend(photo_tag_rel_exist_clauses) query = ['SELECT * FROM photos'] if wheres: wheres = 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(wheres) query.append(wheres) if orderby: orderby = ['%s %s' % (column, direction) for (column, direction) in orderby] orderby = ', '.join(orderby) orderby = 'ORDER BY ' + orderby query.append(orderby) query = ' '.join(query) query = '%s\n%s\n%s' % ('-' * 80, query, '-' * 80) print(query, bindings) #explain = self.sql_execute('EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ' + query, bindings) #print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in explain.fetchall())) generator = self.sql_select(query, bindings) photos_received = 0 for row in generator: photo = objects.Photo(self, row) if mimetype and photo.simple_mimetype not in mimetype: continue if filename_tree and not filename_tree.evaluate(photo.basename.lower()): continue if tag_expression: photo_tags = set(photo.get_tags()) success = tag_expression_tree.evaluate( photo_tags, match_function=tag_match_function, ) if not success: continue if offset > 0: offset -= 1 continue if limit is not None and photos_received >= limit: break photos_received += 1 yield photo if warning_bag and warning_bag.warnings: yield warning_bag end_time = time.time() print('Search took:', end_time - start_time) class PDBSQLMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.on_commit_queue = [] self.savepoints = [] def close(self): # Wrapped in hasattr because if the object fails __init__, Python will # still call __del__ and thus close(), even though the attributes # we're trying to clean up never got set. if hasattr(self, 'sql'): self.sql.close() if hasattr(self, 'ephemeral'): if self.ephemeral: self.ephemeral_directory.cleanup() def commit(self): while len(self.on_commit_queue) > 0: task = self.on_commit_queue.pop() if isinstance(task, str): continue args = task.get('args', []) kwargs = task.get('kwargs', {}) task['action'](*args, **kwargs) self.savepoints.clear() self.sql.commit() def rollback(self, savepoint=None): if savepoint is not None: valid_savepoint = savepoint in self.savepoints else: valid_savepoint = None if valid_savepoint is False: self.log.warn('Tried to restore to a nonexistent savepoint. Did you commit too early?') if len(self.savepoints) == 0: self.log.debug('Nothing to rollback.') return if valid_savepoint: restore_to = savepoint while self.savepoints.pop(-1) != restore_to: pass else: restore_to = self.savepoints.pop(-1) self.log.debug('Rolling back to %s', restore_to) query = 'ROLLBACK TO "%s"' % restore_to self.sql_execute(query) while len(self.on_commit_queue) > 0: item = self.on_commit_queue.pop(-1) if item == restore_to: break def savepoint(self): savepoint_id = helpers.random_hex(length=16) self.log.debug('Savepoint %s.', savepoint_id) query = 'SAVEPOINT "%s"' % savepoint_id self.sql.execute(query) self.savepoints.append(savepoint_id) self.on_commit_queue.append(savepoint_id) return savepoint_id def sql_delete(self, table, pairs, *, commit=False): (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.delete_filler(pairs) query = 'DELETE FROM %s %s' % (table, qmarks) self.sql_execute(query, bindings) if commit: self.commit() def sql_execute(self, query, bindings=[]): if bindings is None: bindings = [] cur = self.sql.cursor() cur.execute(query, bindings) return cur def sql_insert(self, table, data, *, commit=False): column_names = constants.SQL_COLUMNS[table] (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.insert_filler(column_names, data) query = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)' % (table, qmarks) self.sql_execute(query, bindings) if commit: self.commit() def sql_select(self, query, bindings=None): cur = self.sql_execute(query, bindings) while True: fetch = cur.fetchone() if fetch is None: break yield fetch def sql_select_one(self, query, bindings=None): cur = self.sql_execute(query, bindings) return cur.fetchone() def sql_update(self, table, pairs, where_key, *, commit=False): (qmarks, bindings) = sqlhelpers.update_filler(pairs, where_key=where_key) query = 'UPDATE %s %s' % (table, qmarks) self.sql_execute(query, bindings) if commit: self.commit() class PDBTagMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._tag_cache = cacheclass.Cache() def _assert_no_such_tag(self, tagname): try: existing_tag = self.get_tag_by_name(tagname) except exceptions.NoSuchTag: return else: raise exceptions.TagExists(existing_tag) def get_tag(self, name=None, id=None): ''' Redirect to get_tag_by_id or get_tag_by_name. ''' if not helpers.is_xor(id, name): raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['id', 'name']) if id is not None: return self.get_tag_by_id(id) else: return self.get_tag_by_name(name) def get_tag_by_id(self, id): return self.get_thing_by_id('tag', thing_id=id) def get_tag_by_name(self, tagname): if isinstance(tagname, objects.Tag): tagname = tagname = tagname.strip('.+') tagname = tagname.split('.')[-1].split('+')[0] try: tagname = self.normalize_tagname(tagname) except (exceptions.TagTooShort, exceptions.TagTooLong): raise exceptions.NoSuchTag(tagname) tag_row = None while True: # Return if it's a toplevel... tag_row = self.sql_select_one('SELECT * FROM tags WHERE name == ?', [tagname]) if tag_row is not None: break # ...or resolve the synonym and try again. query = 'SELECT mastername FROM tag_synonyms WHERE name == ?' bindings = [tagname] name_row = self.sql_select_one(query, bindings) if name_row is None: # was not a master tag or synonym raise exceptions.NoSuchTag(tagname) tagname = name_row[0] tag_id = tag_row[constants.SQL_INDEX['tags']['id']] tag = self._tag_cache.get(tag_id, fallback=None) if tag is None: tag = objects.Tag(self, tag_row) self._tag_cache[tag_id] = tag return tag def get_tags(self): ''' Yield all Tags in the database. ''' yield from self.get_things(thing_type='tag') def get_tags_by_id(self, ids): return self.get_things_by_id('tag', ids) def get_root_tags(self): ''' Yield all Tags that have no parent. ''' for tag in self.get_tags(): if tag.get_parent() is None: yield tag @decorators.required_feature('') @decorators.transaction def new_tag(self, tagname, description=None, *, author=None, commit=True): ''' Register a new tag and return the Tag object. ''' tagname = self.normalize_tagname(tagname) self._assert_no_such_tag(tagname=tagname) description = objects.Tag.normalize_description(description) self.log.debug('New Tag: %s', tagname) tagid = self.generate_id('tags') self._uncache() author_id = self.get_user_id_or_none(author) data = { 'id': tagid, 'name': tagname, 'description': description, 'author_id': author_id, } self.sql_insert(table='tags', data=data) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - new_tag') self.commit() tag = objects.Tag(self, data) return tag def normalize_tagname(self, tagname): ''' Tag names can only consist of characters defined in the config. The given tagname is lowercased, gets its spaces and hyphens replaced by underscores, and is stripped of any not-whitelisted characters. ''' original_tagname = tagname tagname = tagname.lower() tagname = tagname.replace('-', '_') tagname = tagname.replace(' ', '_') tagname = (c for c in tagname if c in self.config['tag']['valid_chars']) tagname = ''.join(tagname) if len(tagname) < self.config['tag']['min_length']: raise exceptions.TagTooShort(original_tagname) elif len(tagname) > self.config['tag']['max_length']: raise exceptions.TagTooLong(tagname) else: return tagname class PDBUserMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._user_cache = cacheclass.Cache() def _assert_no_such_user(self, username): try: existing_user = self.get_user(username=username) except exceptions.NoSuchUser: return else: raise exceptions.UserExists(existing_user) def _assert_valid_password(self, password): if len(password) < self.config['user']['min_password_length']: raise exceptions.PasswordTooShort(min_length=self.config['user']['min_password_length']) def _assert_valid_username(self, username): if len(username) < self.config['user']['min_length']: raise exceptions.UsernameTooShort( username=username, min_length=self.config['user']['min_length'] ) if len(username) > self.config['user']['max_length']: raise exceptions.UsernameTooLong( username=username, max_length=self.config['user']['max_length'] ) badchars = [c for c in username if c not in self.config['user']['valid_chars']] if badchars: raise exceptions.InvalidUsernameChars(username=username, badchars=badchars) def generate_user_id(self): ''' User IDs are randomized instead of integers like the other objects, so they get their own method. ''' possible = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase for retry in range(20): user_id = [random.choice(possible) for x in range(self.config['id_length'])] user_id = ''.join(user_id) user_exists = self.sql_select_one('SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id == ?', [user_id]) if user_exists is None: break else: raise Exception('Failed to create user id after 20 tries.') return user_id def get_user(self, username=None, id=None): if not helpers.is_xor(id, username): raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['id', 'username']) if username is not None: user_row = self.sql_select_one('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username == ?', [username]) else: user_row = self.sql_select_one('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id == ?', [id]) if user_row is not None: return objects.User(self, user_row) else: raise exceptions.NoSuchUser(username or id) def get_user_id_or_none(self, user_obj_or_id): ''' For methods that create photos, albums, etc., we sometimes associate them with an author but sometimes not. The callers of those methods might be trying to submit a User object, or a user's ID, or maybe they left it None. This method converts those inputs into a User's ID if possible, or else returns None, hiding validation that those methods would otherwise have to duplicate. Exceptions like NoSuchUser can still be raised if the input appears to be workable but fails. ''' if user_obj_or_id is None: author_id = None elif isinstance(user_obj_or_id, objects.User): if user_obj_or_id.photodb != self: raise ValueError('That user does not belong to this photodb') author_id = elif isinstance(user_obj_or_id, str): # Confirm that this string is a valid ID and not junk. author_id = self.get_user(id=user_obj_or_id).id else: raise TypeError('Unworkable type %s' % type(user_obj_or_id)) return author_id def get_users(self): yield from self.get_things('user') @decorators.required_feature('user.login') def login(self, user_id, password): ''' Return the User object for the user if the credentials are correct. ''' user_row = self.sql_select_one('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id == ?', [user_id]) if user_row is None: raise exceptions.WrongLogin() if not isinstance(password, bytes): password = password.encode('utf-8') user = objects.User(self, user_row) success = bcrypt.checkpw(password, user.password_hash) if not success: raise exceptions.WrongLogin() return user @decorators.required_feature('') @decorators.transaction def register_user(self, username, password, *, commit=True): self._assert_valid_username(username) if not isinstance(password, bytes): password = password.encode('utf-8') self._assert_valid_password(password) self._assert_no_such_user(username=username) self.log.debug('New User: %s', username) user_id = self.generate_user_id() hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt()) created = data = { 'id': user_id, 'username': username, 'password': hashed_password, 'created': created, } self.sql_insert(table='users', data=data) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - register user') self.commit() return objects.User(self, data) class PDBUtilMixin: def __init__(self): super().__init__() @decorators.transaction def digest_directory( self, directory, *, exclude_directories=None, exclude_filenames=None, make_albums=True, new_photo_kwargs={}, new_photo_ratelimit=None, recurse=True, commit=True, ): ''' Create an album, and add the directory's contents to it recursively. If a Photo object already exists for a file, it will be added to the correct album. ''' def _normalize_directory(directory): directory = pathclass.Path(directory) if not directory.is_dir: raise ValueError('Not a directory: %s' % directory) directory.correct_case() return directory def _normalize_exclude_directories(exclude_directories): if exclude_directories is None: exclude_directories = self.config['digest_exclude_dirs'] return exclude_directories def _normalize_exclude_filenames(exclude_filenames): if exclude_filenames is None: exclude_filenames = self.config['digest_exclude_files'] return exclude_filenames def _normalize_new_photo_kwargs(new_photo_kwargs): if 'commit' in new_photo_kwargs: new_photo_kwargs.pop('commit') if 'filepath' in new_photo_kwargs: new_photo_kwargs.pop('filepath') return new_photo_kwargs def _normalize_new_photo_ratelimit(new_photo_ratelimit): if isinstance(new_photo_ratelimit, (int, float)): new_photo_ratelimit = ratelimiter.Ratelimiter(allowance=1, period=new_photo_ratelimit) return new_photo_ratelimit def create_or_fetch_photos(files): photos = [] for filepath in files: try: photo = self.get_photo_by_path(filepath) except exceptions.NoSuchPhoto: photo = self.new_photo(filepath.absolute_path, commit=False, **new_photo_kwargs) if new_photo_ratelimit is not None: new_photo_ratelimit.limit() photos.append(photo) return photos def create_or_fetch_current_album(albums_by_path, current_directory): current_album = albums_by_path.get(current_directory.absolute_path, None) if current_album is not None: return current_album try: current_album = self.get_album_by_path(current_directory.absolute_path) except exceptions.NoSuchAlbum: current_album = self.new_album( associated_directory=current_directory.absolute_path, commit=False, title=current_directory.basename, ) albums_by_path[current_directory.absolute_path] = current_album return current_album def orphan_join_parent_album(albums_by_path, current_album, current_directory): if current_album.get_parent() is None: parent = albums_by_path.get(current_directory.parent.absolute_path, None) if parent is not None: parent.add_child(current_album, commit=False) directory = _normalize_directory(directory) exclude_directories = _normalize_exclude_directories(exclude_directories) exclude_filenames = _normalize_exclude_filenames(exclude_filenames) new_photo_kwargs = _normalize_new_photo_kwargs(new_photo_kwargs) new_photo_ratelimit = _normalize_new_photo_ratelimit(new_photo_ratelimit) if make_albums: albums_by_path = {} main_album = create_or_fetch_current_album(albums_by_path, directory) walk_generator = spinal.walk_generator( directory, exclude_directories=exclude_directories, exclude_filenames=exclude_filenames, recurse=recurse, yield_style='nested', ) for (current_directory, subdirectories, files) in walk_generator: photos = create_or_fetch_photos(files) if not make_albums: continue current_album = create_or_fetch_current_album(albums_by_path, current_directory) orphan_join_parent_album(albums_by_path, current_album, current_directory) current_album.add_photos(photos, commit=False) if commit: self.log.debug('Committing - digest_directory') self.commit() if make_albums: return main_album else: return None def easybake(self, ebstring, author=None): ''' Easily create tags, groups, and synonyms with a string like "group1.group2.tag+synonym" "" etc ''' output_notes = [] def create_or_get(name): #print('cog', name) try: item = self.get_tag(name=name) note = ('existing_tag', item.qualified_name()) except exceptions.NoSuchTag: item = self.new_tag(name, author=author, commit=False) note = ('new_tag', item.qualified_name()) output_notes.append(note) return item ebstring = ebstring.strip() ebstring = ebstring.strip('.+=') if ebstring == '': raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('No tag supplied') if '=' in ebstring and '+' in ebstring: raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Cannot rename and assign snynonym at once') rename_parts = ebstring.split('=') if len(rename_parts) == 2: (ebstring, rename_to) = rename_parts elif len(rename_parts) == 1: ebstring = rename_parts[0] rename_to = None else: raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Too many equals signs') create_parts = ebstring.split('+') if len(create_parts) == 2: (tag, synonym) = create_parts elif len(create_parts) == 1: tag = create_parts[0] synonym = None else: raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Too many plus signs') if not tag: raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('No tag supplied') if rename_to: tag = self.get_tag(name=tag) old_name = tag.rename(rename_to) note = ('rename', '%s=%s' % (old_name, output_notes.append(note) else: tag_parts = tag.split('.') tags = [create_or_get(t) for t in tag_parts] for (higher, lower) in zip(tags, tags[1:]): try: lower.join_group(higher, commit=False) note = ('join_group', '%s.%s' % (, output_notes.append(note) except exceptions.GroupExists: pass tag = tags[-1] self.log.debug('Committing - easybake') self.commit() if synonym: synonym = tag.add_synonym(synonym) note = ('new_synonym', '%s+%s' % (, synonym)) output_notes.append(note) return output_notes class PhotoDB( PDBAlbumMixin, PDBBookmarkMixin, PDBPhotoMixin, PDBSQLMixin, PDBTagMixin, PDBUserMixin, PDBUtilMixin, ): def __init__( self, data_directory=None, *, create=True, ephemeral=False, skip_version_check=False, ): super().__init__() self.ephemeral = ephemeral # DATA DIR PREP if data_directory is None: if self.ephemeral: # In addition to the data_dir as a pathclass object, keep the # TempDir object so we can use the cleanup method later. self.ephemeral_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='etiquette_ephem_') data_directory = else: data_directory = constants.DEFAULT_DATADIR elif self.ephemeral: raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['data_directory', 'ephemeral']) data_directory = helpers.remove_path_badchars(data_directory, allowed=':/\\') self.data_directory = pathclass.Path(data_directory) if self.data_directory.exists and not self.data_directory.is_dir: raise exceptions.BadDataDirectory(self.data_directory.absolute_path) self.log = logging.getLogger('etiquette:%s' % self.data_directory.absolute_path) self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # DATABASE if self.ephemeral: self.sql = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') existing_database = False else: self.database_filepath = self.data_directory.with_child(constants.DEFAULT_DBNAME) existing_database = self.database_filepath.exists if not create and not self.ephemeral and not existing_database: raise FileNotFoundError('"%s" does not exist and create is off.' % self.data_directory) if not self.ephemeral: os.makedirs(self.data_directory.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) self.sql = sqlite3.connect(self.database_filepath.absolute_path) if existing_database: if not skip_version_check: self._check_version() else: self._first_time_setup() # THUMBNAIL DIRECTORY self.thumbnail_directory = self.data_directory.with_child(constants.DEFAULT_THUMBDIR) os.makedirs(self.thumbnail_directory.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) # CONFIG self.config_filepath = self.data_directory.with_child(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIGNAME) self.config = self.load_config() self.log.setLevel(self.config['log_level']) # OTHER self._cached_frozen_children = None self._cached_qualname_map = None self._album_cache.maxlen = self.config['cache_size']['album'] self._bookmark_cache.maxlen = self.config['cache_size']['bookmark'] self._photo_cache.maxlen = self.config['cache_size']['photo'] self._tag_cache.maxlen = self.config['cache_size']['tag'] self._user_cache.maxlen = self.config['cache_size']['user'] self.caches = { 'album': self._album_cache, 'bookmark': self._bookmark_cache, 'photo': self._photo_cache, 'tag': self._tag_cache, 'user': self._user_cache, } def _check_version(self): existing_version = self.sql_execute('PRAGMA user_version').fetchone()[0] if existing_version != constants.DATABASE_VERSION: exc = exceptions.DatabaseOutOfDate( current=existing_version, new=constants.DATABASE_VERSION, ) raise exc def _first_time_setup(self): self.log.debug('Running first-time setup.') cur = self.sql.cursor() statements = constants.DB_INIT.split(';') for statement in statements: cur.execute(statement) self.sql.commit() def __del__(self): self.close() def __repr__(self): if self.ephemeral: return 'PhotoDB(ephemeral=True)' else: return f'PhotoDB(data_directory={self.data_directory})' def _uncache(self): self._cached_frozen_children = None self._cached_qualname_map = None def generate_id(self, table): ''' Create a new ID number that is unique to the given table. Note that while this method may INSERT / UPDATE, it does not commit. We'll wait for that to happen in whoever is calling us, so we know the ID is actually used. ''' table = table.lower() if table not in ['photos', 'tags', 'albums', 'bookmarks']: raise ValueError('Invalid table requested: %s.', table) last_id = self.sql_select_one('SELECT last_id FROM id_numbers WHERE tab == ?', [table]) if last_id is None: # Register new value new_id_int = 1 do_insert = True else: # Use database value new_id_int = int(last_id[0]) + 1 do_insert = False new_id = str(new_id_int).rjust(self.config['id_length'], '0') pairs = { 'tab': table, 'last_id': new_id, } if do_insert: self.sql_insert(table='id_numbers', data=pairs) else: self.sql_update(table='id_numbers', pairs=pairs, where_key='tab') return new_id def get_cached_frozen_children(self): if self._cached_frozen_children is None: self._cached_frozen_children = tag_export.flat_dict(self.get_tags()) return self._cached_frozen_children def get_cached_qualname_map(self): if self._cached_qualname_map is None: self._cached_qualname_map = tag_export.qualified_names(self.get_tags()) return self._cached_qualname_map def get_thing_by_id(self, thing_type, thing_id): thing_map = _THING_CLASSES[thing_type] thing_class = thing_map['class'] if isinstance(thing_id, thing_class): thing_id = thing_cache = self.caches[thing_type] try: return thing_cache[thing_id] except KeyError: pass query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id == ?' % thing_map['table'] bindings = [thing_id] thing_row = self.sql_select_one(query, bindings) if thing_row is None: raise thing_map['exception'](thing_id) thing = thing_class(self, thing_row) thing_cache[thing_id] = thing return thing def get_things(self, thing_type): thing_map = _THING_CLASSES[thing_type] query = 'SELECT * FROM %s' % thing_map['table'] things = self.sql_select(query) for thing_row in things: thing = thing_map['class'](self, db_row=thing_row) yield thing def get_things_by_id(self, thing_type, thing_ids): thing_map = _THING_CLASSES[thing_type] thing_class = thing_map['class'] thing_cache = self.caches[thing_type] ids_needed = set() things = set() for thing_id in thing_ids: try: thing = thing_cache[thing_id] except KeyError: ids_needed.add(thing_id) else: things.add(thing) yield from things if ids_needed: qmarks = '(%s)' % ','.join('?' * len(ids_needed)) query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id IN %s' % (thing_map['table'], qmarks) bindings = list(ids_needed) more_things = self.sql_select(query, bindings) for thing_row in more_things: thing = thing_map['class'](self, db_row=thing_row) yield thing def load_config(self): config = copy.deepcopy(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION) user_config_exists = self.config_filepath.is_file needs_dump = False if user_config_exists: with open(self.config_filepath.absolute_path, 'r') as handle: user_config = json.load(handle) my_keys = helpers.recursive_dict_keys(config) stored_keys = helpers.recursive_dict_keys(user_config) needs_dump = not my_keys.issubset(stored_keys) helpers.recursive_dict_update(target=config, supply=user_config) else: needs_dump = True self.config = config if needs_dump: self.save_config() return config def save_config(self): with open(self.config_filepath.absolute_path, 'w') as handle: handle.write(json.dumps(self.config, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) _THING_CLASSES = { 'album': { 'class': objects.Album, 'exception': exceptions.NoSuchAlbum, 'table': 'albums', }, 'bookmark': { 'class': objects.Bookmark, 'exception': exceptions.NoSuchBookmark, 'table': 'bookmarks', }, 'photo': { 'class': objects.Photo, 'exception': exceptions.NoSuchPhoto, 'table': 'photos', }, 'tag': { 'class': objects.Tag, 'exception': exceptions.NoSuchTag, 'table': 'tags', }, 'user': { 'class': objects.User, 'exception': exceptions.NoSuchUser, 'table': 'users', } } if __name__ == '__main__': p = PhotoDB() print(p)