var spinner = {}; spinner.Spinner = function Spinner(element) { = function(delay) { clearTimeout(this.delayed_showing_timeout); this.delayed_showing_timeout = null; if (delay) { this.delayed_showing_timeout = setTimeout(function(thisthis){}, delay, this); } else { this.element.classList.remove("hidden"); } } this.hide = function() { clearTimeout(this.delayed_showing_timeout); this.delayed_showing_timeout = null; this.element.classList.add("hidden"); } this.delayed_showing_timeout = null; this.element = element; } spinner.spinner_button_index = 0; spinner.button_spinner_groups = {}; // When a group member is closing, it will call the closer on all other members // in the group. Of course, this would recurse forever without some kind of // flagging, so this dict will hold group_id:true if a close is in progress, // and be empty otherwise. spinner.spinner_group_closing = {}; spinner.add_to_spinner_group = function add_to_spinner_group(group_id, button) { if (!(group_id in spinner.button_spinner_groups)) { spinner.button_spinner_groups[group_id] = []; } spinner.button_spinner_groups[group_id].push(button); } spinner.close_grouped_spinners = function close_grouped_spinners(group_id) { if (group_id && !(spinner.spinner_group_closing[group_id])) { spinner.spinner_group_closing[group_id] = true; for (let button of spinner.button_spinner_groups[group_id]) { window[button.dataset.spinnerCloser](); } delete spinner.spinner_group_closing[group_id]; } } spinner.open_grouped_spinners = function open_grouped_spinners(group_id) { for (let button of spinner.button_spinner_groups[group_id]) { window[button.dataset.spinnerOpener](); } } spinner.init_button_with_spinner = function init_button_with_spinner() { /* To create a button that has a spinner, and cannot be clicked again while the action is running, assign it the class "button_with_spinner". When you're ready for the spinner to disappear, call window[button.dataset.spinnerCloser](). Optional: data-spinner-id: If you want to use your own element as the spinner, give its ID here. Otherwise a new one will be created. data-spinner-delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before the spinner appears. For tasks that you expect to run very quickly, this helps prevent a pointlessly short spinner. Note that the button always becomes disabled immediately, and this delay only affects the separate spinner element. data-holder-class: CSS class for the new span that holds the menu. data-spinner-group: An opaque string. All button_with_spinner that have the same group will go into spinner mode when any of them is clicked. Useful if you want to have two copies of a button on the page, or two buttons which do opposite things and you only want one to run at a time. */ let buttons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("button_with_spinner")); for (const button of buttons) { button.classList.remove("button_with_spinner"); button.innerHTML = button.innerHTML.trim(); let holder = document.createElement("span"); holder.classList.add("spinner_holder"); holder.classList.add(button.dataset.holderClass || "spinner_holder"); button.parentElement.insertBefore(holder, button); holder.appendChild(button); let spinner_element; if (button.dataset.spinnerId) { spinner_element = document.getElementById(button.dataset.spinnerId); } else { spinner_element = document.createElement("span"); spinner_element.innerText = "Working..."; spinner_element.classList.add("hidden"); holder.appendChild(spinner_element); } if (button.dataset.spinnerGroup) { spinner.add_to_spinner_group(button.dataset.spinnerGroup, button); } let spin = new spinner.Spinner(spinner_element); let spin_delay = parseFloat(button.dataset.spinnerDelay) || 0; button.dataset.spinnerOpener = "spinner_opener_" + spinner.spinner_button_index; window[button.dataset.spinnerOpener] = function spinner_opener() {; button.disabled = true; } // It is expected that the function referenced by onclick will call // window[button.dataset.spinnerCloser]() when appropriate, since from // our perspective we cannot be sure when to close the spinner. button.dataset.spinnerCloser = "spinner_closer_" + spinner.spinner_button_index; window[button.dataset.spinnerCloser] = function spinner_closer() { spinner.close_grouped_spinners(button.dataset.spinnerGroup); spin.hide(); button.disabled = false; } let wrapped_onclick = button.onclick; button.removeAttribute('onclick'); button.onclick = function() { if (button.dataset.spinnerGroup) { spinner.open_grouped_spinners(button.dataset.spinnerGroup); } else { window[button.dataset.spinnerOpener](); } return wrapped_onclick(); } spinner.spinner_button_index += 1; } } spinner.on_pageload = function on_pageload() { spinner.init_button_with_spinner(); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", spinner.on_pageload);