from voussoirkit import cacheclass import etiquette class FileCacheManager: ''' The FileCacheManager serves ETag and Cache-Control headers for disk files. We consider the following cases: Client does not have the file (or has disabled their cache): Server sends file, provides ETag, tells client to save it for max-age. Client has the file, but it has been a long time, beyond the max-age: Client provides the old ETag. If it's still valid, Server responds with 304 Not Modified and no data. Client keeps the old file. Client has the file, and it is within the max-age: Client does not make a request at all. We use the file's MD5 hash as the ETag, and will only recalculate it if the file's mtime has changed since the last request. ''' def __init__(self, maxlen, max_age, max_filesize): self.cache = cacheclass.Cache(maxlen=maxlen) self.max_age = int(max_age) self.max_filesize = max(int(max_filesize), 0) or None def get(self, filepath): try: return self.cache[filepath] except KeyError: pass if (self.max_filesize is not None) and (filepath.size > self.max_filesize): return None cache_file = CacheFile(filepath, max_age=self.max_age) self.cache[filepath] = cache_file return cache_file def matches(self, request, filepath): client_etag = request.headers.get('If-None-Match', None) if client_etag is None: return False server_value = self.get(filepath) if server_value is None: return False server_etag = server_value.get_etag() if client_etag != server_etag: return False return server_value.get_headers() class CacheFile: def __init__(self, filepath, max_age): self.filepath = filepath self.max_age = int(max_age) self._stored_hash_time = None self._stored_hash_value = None def get_etag(self): mtime = self.filepath.stat.st_mtime do_refresh = (self._stored_hash_value is None) or (mtime > self._stored_hash_time) if do_refresh: self._stored_hash_time = mtime self._stored_hash_value = etiquette.helpers.hash_file_md5(self.filepath) return self._stored_hash_value def get_headers(self): headers = { 'ETag': self.get_etag(), 'Cache-Control': f'max-age={self.max_age}', } return headers