import string ALLOWED_ORDERBY_COLUMNS = [ 'extension', 'width', 'height', 'ratio', 'area', 'duration', 'bytes', 'created', 'tagged_at', 'random', ] # Errors and warnings ERROR_DATABASE_OUTOFDATE = 'Database is out-of-date. {current} should be {new}. Please use' ERROR_INVALID_ACTION = 'Invalid action' ERROR_NO_SUCH_TAG = 'Doesn\'t exist' ERROR_NO_TAG_GIVEN = 'No tag name supplied' ERROR_SYNONYM_ITSELF = 'Cant apply synonym to itself' ERROR_TAG_TOO_SHORT = 'Not enough valid chars' WARNING_MINMAX_INVALID = 'Field "{field}": "{value}" is not a valid request. Ignored.' WARNING_MINMAX_OOO = 'Field "{field}": minimum "{min}" maximum "{max}" are out of order. Ignored.' WARNING_NO_SUCH_TAG = 'Tag "{tag}" does not exist. Ignored.' WARNING_ORDERBY_BADCOL = '"{column}" is not a sorting option. Ignored.' WARNING_ORDERBY_BADSORTER = 'You can\'t order "{column}" by "{sorter}". Defaulting to descending.' # Default settings MIN_TAG_NAME_LENGTH = 1 MAX_TAG_NAME_LENGTH = 32 VALID_TAG_CHARS = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '_' DEFAULT_ID_LENGTH = 12 DEFAULT_DATADIR = '.\\_etiquette' DEFAULT_DIGEST_EXCLUDE_FILES = [ 'phototagger.db', 'desktop.ini', 'thumbs.db' ] DEFAULT_DIGEST_EXCLUDE_DIRS = [ '_site_thumbnails', ] FILE_READ_CHUNK = 2 ** 20 THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = 400 THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = 400 # Operational info ADDITIONAL_MIMETYPES = { 'srt': 'text', 'mkv': 'video', } EXPRESSION_OPERATORS = {'(', ')', 'OR', 'AND', 'NOT'} MOTD_STRINGS = [ 'Good morning, Paul. What will your first sequence of the day be?', #'Buckle up, it\'s time to:', ]