.. :changelog: Release History --------------- 1.0.0 (unreleased) +++++++++++++++++++ - Removes broken method ``get_contacts()``. - Adds support for login with a v2 Mega user account. - Adds ``export()`` method to share a file or folder, returning public share URL with key. - Adds code, message attrs to RequestError exception, makes message in raised exceptions include more details. - Alters ``create_folder()`` to accept a path including multiple sub directories, adds support to create them all (similar to 'mkdir -p' on unix systems). - Adds ``exclude_deleted=True`` optional arg to ``find()`` method, to exclude deleted nodes from results. 0.9.20 (2019-10-17) +++++++++++++++++++ - Python 3 bugfix to ``upload`` method. 0.9.19 (2019-10-16) ++++++++++++++++++ - Python 3 support and bugfixes. - Update packaging code. - Added changelog. 0.9.18 (2013-07-04) ++++++++++++++++++ - Unknown