# Mega.py Python library for the Mega.co.nz API, currently supporting: - login - uploading - downloading - deleting - searching - sharing This is a work in progress, further functionality coming shortly. ## How To Use ### Install mega.py package '''python #Run the following command, or run setup from the latest github source sudo pip install mega.py ''' ### Import mega.py '''python from mega import Mega ''' ### Create an instance of Mega.py '''python mega = Mega() ''' ### Login to Mega '''python m = mega.login(email, password) ''' ### Get user details '''python details = m.get_user() ''' ### Get account files '''python files = m.get_files() ''' ### Upload a file, and get its public link '''python file = m.upload('myfile.doc') m.get_upload_link(file) ''' ### Download a file from URL or file obj, optionally specify destination folder '''python file = m.find('myfile.doc') m.download(file) m.download_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc') m.download(file, '/home/john-smith/Desktop') ''' ### Search account for a file, and get its public link '''python file = m.find('myfile.doc') m.get_link(file) ''' ### Trash or destroy a file from URL or its ID '''python m.delete(file[0]) m.delete_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc') m.destroy(file[0]) m.destroy_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc') files = m.find('myfile.doc') if files: m.delete(files[0]) ''' ## Requirements 1. Python2.7+ 2. Python requests (>0.10) - python-requests.org 3. PyCrypto - dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/ ## Tests Test .py files can be found in tests.py, run these to ensure Mega.py is working 100%. ## Contribute Feel free to pull the source and make changes and additions. Learn about the API at Mega.co.nz, more documentation coming shortly. - https://mega.co.nz/#developers Thanks to http://julien-marchand.com/blog/contact for examples