from mega import Mega def test(): """ Enter your account details to begin comment/uncomment lines to test various parts of the API see for more information """ #user details email = '' password = 'password' mega = Mega() #mega = Mega({'verbose': True}) # verbose option for print output #login m = mega.login(email, password) #get user details details = m.get_user() print(details) #get account files files = m.get_files() #get account disk quota in MB print(m.get_quota()) #example iterate over files for file in files: print(files[file]) #upload file print(m.upload('')) #search for a file in account file = m.find('') if file: #get public link link = m.get_link(file) print(link) #download file. by file object or url print, '/tmp') #m.download_url(link) #delete or destroy file. by id or url print(m.delete(file[0])) #print(m.destroy(file[0])) #print(m.delete_url(link)) #print(m.destroy_url(link)) #empty trash print(m.empty_trash()) if __name__ == '__main__': test()