**NOTICE**: If you're reading this on GitHub.com please be aware this is a mirror of the primary remote located at https://code.richard.do/richardARPANET/mega.py_. Please direct issues and pull requests there. -------------- .. _megapy: Mega.py ======= |Build Status| |Downloads| Python library for the Mega.co.nz API, currently supporting: - login - uploading - downloading - deleting - searching - sharing - renaming - moving files This is a work in progress, further functionality coming shortly. For more detailed information see API_INFO.md How To Use ---------- .. _install-megapy-package: Install mega.py package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python #Run the following command, or run setup from the latest github source pip install mega.py .. _import-megapy: Import mega.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python from mega import Mega .. _create-an-instance-of-megapy: Create an instance of Mega.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python mega = Mega() Login to Mega ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python m = mega.login(email, password) # login using a temporary anonymous account m = mega.login() Get user details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python details = m.get_user() Get account balance (Pro accounts only) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python balance = m.get_balance() Get account disk quota ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python quota = m.get_quota() Get account storage space ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # specify unit output kilo, mega, gig, else bytes will output space = m.get_storage_space(kilo=True) Get account files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python files = m.get_files() Upload a file, and get its public link ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python file = m.upload('myfile.doc') m.get_upload_link(file) # see mega.py for destination and filename options Export a file or folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python public_exported_web_link = m.export('myfile.doc') public_exported_web_link = m.export('my_mega_folder/my_sub_folder_to_share') # e.g. https://mega.nz/#F!WlVl1CbZ!M3wmhwZDENMNUJoBsdzFng Find a file or folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python folder = m.find('my_mega_folder') # Excludes results which are in the Trash folder (i.e. deleted) folder = m.find('my_mega_folder', exclude_deleted=True) Upload a file to a destination folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python folder = m.find('my_mega_folder') m.upload('myfile.doc', folder[0]) Download a file from URL or file obj, optionally specify destination folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python file = m.find('myfile.doc') m.download(file) m.download_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc') m.download(file, '/home/john-smith/Desktop') # specify optional download filename (download_url() supports this also) m.download(file, '/home/john-smith/Desktop', 'myfile.zip') Import a file from URL, optionally specify destination folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python m.import_public_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc') folder_node = m.find('Documents')[1] m.import_public_url('https://mega.co.nz/#!utYjgSTQ!OM4U3V5v_W4N5edSo0wolg1D5H0fwSrLD3oLnLuS9pc', dest_node=folder_node) Create a folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python m.create_folder('new_folder') m.create_folder('new_folder/sub_folder/subsub_folder') Returns a dict of folder node name and node_id, e.g. .. code:: python { 'new_folder': 'qpFhAYwA', 'sub_folder': '2pdlmY4Z', 'subsub_folder': 'GgMFCKLZ' } Rename a file or a folder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python file = m.find('myfile.doc') m.rename(file, 'my_file.doc') ~ .. _`https://code.richard.do/richardARPANET/mega.py`: https://code.richard.do/richardARPANET/mega.py .. _`https://github.com/meganz/sdk`: https://github.com/meganz/sdk .. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/richardARPANET/mega.py.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/richardARPANET/mega.py .. |Downloads| image:: https://pypip.in/d/mega.py/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/mega.py/