import tkinter import tkinter.messagebox import io import re import PIL.Image import xml.etree.ElementTree def find_cover_id(book): for (id, href, mimetype) in book.manifest_iter(): properties = book.id_to_properties(id) if properties == 'cover-image': return id metadata = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(book.getmetadataxml()) cover = [x for x in metadata.findall('meta') if x.get('name') == 'cover'] if cover: return cover[0].get('content') return None def fit_into_bounds(image_width, image_height, frame_width, frame_height, only_shrink=False): ''' Given the w+h of the image and the w+h of the frame, return new w+h that fits the image into the frame while maintaining the aspect ratio. (1920, 1080, 400, 400) -> (400, 225) ''' width_ratio = frame_width / image_width height_ratio = frame_height / image_height ratio = min(width_ratio, height_ratio) new_width = int(image_width * ratio) new_height = int(image_height * ratio) if only_shrink and (new_width > image_width or new_height > image_height): return (image_width, image_height) return (new_width, new_height) def collect_images(book, do_cover=False): images = [] if do_cover: cover_id = None else: cover_id = find_cover_id(book) for (id, href, mimetype) in book.manifest_iter(): if id == cover_id: continue if mimetype == 'image/jpeg': images.append(id) return images def choose_options(): options = {} t = tkinter.Tk() t.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) t.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1) t.title('imagecrunch') do_cover_intvar = tkinter.IntVar() do_cover_intvar.set(1) do_cover_checkbox = tkinter.Checkbutton(t, text='Compress the cover?', variable=do_cover_intvar) do_cover_checkbox.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w') tkinter.Label(t, text='max dimension').grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') dimension_slider = tkinter.Scale(t, from_=100, to=2000, resolution=10, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL) dimension_slider.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='we') dimension_slider.set(500) tkinter.Label(t, text='jpeg quality').grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') quality_slider = tkinter.Scale(t, from_=1, to=100, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL) quality_slider.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='we') quality_slider.set(50) def commit(): options['do_cover'] = do_cover_intvar.get() options['quality'] = quality_slider.get() options['max_dimension'] = dimension_slider.get() t.destroy() ok_button = tkinter.Button(t, text='OK', command=commit, bg='#00ff00') ok_button.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='ews') t.mainloop() return options def imagecrunch(book, options): total_original_size = 0 total_new_size = 0 for id in collect_images(book, do_cover=options['do_cover']): data = io.BytesIO(book.readfile(id)) original_size = len( total_original_size += original_size i = data = io.BytesIO() # i = i.convert('L') new_dimension = fit_into_bounds(*i.size, options['max_dimension'], options['max_dimension'], only_shrink=True) i = i.resize(new_dimension, resample=PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS), format='jpeg', quality=options['quality']) new_size = len( if new_size >= original_size: total_new_size += original_size continue total_new_size += new_size book.writefile(id, print(id, 'shrunk from', int(original_size / 1024), 'K', 'to', int(new_size / 1024), 'K') print('Total shrunk from', int(total_original_size / 1024), 'K', 'to', int(total_new_size / 1024), 'K') def run(book): options = choose_options() print(options) if not options: return 1 imagecrunch(book, options) return 0