Allow a single Livestream instance to work on multiple subs.

-r subreddit1+subreddit2 -u user1+user2 will manage multiple
independent livestream generators and print the results for all.
Ethan Dalool 2018-03-22 17:06:07 -07:00
parent fe7d5534e8
commit 5eccfb18af
2 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -112,3 +112,10 @@ def nofailrequest(function):
print('Retrying in 2...')
return a
def split_any(text, delimiters):
delimiters = list(delimiters)
(splitter, replacers) = (delimiters[0], delimiters[1:])
for replacer in replacers:
text = text.replace(replacer, splitter)
return text.split(splitter)

View File

@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ from . import tsdb
def generator_printer(generator):
for step in generator:
newtext = '%ds, %dc' % (step['new_submissions'], step['new_comments'])
newtext = '%s: +%ds, %dc' % (step['tsdb'].filepath.basename, step['new_submissions'], step['new_comments'])
totalnew = step['new_submissions'] + step['new_comments']
status = '{now} +{new}'.format(now=common.human(common.get_now()), new=newtext)
status = '{now} {new}'.format(now=common.human(common.get_now()), new=newtext)
print(status, end='')
if totalnew == 0 and common.log.level != common.logging.DEBUG:
# Since there were no news, allow the next line to overwrite status
@ -39,22 +39,39 @@ def livestream(
calling `next` on each of them, instead of getting stuck in here.
generator = _livestream_as_a_generator(
params={'show': 'all'},
if as_a_generator:
return generator
def _listify(x):
if x is None:
return []
if isinstance(x, str):
return common.split_any(x, ['+', ' ', ','])
return x
generator = generator_printer(generator)
subreddits = _listify(subreddit)
usernames = _listify(username)
kwargs = {
'do_submissions': do_submissions,
'do_comments': do_comments,
'limit': limit,
'params': {'show': 'all'},
subreddit_generators = [
_livestream_as_a_generator(subreddit=subreddit, username=None, **kwargs) for subreddit in subreddits
user_generators = [
_livestream_as_a_generator(subreddit=None, username=username, **kwargs) for username in usernames
generators = subreddit_generators + user_generators
if as_a_generator:
if len(generators) == 1:
return generators[0]
return generators
generators = [generator_printer(generator) for generator in generators]
while True:
step = next(generator)
for generator in generators:
step = next(generator)
if only_once: