import os import markdown from . import common from . import exceptions from . import tsdb HTML_HEADER = ''' {title} '''.strip() HTML_FOOTER = ''' '''.strip() HTML_COMMENT = '''

[-] {usernamelink} | {score} points | {human}



'''.strip() HTML_SUBMISSION = '''

{usernamelink} | {score} points | {human}




{{children}} '''.strip() class TreeNode: def __init__(self, identifier, data, parent=None): assert isinstance(identifier, str) assert '\\' not in identifier self.identifier = identifier = data self.parent = parent self.children = {} def __getitem__(self, key): return self.children[key] def __repr__(self): return 'TreeNode %s' % self.abspath() def abspath(self): node = self nodes = [node] while node.parent is not None: node = node.parent nodes.append(node) nodes.reverse() nodes = [node.identifier for node in nodes] return '\\'.join(nodes) def add_child(self, other_node, overwrite_parent=False): self.check_child_availability(other_node.identifier) if other_node.parent is not None and not overwrite_parent: raise ValueError('That node already has a parent. Try `overwrite_parent=True`') other_node.parent = self self.children[other_node.identifier] = other_node return other_node def check_child_availability(self, identifier): if ':' in identifier: raise Exception('Only roots may have a colon') if identifier in self.children: raise Exception('Node %s already has child %s' % (self.identifier, identifier)) def detach(self): del self.parent.children[self.identifier] self.parent = None def listnodes(self, customsort=None): items = list(self.children.items()) if customsort is None: items.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].lower()) else: items.sort(key=customsort) return [item[1] for item in items] def merge_other(self, othertree, otherroot=None): newroot = None if ':' in othertree.identifier: if otherroot is None: raise Exception('Must specify a new name for the other tree\'s root') else: newroot = otherroot else: newroot = othertree.identifier othertree.identifier = newroot othertree.parent = self self.check_child_availability(newroot) self.children[newroot] = othertree def printtree(self, customsort=None): for node in self.walk(customsort): print(node.abspath()) def walk(self, customsort=None): yield self for child in self.listnodes(customsort=customsort): #print(child) #print(child.listnodes()) yield from child.walk(customsort=customsort) def html_format_comment(comment): text = HTML_COMMENT.format( id=comment.idstr, body=sanitize_braces(render_markdown(comment.body)), usernamelink=html_helper_userlink(comment), score=comment.score, human=common.human(comment.created), permalink=html_helper_permalink(comment), ) return text def html_format_submission(submission): text = HTML_SUBMISSION.format( id=submission.idstr, title=sanitize_braces(submission.title), usernamelink=html_helper_userlink(submission), score=submission.score, human=common.human(submission.created), permalink=html_helper_permalink(submission), url_or_text=html_helper_urlortext(submission), ) return text def html_from_database(database, specific_submission=None): ''' Given a timesearch database, produce html pages for each of the submissions it contains (or one particular submission fullname) ''' if markdown is None: raise ImportError('Page cannot be rendered without the markdown module') submission_trees = trees_from_database(database, specific_submission) for submission_tree in submission_trees: page = html_from_tree(submission_tree, sort=lambda x: * -1) os.makedirs(database.offline_reading_dir.absolute_path, exist_ok=True) html = '' header = HTML_HEADER.format( html += header html += page html += HTML_FOOTER yield (submission_tree.identifier, html) def html_from_tree(tree, sort=None): ''' Given a tree *whose root is the submission*, return HTML-formatted text representing each submission's comment page. ''' if == 'submission': page = html_format_submission( elif == 'comment': page = html_format_comment( children = tree.listnodes() if sort is not None: children.sort(key=sort) children = [html_from_tree(child, sort) for child in children] if len(children) == 0: children = '' else: children = '\n\n'.join(children) try: page = page.format(children=children) except IndexError: print(page) raise return page def html_helper_permalink(item): ''' Given a submission or a comment, return an tag for its permalink. ''' link = '' % item.subreddit if item.object_type == 'submission': link += item.idstr[3:] elif item.object_type == 'comment': link += '%s/_/%s' % (item.submission[3:], item.idstr[3:]) link = 'permalink' % link return link def html_helper_urlortext(submission): ''' Given a submission, return either an tag for its url, or its markdown-rendered selftext. ''' if submission.url: text = '{url}'.format(url=submission.url) elif submission.selftext: text = render_markdown(submission.selftext) else: text = '' text = sanitize_braces(text) return text def html_helper_userlink(item): ''' Given a submission or comment, return an tag for its author, or [deleted]. ''' name = if name.lower() == '[deleted]': return '[deleted]' link = '{name}' link = '{name}' % link link = link.format(name=name) return link def render_markdown(text): # I was going to use html.escape, but then it turns html entities like #   into &nbsp; which doesn't work. # So I only want to escape the brackets. escaped = text.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '&rt;') text = markdown.markdown(escaped, output_format='html5') return text def sanitize_braces(text): text = text.replace('{', '{{') text = text.replace('}', '}}') return text def trees_from_database(database, specific_submission=None): ''' Given a timesearch database, take all of the submission ids, take all of the comments for each submission id, and run them through `tree_from_submission`. Yield each submission's tree as it is generated. ''' cur1 = database.sql.cursor() cur2 = database.sql.cursor() if specific_submission is None: cur1.execute('SELECT idstr FROM submissions ORDER BY created ASC') submission_ids = common.fetchgenerator(cur1) # sql always returns rows as tuples, even when selecting one column. submission_ids = (x[0] for x in submission_ids) else: specific_submission = common.t3_prefix(specific_submission) submission_ids = [specific_submission] found_some_posts = False for submission_id in submission_ids: found_some_posts = True cur2.execute('SELECT * FROM submissions WHERE idstr == ?', [submission_id]) submission = cur2.fetchone() cur2.execute('SELECT * FROM comments WHERE submission == ?', [submission_id]) fetched_comments = cur2.fetchall() submission_tree = tree_from_submission(submission, fetched_comments) yield submission_tree if not found_some_posts: raise Exception('Found no submissions!') def tree_from_submission(submission_dbrow, comments_dbrows): ''' Given the sqlite data for a submission and all of its comments, return a tree with the submission id as the root ''' submission = tsdb.DBEntry(submission_dbrow) comments = [tsdb.DBEntry(c) for c in comments_dbrows] comments.sort(key=lambda x: x.created) print('Building tree for %s (%d comments)' % (submission.idstr, len(comments))) # Thanks Martin Schmidt for the algorithm # tree = TreeNode(identifier=submission.idstr, data=submission) node_map = {} for comment in comments: # Ensure this comment is in a node of its own this_node = node_map.get(comment.idstr, None) if this_node: # This ID was detected as a parent of a previous iteration # Now we're actually filling it in. = comment else: this_node = TreeNode(comment.idstr, comment) node_map[comment.idstr] = this_node # Attach this node to the parent. if comment.parent.startswith('t3_'): tree.add_child(this_node) else: parent_node = node_map.get(comment.parent, None) if not parent_node: parent_node = TreeNode(comment.parent, data=None) node_map[comment.parent] = parent_node parent_node.add_child(this_node) this_node.parent = parent_node return tree def offline_reading(subreddit=None, username=None, specific_submission=None): if not specific_submission and not common.is_xor(subreddit, username): raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['subreddit', 'username']) if specific_submission and not username: database = tsdb.TSDB.for_submission(specific_submission, do_create=False) elif subreddit: database = tsdb.TSDB.for_subreddit(subreddit, do_create=False) else: database = tsdb.TSDB.for_user(username, do_create=False) htmls = html_from_database(database, specific_submission=specific_submission) for (id, html) in htmls: html_basename = '%s.html' % id html_filepath = database.offline_reading_dir.with_child(html_basename) html_handle = open(html_filepath.absolute_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') html_handle.write(html) html_handle.close() print('Wrote', html_filepath.relative_path) def offline_reading_argparse(args): return offline_reading( subreddit=args.subreddit, username=args.username, specific_submission=args.specific_submission, )