import copy import prawcore import time import traceback from . import common from . import exceptions from . import tsdb def _listify(x): ''' The user may have given us a string containing multiple subreddits / users. Try to split that up into a list of names. ''' if not x: return [] if isinstance(x, str): return common.split_any(x, ['+', ' ', ',']) return x def generator_printer(generator): ''' Given a generator that produces livestream update steps, print them out. This yields None because print returns None. ''' prev_message_length = 0 for step in generator: newtext = '%s: +%ds, %dc' % (step['tsdb'].filepath.basename, step['new_submissions'], step['new_comments']) totalnew = step['new_submissions'] + step['new_comments'] status = '{now} {new}'.format(now=common.human(common.get_now()), new=newtext) clear_prev = (' ' * prev_message_length) + '\r' print(clear_prev + status, end='') prev_message_length = len(status) if totalnew == 0 and common.log.level != common.logging.DEBUG: # Since there were no news, allow the next line to overwrite status print('\r', end='', flush=True) else: print() yield None def cycle_generators(generators, only_once, sleepy): ''' Given multiple generators, yield an item from each one, cycling through them in a round-robin fashion. This is useful if you want to convert multiple livestream generators into a single generator that take turns updating each of them and yields all of their items. ''' while True: for generator in generators: yield next(generator) if only_once: break time.sleep(sleepy) def livestream( subreddit=None, username=None, as_a_generator=False, do_submissions=True, do_comments=True, limit=100, only_once=False, sleepy=30, ): ''' Continuously get posts from this source and insert them into the database. as_a_generator: Return a generator where every iteration does a single livestream loop and yields the return value of TSDB.insert (A summary of new submission & comment count). This is useful if you want to manage the generator yourself. Otherwise, this function will run the generator forever. ''' subreddits = _listify(subreddit) usernames = _listify(username) kwargs = { 'do_submissions': do_submissions, 'do_comments': do_comments, 'limit': limit, 'params': {'show': 'all'}, } subreddit_generators = [ _livestream_as_a_generator(subreddit=subreddit, username=None, **kwargs) for subreddit in subreddits ] user_generators = [ _livestream_as_a_generator(subreddit=None, username=username, **kwargs) for username in usernames ] generators = subreddit_generators + user_generators if as_a_generator: if len(generators) == 1: return generators[0] return generators generator = cycle_generators(generators, only_once=only_once, sleepy=sleepy) generator = generator_printer(generator) try: for step in generator: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print() return hangman = lambda: livestream( username='gallowboob', do_submissions=True, do_comments=True, sleepy=60, ) def _livestream_as_a_generator( subreddit, username, do_submissions, do_comments, limit, params, ): if not common.is_xor(subreddit, username): raise exceptions.NotExclusive(['subreddit', 'username']) if not any([do_submissions, do_comments]): raise TypeError('Required do_submissions and/or do_comments parameter') common.login() if subreddit: common.log.debug('Getting subreddit %s', subreddit) (database, subreddit) = tsdb.TSDB.for_subreddit(subreddit, fix_name=True) subreddit = common.r.subreddit(subreddit) submission_function = if do_submissions else None comment_function = subreddit.comments if do_comments else None else: common.log.debug('Getting redditor %s', username) (database, username) = tsdb.TSDB.for_user(username, fix_name=True) user = common.r.redditor(username) submission_function = if do_submissions else None comment_function = if do_comments else None while True: try: items = _livestream_helper( submission_function=submission_function, comment_function=comment_function, limit=limit, params=params, ) newitems = database.insert(items) yield newitems except prawcore.exceptions.NotFound: print(database.filepath.basename, '404 not found') step = {'tsdb': database, 'new_comments': 0, 'new_submissions': 0} yield step except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print('Retrying...') step = {'tsdb': database, 'new_comments': 0, 'new_submissions': 0} yield step def _livestream_helper( submission_function=None, comment_function=None, *args, **kwargs, ): ''' Given a submission-retrieving function and/or a comment-retrieving function, collect submissions and comments in a list together and return that. args and kwargs go into the collecting functions. ''' if not any([submission_function, comment_function]): raise TypeError('Required submissions and/or comments parameter') results = [] if submission_function: common.log.debug('Getting submissions %s %s', args, kwargs) this_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) submission_batch = submission_function(*args, **this_kwargs) results.extend(submission_batch) if comment_function: common.log.debug('Getting comments %s %s', args, kwargs) this_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) comment_batch = comment_function(*args, **this_kwargs) results.extend(comment_batch) common.log.debug('Got %d posts', len(results)) return results def livestream_argparse(args): if args.verbose: common.log.setLevel(common.logging.DEBUG) if args.submissions is args.comments is False: args.submissions = True args.comments = True if args.limit is None: limit = 100 else: limit = int(args.limit) return livestream( subreddit=args.subreddit, username=args.username, do_comments=args.comments, do_submissions=args.submissions, limit=limit, only_once=args.once, sleepy=int(args.sleepy), )