Fix typo "his goal it to".

voussoir 2021-01-02 23:39:47 -08:00
parent 92ac67ca61
commit dfea7417b2
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Forgive me if I don't provide too many other case studies of bad examples. I don
[Ben Krasnow aka Applied Science]( doesn't make 'lessons' per se, but he is undeniably a natural teacher. Everything he does is filled with genuine interest and the utmost respect for the viewers. He knows exactly how to progress the viewer's understanding from Never Heard of It to a reasonable understanding (for a sub-30 minute video) without ever dumbing down the scientific terminology. When he's experimenting with something, he always points out room for improvement and possible future applications to stimulate the imagination.
[3Blue1Brown]( makes animated math videos and [publishes the code he makes them with]( His goal it to clear away the magical haze that blocks peoples' understanding of math by showing how complicated systems can be represented with clear, intuitive visuals. His lessons are awesome and he's awesome.
[3Blue1Brown]( makes animated math videos and [publishes the code he makes them with]( His goal is to clear away the magical haze that blocks peoples' understanding of math by showing how complicated systems can be represented with clear, intuitive visuals. His lessons are awesome and he's awesome.
[Bill Hammack aka The Engineer Guy]( is a clear communicator who shows the fascinating internals and design of things we take for granted, often with a poetic bent. It's hard to pick a single best video, so check out [Nitinol](, [Plastic injection molding]( and [Aluminum cans](