
I've been tweaking this file for weeks and I just want to publish
it now even though the code is still kind of ugly. I think the
interface is done.
voussoir 2022-01-26 21:42:18 -08:00
parent ecd663b7e9
commit e34f3e6c32
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1 changed files with 316 additions and 0 deletions

voussoirkit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
import shutil
import typing
from voussoirkit import bytestring
from voussoirkit import pipeable
from voussoirkit import ratelimiter
from voussoirkit import sentinel
from voussoirkit import stringtools
from voussoirkit import vlogging
log = vlogging.get_logger(__name__, 'progressbars')
# Base class #######################################################################################
DONE = sentinel.Sentinel('done')
class Progress:
def __init__(self, total=None, *, topic=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def done(self) -> None:
Shortcut method for step(value=DONE).
Should bypass any rendering ratelimits that might be in place, to ensure
that the progress bar's final state on screen is the done state.
Should be idempotent with additional calls to done().
Should not cause duplicate rendering in the case that step(value>=total)
was called before done() was called.
def set_topic(self, topic: typing.Union[str, None]) -> None:
The topic string might be the name of a file being copied / downloaded,
the title of the function being run, or any other description of what
the progress bar represents.
topic must not be any other type. Defensive implementations should
prepare to receive any other type and e.g. treat them as None.
topic should not be used for "reticulating splines" text spinners. That
should be implemented as a class which shows text messages on each step.
The implementation might show the topic directly next to the progress
bar or somewhere else entirely. It might not show the topic at all.
raise NotImplementedError
def set_total(self, total: typing.Union[int, float, None]) -> None:
All implementations must be prepared to handle int, float, and None.
Implementations might switch from determinate modes to indeterminate
modes and vice versa.
total must be greater than 0. Defensive implementations should prepare
to receive nonpositive totals.
total must not be any other type. Defensive implementations should
prepare to receive other types and e.g. treat them as indeterminate.
raise NotImplementedError
def step(self, value: typing.Union[int, float]) -> None:
Increment the state of the progressbar to this new value.
Some implementations may not use the value in their rendering
whatsoever, e.g. spinners, but if total is not None then value should
try to be relevant.
Most implementations will benefit from a ratelimiter that only shows a
certain number of status updates per second, since very rapid updates
can be expensive with diminishing usefulness. However, if the value DONE
is given, that should probably bypass the ratelimiter.
value must not be any other type. Defensive implementations should
prepare to receive other types and e.g. re-render the previously used
value or ignore them.
value must be greater than or equal to 0. Defensive implementations
should prepare to receive negative values and e.g. clamp to 0.
In general, value should be less than or equal to total. Defensive
implementations should prepare to receive higher values and e.g. clamp
to total or continue counting beyond 100%.
raise NotImplementedError
# Implementations ##################################################################################
WIDTH_AUTO = sentinel.Sentinel('width auto')
DEFAULT_TOTAL_TOSTRING = lambda total: '?' if total is None else str(total)
DEFAULT_VALUE_TOSTRING = lambda value, total=0, total_string='': str(value).rjust(len(total_string))
class Bar1(Progress):
def __init__(
if not should_stderr():
self.step = do_nothing = None
self._last_value = 0
self.solid_char = '#'
self.blank_char = '.'
self.ratelimiter = normalize_ratelimiter(ratelimit)
if width is WIDTH_AUTO:
self.width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns - 2
self.width = min(80, self.width)
self.width = width
self.total_tostring = total_tostring or DEFAULT_TOTAL_TOSTRING
self.value_tostring = value_tostring or DEFAULT_VALUE_TOSTRING
self.show_topic = show_topic
def _set_topic(self, topic):
if not self.show_topic:
topic = None
if isinstance(topic, str):
self.topic = topic
self.topic_render = topic + ' '
self.topic = ''
self.topic_render = ''
def set_topic(self, topic):
def _set_total(self, total):
if total is not None and not isinstance(total, (int, float)):
log.warning(f'Bar1.set_total does not understand {total}, falling back to None.')
total = None
if total is None:
self._ind_animation_index = 0 = total
self.total_string = self.total_tostring(total)
self.total_string_width = stringtools.unicode_width(self.total_string)
if is None:
value_example = 0
value_example = total
value_example = self.value_tostring(value_example)
value_width = max(stringtools.unicode_width(value_example), self.total_string_width)
self.bar_width = self.width
self.bar_width -= self.total_string_width
self.bar_width -= value_width
if self.topic:
self.bar_width -= (stringtools.unicode_width(self.topic))
# Space between topic and bar.
self.bar_width -= 1
# Spaces on either side of the bar.
self.bar_width -= 2
self.bar_width = max(self.bar_width, 1)
if is not None:
self.value_per_block = / self.bar_width
def set_total(self, total):
self._done = False
def _render_line(self, value):
value_string = self.value_tostring(value,, self.total_string)
if self._done:
bar = self.solid_char * self.bar_width
elif is None:
bar = (self.blank_char * self._ind_animation_index) + self.solid_char
bar = bar.ljust(self.bar_width, self.blank_char)
self._ind_animation_index = (self._ind_animation_index + 1) % self.bar_width
solid_count = round(value / self.value_per_block)
bar = (self.solid_char * solid_count).ljust(self.bar_width, self.blank_char)
return f'{self.topic_render}{value_string} {bar} {self.total_string}'
def step(self, value):
if value is not DONE and not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
log.warning('ProgressBar.step received a non-numeric argument %s.', value)
if value is DONE:
if self._done:
if is not None:
value =
value = self._last_value
self._done = True
elif is not None and value >=
self._done = True
self._done = False
if self.ratelimiter and self.ratelimiter.limit(1) is False:
line = self._render_line(value)
end = '\n' if self._done else '\r'
pipeable.stderr(line, end=end)
self._last_value = value
class DoNothing(Progress):
You can use this when you don't want to use a real progress bar class, but
you don't want to use a None and preface everything with `if not None`.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.done = do_nothing
self.set_total = do_nothing
self.set_topic = do_nothing
self.step = do_nothing
# Common presets ###################################################################################
def total_tostring_bytestring(**kwargs):
def total_tostring(total):
if total is None:
return '?'
return bytestring.bytestring(total, **kwargs)
return total_tostring
def value_tostring_bytestring(**kwargs):
decimals = kwargs.get('decimal_places', 3)
just = 8 + decimals + (1 if decimals else 0)
def value_tostring(value, total=0, total_string=''):
# The longest possible output looks like "1000.00 mib".
return bytestring.bytestring(value, **kwargs).rjust(just, ' ')
return value_tostring
def total_tostring_comma(total):
if total is None:
return '?'
return f'{total:,}'
def value_tostring_comma(value, total=0, total_string=''):
return f'{value:,}'.rjust(len(total_string))
def bar1_comma(*args, **kwargs):
return Bar1(
def bar1_bytestring(*args, **kwargs):
return Bar1(
# Helper functions #################################################################################
def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):
def normalize(progressbar, total=None, *, topic=None) -> typing.Union[Progress, None]:
if progressbar is None:
return None
elif isinstance(progressbar, Progress):
return progressbar
elif callable(progressbar):
return progressbar(total=total, topic=topic)
raise TypeError(f'Could not normalize {progressbar} into a Progress instance.')
normalize_progressbar = normalize
def normalize_ratelimiter(ratelimit):
if ratelimit is None:
return None
elif isinstance(ratelimit, (int, float)):
return ratelimiter.Ratelimiter(allowance=ratelimit, mode='reject')
elif isinstance(ratelimit, ratelimiter.Ratelimiter):
return ratelimit
def should_stderr():
Returns whether stderr exists and is suitable for printing a progress bar.
If the return value of this function is False, then there is no point
using a progressbar class.
return pipeable.stderr_tty()