const http = {}; http.HEADERS = {}; http.requests_in_flight = 0; http.request_queue = {}; http.request_queue.array = []; http.request_queue.push = function request_queue_push(func, kwargs) { const delay = ((! kwargs) ? 0 : kwargs["delay"]) || 0; http.request_queue.array.push(func) setTimeout(, 0); } http.request_queue.pushleft = function request_queue_pushleft(func, kwargs) { http.request_queue.array.unshift(func) setTimeout(, 0); } http.request_queue.clear = function request_queue_clear() { while (http.request_queue.array.length > 0) { http.request_queue.array.shift(); } } = function request_queue_next() { if (http.requests_in_flight > 0) { return; } if (http.request_queue.array.length === 0) { return; } const func = http.request_queue.array.shift(); func(); } http.formdata = function formdata(data) { const fd = new FormData(); for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { if (value === undefined) { continue; } if (value === null) { value = ''; } fd.append(key, value); } return fd; } http._request = function _request(kwargs) { /* Perform an HTTP request and call the `callback` with the response. Required kwargs: url Optional kwargs: with_credentials: goes to xhr.withCredentials callback asynchronous: goes to the async parameter of headers: an object fully of {key: value} that will get added as headers in addition to those in the global http.HEADERS. data: the body of your post request. Can be a FormData object, a string, or an object of {key: value} that will get automatically turned into a FormData. The response will have the following structure: { "meta": { "id": a large random number to uniquely identify this request. "request": the XMLHttpRequest object, "completed": true / false, "status": If the connection failed or request otherwise could not complete, `status` will be 0. If the request completed, `status` will be the HTTP response code. "json_ok": If the server responded with parseable json, `json_ok` will be true, and that data will be in ``. If the server response was not parseable json, `json_ok` will be false and `` will be undefined. "kwargs": The kwargs exactly as given to this call. } "data": {JSON parsed from server response if json_ok}, "retry": function you can call to retry the request. } So, from most lenient to most strict, error catching might look like: if response.meta.completed if response.meta.json_ok if response.meta.status === 200 if response.meta.status === 200 and response.meta.json_ok */ const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); const response = { "meta": { "id": Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, "request": request, "completed": false, "status": 0, "json_ok": false, "kwargs": kwargs, }, "retry": function(){http._request(kwargs)}, }; request.onreadystatechange = function() { /* readystate values: 0 UNSENT / ABORTED 1 OPENED 2 HEADERS_RECEIVED 3 LOADING 4 DONE */ if (request.readyState != 4) { return; } http.requests_in_flight -= 1; setTimeout(http.request_queue_next, 0); if (! (kwargs["callback"])) { return; } response.meta.status = request.status; if (request.status != 0) { response.meta.completed = true; try { = JSON.parse(request.responseText); response.meta.json_ok = true; } catch (exc) { response.meta.json_ok = false; } } kwargs["callback"](response); }; // Headers const asynchronous = "asynchronous" in kwargs ? kwargs["asynchronous"] : true;["method"], kwargs["url"], asynchronous); for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(http.HEADERS)) { request.setRequestHeader(header, value); } const more_headers = kwargs["headers"] || {}; for (const [header, value] of Object.entries(more_headers)) { request.setRequestHeader(header, value); } if (kwargs["with_credentials"]) { request.withCredentials = true; } // Send let data = kwargs["data"]; if (data === undefined || data === null) { request.send(); } else if (data instanceof FormData) { request.send(data); } else if (typeof(data) === "string" || data instanceof String) { request.send(data); } else { request.send(http.formdata(data)); } http.requests_in_flight += 1; return request; } http.get = function get(kwargs) { kwargs["method"] = "GET"; return http._request(kwargs); } = function post(kwargs) { /* `data`: a FormData object which you have already filled with values, or a dictionary from which a FormData will be made, using http.formdata. */ kwargs["method"] = "POST"; return http._request(kwargs); }