Today I discovered that the sqlite3 library executescript function
automatically, non-optionally performs a commit before running
the input script. I want to control transactions manually so the
database doesn't get left in a broken state.
I am trying to cut down the API cost of refreshing all channels.
I hoped to find and endpoint that would give me videos from
multiple playlists at once, but Youtube doesn't seem to support
that. Next best option is to at least store the ID of the uploads
playlist, saving 2 api points each.
- Channels and videos are now objects instead of just dictionaries.
- Copied Etiquette's use of cachemanager mixin to cache those objects.
- Copied Etiquette's use of sql_ methods.
- Copied Etiquette's use of namespaced javascript.
- Copied Etiquette's use of config file.
- Redid video_card css to use grid, better on mobile.
- Improved usage of URL parameters with class=merge_class.
- Wrote some actual content on readme.
- Add thumbnails to the card (dynamically loaded)
- Add button for embedding the video
- Store video duration in db (use update script)
- Separate links for filter views with and without query.