''' Do not execute this file directly. Use ycdl_flask_dev.py or ycdl_flask_prod.py. ''' import flask; from flask import request import functools import threading import time import traceback from voussoirkit import flasktools from voussoirkit import pathclass from voussoirkit import vlogging log = vlogging.getLogger(__name__) import ycdl from . import jinja_filters # Flask init ####################################################################################### # __file__ = .../ycdl_flask/backend/common.py # root_dir = .../ycdl_flask root_dir = pathclass.Path(__file__).parent.parent TEMPLATE_DIR = root_dir.with_child('templates') STATIC_DIR = root_dir.with_child('static') FAVICON_PATH = STATIC_DIR.with_child('favicon.png') BROWSER_CACHE_DURATION = 180 site = flask.Flask( __name__, template_folder=TEMPLATE_DIR.absolute_path, static_folder=STATIC_DIR.absolute_path, ) site.config.update( SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT=BROWSER_CACHE_DURATION, TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD=True, ) site.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.do') site.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True site.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True jinja_filters.register_all(site) site.debug = True site.localhost_only = False # This timestamp indicates the last time that all channels got a refresh. # If the user clicks the "refresh all channels" button, we can update this # timestamp so that the background refresher thread knows that it can wait # a little longer. # I chose the initial value as time.time() instead of 0 because when I'm # testing the server and restarting it often, I don't want it making a bunch of # network requests and/or burning API calls every time. last_refresh = time.time() # Request decorators ############################################################################### @site.before_request def before_request(): request.is_localhost = (request.remote_addr == '') if site.localhost_only and not request.is_localhost: flask.abort(403) @site.after_request def after_request(response): response = flasktools.gzip_response(request, response) return response site.route = flasktools.decorate_and_route( flask_app=site, decorators=[ flasktools.ensure_response_type, functools.partial( flasktools.give_theme_cookie, cookie_name='ycdl_theme', default_theme='slate', ), ], ) def render_template(request, template_name, **kwargs): theme = request.cookies.get('ycdl_theme', None) response = flask.render_template( template_name, request=request, theme=theme, **kwargs, ) return response #################################################################################################### # These functions will be called by the launcher, flask_dev, flask_prod. def init_ycdldb(*args, **kwargs): global ycdldb ycdldb = ycdl.ycdldb.YCDLDB.closest_ycdldb(*args, **kwargs) def refresh_all_channels(): with ycdldb.transaction: ycdldb.refresh_all_channels(force=False, skip_failures=True) def refresher_thread(rate): global last_refresh while True: # If the user pressed the refresh button, the thread will wake from # sleep and find that it should go back to sleep for a little longer. while True: next_refresh = last_refresh + rate wait = next_refresh - time.time() if wait <= 0: break time.sleep(wait) log.info('Starting refresh job.') refresh_job = threading.Thread( target=refresh_all_channels, daemon=True, ) refresh_job.start() last_refresh = time.time() def ignore_shorts_thread(rate): last_commit_id = None while True: if ycdldb.last_commit_id == last_commit_id: # log.debug('Sleeping again due to no new commits.') time.sleep(5 * rate) continue last_commit_id = ycdldb.last_commit_id log.info('Starting shorts job.') videos = ycdldb.get_videos_by_sql(''' SELECT * FROM videos LEFT JOIN channels ON channels.id = videos.author_id WHERE is_shorts IS NULL AND duration < 62 AND state = "pending" AND channels.ignore_shorts = 1 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 10 ''') videos = list(videos) if len(videos) == 0: time.sleep(rate) continue with ycdldb.transaction: for video in videos: try: is_shorts = ycdl.ytapi.video_is_shorts(video.id) except Exception as exc: log.warning(traceback.format_exc()) continue video.is_shorts = is_shorts pairs = {'id': video.id, 'is_shorts': int(is_shorts)} if is_shorts: pairs['state'] = 'ignored' video.state = 'ignored' ycdldb.update(table=ycdl.objects.Video, pairs=pairs, where_key='id') time.sleep(rate) def start_refresher_thread(rate): log.info('Starting refresher thread, once per %d seconds.', rate) refresher = threading.Thread(target=refresher_thread, args=[rate], daemon=True) refresher.start() shorts_killer = threading.Thread(target=ignore_shorts_thread, args=[60], daemon=True) shorts_killer.start()