
163 lines
4.4 KiB

import bs4
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import importlib
import sys
from . import constants
from voussoirkit import cacheclass
from voussoirkit import httperrors
from voussoirkit import pathclass
from voussoirkit import vlogging
log = vlogging.get_logger(__name__)
_xml_etag_cache = cacheclass.Cache(maxlen=100)
def dateutil_parse(string):
return dateutil.parser.parse(string, tzinfos=constants.DATEUTIL_TZINFOS)
def fetch_xml(url, headers={}) -> bs4.BeautifulSoup:
log.debug('Fetching %s.', url)
response = constants.http_session.get(url, headers=headers)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'xml')
return soup
def fetch_xml_cached(url, headers={}) -> bs4.BeautifulSoup:
Fetch the RSS / Atom feed, using a local cache to take advantage of HTTP304
cached = _xml_etag_cache.get(url)
if cached and cached['request_headers'] == headers:
headers = headers.copy()
headers['if-none-match'] = cached['etag']
# To do: use expires / cache-control to avoid making the request at all.
log.debug('Fetching %s.', url)
response = constants.http_session.get(url, headers=headers)
if cached and response.status_code == 304:
# Consider: after returning the cached text, it will still go through
# the rest of the xml parsing and news ingesting steps even though it
# will almost certainly add nothing new. But I say almost certainly
# because you could have changed feed settings like isolate_guids.
# May be room for optimization but it's not worth creating weird edge
# cases over.
log.debug('304 Using cached XML for %s.', url)
response_text = cached['text']
response_text = response.text
if response.headers.get('etag'):
cached = {
'request_headers': headers,
'etag': response.headers['etag'],
'text': response_text,
_xml_etag_cache[url] = cached
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response_text, 'xml')
return soup
def import_module_by_path(path):
Raises pathclass.NotFile if file does not exist.
Raises ValueError if basename cannot be a Python identifier.
given_path = path
path = pathclass.Path(path)
name = path.basename.split('.', 1)[0]
if not name.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(given_path)
_syspath = sys.path
_sysmodules = sys.modules.copy()
sys.path = [path.parent.absolute_path]
module = importlib.import_module(name)
sys.path = _syspath
sys.modules = _sysmodules
return module
def normalize_int_or_none(x):
if x is None:
return None
if isinstance(x, int):
return x
if isinstance(x, float):
return int(x)
raise TypeError(f'{x} should be int or None, not {type(x)}.')
def normalize_string_blank_to_none(string):
if string is None:
return None
if not isinstance(string, str):
raise TypeError(string)
string = string.strip()
if not string:
return None
return string
def normalize_string_strip(string):
if not isinstance(string, str):
raise TypeError(string)
return string.strip()
def normalize_string_not_blank(string):
if not isinstance(string, str):
raise TypeError(string)
string = string.strip()
if not string:
raise ValueError(string)
return string
def now(timestamp=True):
Return the current UTC timestamp or datetime object.
n =
if timestamp:
return n.timestamp()
return n
def pick_web_url_atom(entry:bs4.BeautifulSoup):
best_web_url = entry.find('link', {'rel': 'alternate', 'type': 'text/html'}, recursive=False)
if best_web_url:
return best_web_url['href']
alternate_url = entry.find('link', {'rel': 'alternate'}, recursive=False)
if alternate_url:
return alternate_url['href']
link = entry.find('link', recursive=False)
if link:
return link['href']
return None
def xml_is_atom(soup:bs4.BeautifulSoup):
if soup.find('feed'):
return True
return False
def xml_is_rss(soup:bs4.BeautifulSoup):
if soup.find('rss') and soup.find('rss').find('channel'):
return True
return False