
911 B

###12 Oct 2014

+ Added changelog. I probably will get lazy and stop updating this eventually

+ Added Phantom, incomplete implementation

+ Exclamators collide with each other

= Mouse control is a little bit nicer, click must be a minimum distance from H to initiate a move

###13 Oct 2014

+ Phantom implementation complete, now on HUD

+ Phantoms will Print their lifespan when spawned

+ More help messages

+ Middle Mouse Button will reset when dead, spawn phant when alive

+ Exclamators spawn in larger numbers as the game goes on (will tweak in the future)

+ Exclamator collision can be toggled

= Prints contain the relevant Symbol to make messages clearer at a glance

= No hats yet

= Changed priority and efficiency of entity collisions

###14 October 2014

+ Added Gold candy. Has randomized chance of spawning. Looks like normal candy except it flashes differently every few steps