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2018-02-17 05:28:36 +00:00
This file provides functions which are used in various places throughout the
codebase but don't deserve to be methods of any class.
import datetime
2018-03-19 03:56:29 +00:00
import hashlib
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
import math
import mimetypes
import os
import PIL.Image
import re
import unicodedata
import zipstream
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
from voussoirkit import bytestring
from voussoirkit import imagetools
from voussoirkit import pathclass
from . import constants
from . import exceptions
def album_as_directory_map(album, recursive=True):
Given an album, produce a dictionary mapping Album objects to directory
names as they will appear inside the zip archive.
Sub-albums become subfolders.
If an album is a child of multiple albums, only one instance is used.
directories = {}
if album.title:
title = remove_path_badchars(album.title)
root_folder = f'album {} - {title}'
root_folder = f'album {}'
directories[album] = root_folder
if recursive:
for child_album in album.get_children():
child_directories = album_as_directory_map(child_album, recursive=True)
for (child_album, child_directory) in child_directories.items():
child_directory = os.path.join(root_folder, child_directory)
directories[child_album] = child_directory
return directories
2017-03-23 22:11:28 +00:00
def album_photos_as_filename_map(album, recursive=True):
Given an album, produce a dictionary mapping Photo objects to the
2017-03-20 00:34:19 +00:00
filenames that will appear inside the zip archive.
This includes creating subfolders for sub albums.
If a photo appears in multiple albums, only one instance is used.
arcnames = {}
directories = album_as_directory_map(album, recursive=recursive)
for (album, directory) in directories.items():
2018-02-17 07:03:54 +00:00
photos = album.get_photos()
for photo in photos:
photo_name = f'{} - {photo.basename}'
arcnames[photo] = os.path.join(directory, photo_name)
return arcnames
def checkerboard_image(color_1, color_2, image_size, checker_size):
Generate a PIL Image with a checkerboard pattern.
The color starting in the top left. Either RGB tuple or a string
that PIL understands.
The alternate color
Tuple of two integers, the image size in pixels.
Tuple of two integers, the size of each checker in pixels.
image ='RGB', image_size, color_1)
checker ='RGB', (checker_size, checker_size), color_2)
offset = True
for y in range(0, image_size[1], checker_size):
for x in range(0, image_size[0], checker_size * 2):
x += offset * checker_size
image.paste(checker, (x, y))
offset = not offset
return image
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def chunk_sequence(sequence, chunk_length, allow_incomplete=True):
Given a sequence, yield lists of length `chunk_length`.
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
If True, allow the final chunk to be shorter if the
given sequence is not an exact multiple of `chunk_length`.
If False, the incomplete chunk will be discarded.
import itertools
iterator = iter(sequence)
while True:
chunk = list(itertools.islice(iterator, chunk_length))
if not chunk:
if len(chunk) == chunk_length or allow_incomplete:
yield chunk
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def comma_space_split(s):
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
Split the string apart by commas and spaces, discarding all extra
whitespace and blank phrases.
'a b, c,,d' -> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
if s is None:
return s
return re.split(r'[ ,]+', s.strip())
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def dict_to_tuple(d):
return tuple(sorted(d.items()))
def generate_image_thumbnail(filepath, width, height):
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise FileNotFoundError(filepath)
image =
(image_width, image_height) = image.size
(new_width, new_height) = imagetools.fit_into_bounds(
if (new_width, new_height) != (image_width, image_height):
image = image.resize((new_width, new_height))
if image.mode == 'RGBA':
background = checkerboard_image(
color_1=(256, 256, 256),
color_2=(128, 128, 128),
# Thanks Yuji Tomita
background.paste(image, mask=image.split()[3])
image = background
image = image.convert('RGB')
return image
def generate_video_thumbnail(filepath, outfile, width, height, **special):
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise FileNotFoundError(filepath)
probe = constants.ffmpeg.probe(filepath)
if not
return False
size = imagetools.fit_into_bounds(,,
size = '%dx%d' % size
duration =
if 'timestamp' in special:
timestamp = special['timestamp']
elif duration < 3:
timestamp = 0
timestamp = 2
return True
def get_mimetype(filepath):
2017-03-20 00:34:19 +00:00
Extension to mimetypes.guess_type which uses my
extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].replace('.', '')
mimetype = constants.ADDITIONAL_MIMETYPES.get(extension, None)
if mimetype is None:
mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
return mimetype
2018-03-19 03:56:29 +00:00
def hash_file(filepath, hasher):
bytestream = read_filebytes(filepath)
for chunk in bytestream:
return hasher.hexdigest()
def hash_file_md5(filepath):
return hash_file(filepath, hasher=hashlib.md5())
def hash_photoset(photos):
Given some photos, return a fingerprint string for that particular set.
hasher = hashlib.md5()
photo_ids = sorted(set( for p in photos))
for photo_id in photo_ids:
return hasher.hexdigest()
def hyphen_range(s):
Given a string like '1-3', return numbers (1, 3) representing lower
and upper bounds.
Supports bytestring.parsebytes and hh:mm:ss format, for example
'1k-2k', '10:00-20:00', '4gib-'
s = s.strip()
s = s.replace(' ', '')
if not s:
return (None, None)
parts = s.split('-')
parts = [part.strip() or None for part in parts]
if len(parts) == 1:
(low, high) = (parts[0], None)
elif len(parts) == 2:
(low, high) = parts
raise ValueError('Too many hyphens')
low = parse_unit_string(low)
high = parse_unit_string(high)
if low is not None and high is not None and low > high:
raise exceptions.OutOfOrder(range=s, min=low, max=high)
return low, high
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def hms_to_seconds(hms):
Convert hh:mm:ss string to an integer seconds.
hms = hms.split(':')
seconds = 0
if len(hms) == 3:
2018-03-11 09:54:59 +00:00
seconds += int(hms[0]) * 3600
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
if len(hms) == 2:
2018-03-11 09:54:59 +00:00
seconds += int(hms[0]) * 60
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
if len(hms) == 1:
seconds += float(hms[0])
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
return seconds
def is_xor(*args):
Return True if and only if one arg is truthy.
return [bool(a) for a in args].count(True) == 1
def natural_sorter(x):
Used for sorting files in 'natural' order instead of lexicographic order,
so that you get 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...
instead of 1 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 ...
Thank you Mark Byers
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
return alphanum_key(x)
def now(timestamp=True):
Return the current UTC timestamp or datetime object.
n =
if timestamp:
return n.timestamp()
return n
def parse_unit_string(s):
Try to parse the string as a float, or bytestring, or hms.
if s is None:
return None
if ':' in s:
return hms_to_seconds(s)
elif all(c in '0123456789.' for c in s):
return float(s)
return bytestring.parsebytes(s)
def random_hex(length=12):
randbytes = os.urandom(math.ceil(length / 2))
token = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in randbytes)
token = token[:length]
return token
def read_filebytes(filepath, range_min=0, range_max=None, chunk_size=bytestring.MIBIBYTE):
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
Yield chunks of bytes from the file between the endpoints.
filepath = pathclass.Path(filepath)
if not filepath.exists:
raise FileNotFoundError(filepath)
if range_max is None:
range_max = filepath.size
range_span = (range_max + 1) - range_min
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
f = open(filepath.absolute_path, 'rb')
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
sent_amount = 0
with f:
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
while sent_amount < range_span:
chunk =
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
if len(chunk) == 0:
needed = range_span - sent_amount
if len(chunk) >= needed:
yield chunk[:needed]
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
yield chunk
sent_amount += len(chunk)
def remove_characters(text, characters):
translator = {ord(c): None for c in characters}
text = text.translate(translator)
return text
def remove_control_characters(text):
2017-12-16 11:45:07 +00:00
Thanks Alex Quinn
unicodedata.category(character) returns some two-character string
where if [0] is a C then the character is a control character.
return ''.join(c for c in text if unicodedata.category(c)[0] != 'C')
def remove_path_badchars(filepath, allowed=''):
Remove the bad characters seen in constants.FILENAME_BADCHARS, except
those which you explicitly permit.
'file*name' -> 'filename'
('D:\\file*name', allowed=':\\') -> 'D:\\filename'
badchars = remove_characters(constants.FILENAME_BADCHARS, allowed)
filepath = remove_characters(filepath, badchars)
filepath = remove_control_characters(filepath)
filepath = filepath.replace('/', os.sep)
filepath = filepath.replace('\\', os.sep)
return filepath
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def seconds_to_hms(seconds):
Convert integer number of seconds to an hh:mm:ss string.
Only the necessary fields are used.
seconds = math.ceil(seconds)
(minutes, seconds) = divmod(seconds, 60)
(hours, minutes) = divmod(minutes, 60)
parts = []
if hours:
if hours or minutes:
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
hms = ':'.join(f'{part:02d}' for part in parts)
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
return hms
2018-07-29 23:28:57 +00:00
def slice_before(li, item):
index = li.index(item)
return li[:index]
def split_easybake_string(ebstring):
Given an easybake string, return (tagname, synonym, rename_to), where
tagname may be a full qualified name, and at least one of
synonym or rename_to will be None since both are not posible at once.
'languages.python' -> ('languages.python', None, None)
'languages.python+py' -> ('languages.python', 'py', None)
'languages.python=bestlang' -> ('languages.python', None, 'bestlang')
ebstring = ebstring.strip()
ebstring = ebstring.strip('.+=')
if ebstring == '':
raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('No tag supplied')
if '=' in ebstring and '+' in ebstring:
raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Cannot rename and assign snynonym at once')
rename_parts = ebstring.split('=')
if len(rename_parts) > 2:
raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Too many equals signs')
if len(rename_parts) == 2:
(ebstring, rename_to) = rename_parts
elif len(rename_parts) == 1:
(ebstring, rename_to) = (rename_parts[0], None)
synonym_parts = ebstring.split('+')
if len(synonym_parts) > 2:
raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('Too many plus signs')
if len(synonym_parts) == 2:
(tagname, synonym) = synonym_parts
elif len(synonym_parts) == 1:
(tagname, synonym) = (synonym_parts[0], None)
if not tagname:
raise exceptions.EasyBakeError('No tag supplied')
tagname = tagname.strip('.')
return (tagname, synonym, rename_to)
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
def truthystring(s):
If s is already a boolean, int, or None, return a boolean or None.
If s is a string, return True, False, or None based on the options presented
in constants.TRUTHYSTRING_TRUE, constants.TRUTHYSTRING_NONE, or False
for all else. Case insensitive.
if s is None:
return None
if isinstance(s, (bool, int)):
return bool(s)
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError(f'Unsupported type {type(s)}')
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
s = s.lower()
if s in constants.TRUTHYSTRING_TRUE:
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
return True
if s in constants.TRUTHYSTRING_NONE:
2016-11-06 04:24:43 +00:00
return None
return False
def zip_album(album, recursive=True):
Given an album, return a zipstream zipfile that contains the album's
photos (recursive = include children's photos) organized into folders
for each album. Each album folder also gets a text file containing
the album's name and description if applicable.
If an album is a child of multiple albums, only one instance is used.
If a photo appears in multiple albums, only one instance is used.
zipfile = zipstream.ZipFile()
# Add the photos.
arcnames = album_photos_as_filename_map(album, recursive=recursive)
for (photo, arcname) in arcnames.items():
zipfile.write(filename=photo.real_path.absolute_path, arcname=arcname)
# Add the album metadata as an {id}.txt file within each directory.
directories = album_as_directory_map(album, recursive=recursive)
for (inner_album, directory) in directories.items():
metafile_text = []
if inner_album.title:
metafile_text.append(f'Title: {inner_album.title}')
if inner_album.description:
metafile_text.append(f'Description: {inner_album.description}')
if not metafile_text:
metafile_text = '\r\n\r\n'.join(metafile_text)
metafile_text = metafile_text.encode('utf-8')
metafile_name = f'album {}.txt'
metafile_name = os.path.join(directory, metafile_name)
return zipfile
def zip_photos(photos):
Given some photos, return a zipstream zipfile that contains the files.
zipfile = zipstream.ZipFile()
for photo in photos:
if not photo.real_path.is_file:
arcname = os.path.join('photos', f'{} - {photo.basename}')
zipfile.write(filename=photo.real_path.absolute_path, arcname=arcname)
return zipfile