
140 lines
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import re
def pascal_to_loudsnakes(text):
NoSuchPhoto -> NO_SUCH_PHOTO
match = re.findall('[A-Z][a-z]*', text)
text = '_'.join(match)
text = text.upper()
return text
class ErrorTypeAdder(type):
Thanks Unutbu
def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
type.__init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict)
cls.error_type = pascal_to_loudsnakes(name)
class EtiquetteException(Exception, metaclass=ErrorTypeAdder):
error_message = ''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.given_args = args
self.given_kwargs = kwargs
self.error_message = self.error_message.format(*args, **kwargs)
self.args = (self.error_message, args, kwargs)
class NoSuch(EtiquetteException):
class NoSuchAlbum(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Album "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchBookmark(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Bookmark "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchGroup(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Group "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchPhoto(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Photo "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchSynonym(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Synonym "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchTag(NoSuch):
error_message = 'Tag "{}" does not exist.'
class NoSuchUser(NoSuch):
error_message = 'User "{}" does not exist.'
class AlbumExists(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Album "{}" already exists.'
def __init__(self, album):
self.album = album
EtiquetteException.__init__(self, album)
class GroupExists(EtiquetteException):
error_message = '{member} already in group {group}'
class PhotoExists(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Photo "{}" already exists.'
def __init__(self, photo): = photo
EtiquetteException.__init__(self, photo)
class TagExists(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Tag "{}" already exists.'
def __init__(self, tag):
self.tag = tag
EtiquetteException.__init__(self, tag)
class UserExists(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'User "{}" already exists.'
def __init__(self, user):
self.user = user
EtiquetteException.__init__(self, user)
class CantSynonymSelf(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Cannot apply synonym to self.'
class EasyBakeError(EtiquetteException):
error_message = '{}'
class RecursiveGrouping(EtiquetteException):
error_message = '{group} is an ancestor of {member}.'
class TagTooLong(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Tag "{}" is too long.'
class TagTooShort(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Tag "{}" has too few valid characters.'
class AlreadySignedIn(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'You\'re already signed in.'
class InvalidUsernameChars(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Username "{username}" contains invalid characters: {badchars}.'
class PasswordTooShort(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Password is shorter than the minimum of {min_length}.'
class UsernameTooLong(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Username "{username}" is longer than maximum of {max_length}.'
class UsernameTooShort(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Username "{username}" is shorter than minimum of {min_length}.'
class WrongLogin(EtiquetteException):
error_message = 'Wrong username-password combination.'
class FeatureDisabled(EtiquetteException):
For when features of the system have been disabled by the configuration.
error_message = 'This feature has been disabled.'
class NotExclusive(EtiquetteException):
For when two or more mutually exclusive actions have been requested.
error_message = 'One and only one of {} must be passed.'
class OutOfOrder(EtiquetteException):
For when a requested minmax range (a, b) has b > a
error_message = 'Range "{range}": minimum "{min}" and maximum "{max}" are out of order.'