I learned that grid-template lets you specify row and col sizes all at once.
474 lines
13 KiB
474 lines
13 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html5>
{% import "header.html" as header %}
{% import "tag_object.html" as tag_object %}
<title>{{photo.basename}} | Photos</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/common.css">
<script src="/static/js/common.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/hotkeys.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/photoclipboard.js"></script>
<script src="/static/js/tag_autocomplete.js"></script>
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
/* Override common.css */
display: flex;
flex: 1;
flex-direction: row;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-width: 300px;
/*padding: 8px;*/
flex: 3;
padding: 8px;
background-color: var(--color_site_transparency);
word-wrap: break-word;
display: flex;
flex: 0 1 100%;
height: 100%;
min-height: 30px;
padding: 8px;
background-color: var(--color_site_transparency);
flex: auto;
max-height: none;
display: flex;
flex: 1;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.photo_viewer a
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
#photo_img_holder img
max-height: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
.photo_viewer audio
width: 100%;
.photo_viewer video
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 11px;
@media screen and (max-width: 800px)
When flexing, it tries to contain itself entirely in the screen,
forcing #left and #right to squish together.
flex: none;
flex-direction: column-reverse;
Display: None will be overridden as soon as the page detects that the
screen is in narrow mode and turns off the tag box's autofocus
display: none;
width: initial;
max-width: none;
margin-top: 8px;
flex: none;
height: calc(100% - 20px);
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
max-width: none;
flex: 2;
height: initial;
max-height: none;
<div id="content_body">
<div id="left">
<div id="editor_holder">
<div id="editor_area">
<!-- TAG INFO -->
<ul id="this_tags">
<input id="add_tag_textbox" type="text" list="tag_autocomplete_datalist" autofocus>
<button id="add_tag_button" class="green_button" onclick="add_photo_tag_form('{{photo.id}}');">add</button>
{% set tags = photo.get_tags()|sort_tags %}
{% for tag in tags %}
{{tag_object.tag_object(tag, with_alt_description=True)}}<!--
class="remove_tag_button red_button"
onclick="remove_photo_tag_form('{{photo.id}}', '{{tag.name}}');">
{% endfor %}
File info
<button id="refresh_metadata_button" class="green_button" onclick="refresh_metadata('{{photo.id}}');">refresh</button>
<ul id="metadata">
<li>Filename: {{photo.basename}}</li>
{% set author = photo.get_author() %}
{% if author is not none %}
<li>Author: <a href="/user/{{author.username}}">{{author.display_name}}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if photo.width %}
<li title="{{photo.area}} px">Dimensions: {{photo.width}}x{{photo.height}} px</li>
<li>Aspect ratio: {{photo.ratio}}</li>
{% endif %}
<li>Size: {{photo.bytes|bytestring}}</li>
{% if photo.duration %}
<li>Duration: {{photo.duration_string}}</li>
<li>Overall Bitrate: {{photo.bitrate|int}} kbps</li>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{photo|file_link}}?download=true&original_filename=true">Download as original filename</a></li>
<li><a href="{{photo|file_link}}?download=true">Download as {{photo.id}}.{{photo.extension}}</a></li>
<label class="photo_card" data-id="{{photo.id}}"><input type="checkbox" class="photo_card_selector_checkbox" onclick="photo_clipboard.on_photo_select(event)"/>Clipboard</label>
{% set albums = photo.get_containing_albums() %}
{% if albums %}
<h4>Albums containing this photo</h4>
<ul id="containing albums">
{% for album in albums %}
<li><a href="/album/{{album.id}}">{{album.display_name}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<a href="/search?created=-{{photo.created}}">←Before</a>
<span> | </span>
<a href="/search?created={{photo.created}}-&orderby=created-asc">After→</a>
<div id="message_area_bg">
<div id="message_area">
<div id="right">
<div class="photo_viewer">
{% if photo.simple_mimetype == "image" %}
<div id="photo_img_holder" onclick="toggle_hoverzoom(event)">
{% elif photo.simple_mimetype == "video" %}
<video src="{{photo|file_link}}" controls preload=none {%if photo.thumbnail%}poster="/thumbnail/{{photo.id}}.jpg"{%endif%}></video>
{% elif photo.simple_mimetype == "audio" %}
<audio src="{{photo|file_link}}" controls></audio>
{% else %}
<a href="{{photo|file_link}}">View {{photo.basename}}</a>
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var add_tag_box = document.getElementById('add_tag_textbox');
var add_tag_button = document.getElementById('add_tag_button');
add_tag_box.addEventListener("keyup", common.entry_with_history_hook);
common.bind_box_to_button(add_tag_box, add_tag_button, false);
var message_area = document.getElementById('message_area');
function add_photo_tag(photo_id, tagname, callback)
var url = `/photo/${photo_id}/add_tag`;
var data = new FormData();
data.append("tagname", tagname);
return common.post(url, data, callback);
function add_photo_tag_form(photo_id)
var tagname = document.getElementById("add_tag_textbox").value;
if (tagname == "")
var ret = add_photo_tag('{{photo.id}}', tagname, receive_callback);
add_tag_box.value = "";
return ret;
function remove_photo_tag(photo_id, tagname, callback)
var url = `/photo/${photo_id}/remove_tag`;
var data = new FormData();
data.append("tagname", tagname);
return common.post(url, data, callback);
function remove_photo_tag_form(photo_id, tagname)
return remove_photo_tag(photo_id, tagname, receive_callback);
function receive_callback(response)
var message_text;
var message_positivity;
var tagname = response["data"]["tagname"];
if ("error_type" in response["data"])
message_positivity = "message_negative";
message_text = response["data"]["error_message"];
var action;
message_positivity = "message_positive";
if (response["meta"]["request_url"].includes("add_tag"))
message_text = "Added tag " + tagname;
else if (response["meta"]["request_url"].includes("remove_tag"))
message_text = "Removed tag " + tagname;
common.create_message_bubble(message_area, message_positivity, message_text, 8000);
function refresh_metadata(photo_id)
var url= `/photo/${photo_id}/refresh_metadata`;
var data = new FormData();
common.post(url, data, common.refresh);
var ZOOM_BG_URL = "url('{{photo|file_link}}')";
function enable_hoverzoom(event)
//console.log("enable zoom");
var photo_img_holder = document.getElementById("photo_img_holder");
var photo_img = document.getElementById("photo_img");
if (
photo_img.naturalWidth < photo_img_holder.offsetWidth &&
photo_img.naturalHeight < photo_img_holder.offsetHeight
photo_img.style.opacity = "0";
photo_img.style.display = "none";
photo_img_holder.style.cursor = "zoom-out";
photo_img_holder.style.backgroundImage = ZOOM_BG_URL;
photo_img_holder.onmousemove = move_hoverzoom;
return true;
function disable_hoverzoom()
//console.log("disable zoom");
var photo_img_holder = document.getElementById("photo_img_holder");
var photo_img = document.getElementById("photo_img");
photo_img.style.opacity = "100";
photo_img_holder.style.cursor = "";
photo_img.style.display = "";
photo_img_holder.style.backgroundImage = "none";
photo_img_holder.onmousemove = null;
function toggle_hoverzoom(event)
var photo_img = document.getElementById("photo_img");
if (photo_img.style.opacity === "0")
var content_body = document.getElementById('content_body');
if (getComputedStyle(content_body).flexDirection != "column-reverse")
function move_hoverzoom(event)
var photo_img_holder = document.getElementById("photo_img_holder");
var photo_img = document.getElementById("photo_img");
var x;
var y;
When clicking on the image, the event handler takes the image as the event
target even though the handler was assigned to the holder. The coordinates
for the zoom need to be based on the holder, so when this happens we need
to adjust the numbers.
I'm not sure why the offset is the holder's offsetLeft. It seems that when
the event triggers on the holder, the event X is based on its bounding box,
but when it triggers on the image it's based on the viewport.
var mouse_x = event.offsetX;
var mouse_y = event.offsetY;
if (event.target !== photo_img_holder)
mouse_x -= photo_img_holder.offsetLeft;
mouse_y -= photo_img_holder.offsetTop;
Adding 5% to perceived position gives us a bit of padding around the image,
so you don't need to navigate a 1px line to see the edge.
We first subtract half of the image dimensions so that the 5% is applied
to both left and right. Otherwise 105% of 0 is still 0 which doesn't
apply padding on the left.
mouse_x -= (photo_img_holder.offsetWidth / 2);
mouse_x *= 1.05;
mouse_x += (photo_img_holder.offsetWidth / 2);
mouse_y -= (photo_img_holder.offsetHeight / 2);
mouse_y *= 1.05;
mouse_y += (photo_img_holder.offsetHeight / 2);
if (photo_img.naturalWidth < photo_img_holder.offsetWidth)
// If the image is smaller than the frame, just center it
x = (photo_img.naturalWidth - photo_img_holder.offsetWidth) / 2;
// Take the amount of movement necessary (frame width - image width)
// times our distance across the image as a percentage.
x = (photo_img.naturalWidth - photo_img_holder.offsetWidth) * (mouse_x / photo_img_holder.offsetWidth);
if (photo_img.naturalHeight < photo_img_holder.offsetHeight)
y = (photo_img.naturalHeight - photo_img_holder.offsetHeight) / 2;
y = (photo_img.naturalHeight - photo_img_holder.offsetHeight) * (mouse_y / photo_img_holder.offsetHeight);
photo_img_holder.style.backgroundPosition=(-x)+"px "+(-y)+"px";
When the screen is in column mode, the autofocusing of the tag box snaps the
screen down to it, which is annoying. By starting the #left hidden, we have
an opportunity to unset the autofocus before showing it.
var left = document.getElementById("left");
if (getComputedStyle(content_body).flexDirection == "column-reverse")
add_tag_box.autofocus = false;
left.style.display = "flex";