Tags on photos can now have timestamps, so that if you are tagging a video or audio you can reference a specific moment with your tag. In the interface, this means the tag is clickable and seeks to that point in the media. For the user interface, I am finding I need to move away from jinja for the object cards because it is too much hassle to keep the code for jinja-based cards for static rendering and the js-based cards for dynamic rendering in sync. Rather than write the same cards in two languages I can dump the JSON into the script and render the cards on load. Which makes the static HTML worse but that's what the JSON API is for anyway.
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187 lines
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{# ALBUM ######################################################################}
{% macro create_album_card(album, view="grid", unlink_parent=none, draggable=false) %}
{% set id = "album_card_root" if album == "root" else "album_card_" ~ album.id %}
{% set view = (view if view in ("list", "grid") else "grid") %}
{% set viewparam = "?view=list" if view == "list" else "" %}
class="album_card album_card_{{view}}"
data-id="{{'root' if album == 'root' else album.id}}"
ondragstart="return cards.albums.drag_start(event);"
ondragend="return cards.albums.drag_end(event);"
ondragover="return cards.albums.drag_over(event);"
ondrop="return cards.albums.drag_drop(event);"
{% if album != "root" and draggable %}
{% endif %}
{% if album == "root" %}
<a class="album_card_thumbnail" href="/albums{{viewparam}}" draggable="false">
{% else %}
<a class="album_card_thumbnail" href="/album/{{album.id}}{{viewparam}}" draggable="false">
{% endif %}
{% if album.thumbnail_photo %}
{% set thumbnail_src = "/photo/" ~ album.thumbnail_photo.id ~ "/thumbnail/" ~ album.thumbnail_photo.id ~ ".jpg" %}
{% else %}
{% set thumbnail_src = "/static/basic_thumbnails/album.png" %}
{% endif %}
<img src="{{thumbnail_src}}" loading="lazy" draggable="false"/>
<div class="album_card_title">
{% if album == "root" %}
<a href="/albums{{viewparam}}" draggable="false">Albums</a>
{% else %}
<a href="/album/{{album.id}}{{viewparam}}" draggable="false">{{album.display_name}}</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="album_card_metadata">
{% if album != "root" %}
{% set child_count = album.sum_children(recurse=False) %}
{% set photo_count = album.sum_photos(recurse=False) %}
<span class="album_card_child_count" title="{{child_count}} child albums">{{child_count}}</span>
{{-' | '-}}
<span class="album_card_photo_count" title="{{photo_count}} photos">{{photo_count}}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="album_card_tools">
{% if unlink_parent is not none %}
class="remove_child_button button_with_confirm red_button"
data-onclick="return api.albums.remove_child('{{unlink_parent.id}}', '{{album.id}}', common.refresh_or_alert);"
data-prompt="Remove child?"
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{# PHOTO ######################################################################}
{# Priority: specific extensions > specific mimetypes > general mimtypes #}
{% set thumbnails =
"svg": "svg",
"application/zip": "archive",
"application/x-tar": "archive",
"archive": "archive",
"audio": "audio",
"image": "image",
"video": "video",
"text": "txt",
{% macro create_photo_card(photo, view="grid") %}
{% set view = (view if view in ("list", "grid") else "grid") %}
{% set metadatas = [] %}
{% if photo.width %}
{% do metadatas.append("{w}×{h}".format(w=photo.width, h=photo.height)) %}
{% endif %}
{% if photo.duration %}
{% do metadatas.append("{d}".format(d=photo.duration_string)) %}
{% endif -%}
{% set tag_names_title = photo.get_tag_names()|sort|comma_join %}
{% set tag_names_inner = "T" if tag_names_title else "" %}
class="photo_card photo_card_{{view}} photo_card_unselected {%if photo.searchhidden%}photo_card_searchhidden{%endif%}"
ondragstart="return cards.photos.drag_start(event);"
ondragend="return cards.photos.drag_end(event);"
ondragover="return cards.photos.drag_over(event);"
oncontextmenu="return cards.photos.photo_rightclick(event);"
ondrop="return cards.photos.drag_drop(event);"
<div class="photo_card_filename">
<a target="_blank" href="/photo/{{photo.id}}" draggable="false">{{photo.basename}}</a>
<span class="photo_card_metadata">
{{- metadatas|join_and_trail(", ")|safe -}}
<a target="_blank" href="{{photo|file_link}}" draggable="false">{{photo.bytes_string}}</a>
{% if view == "grid" %}
{% if photo.has_thumbnail() %}
{% set thumbnail_src = "/photo/" ~ photo.id ~ "/thumbnail/" ~ photo.id ~ ".jpg" %}
{% else %}
{% set thumbnail_src =
thumbnails.get(photo.extension, "") or
thumbnails.get(photo.mimetype, "") or
thumbnails.get(photo.simple_mimetype, "") or
{% set thumbnail_src = "/static/basic_thumbnails/" ~ thumbnail_src ~ ".png" %}
{% endif -%}{# if thumbnail #}
<a class="photo_card_thumbnail" target="_blank" href="/photo/{{photo.id}}" draggable="false">
<img loading="lazy" src="{{thumbnail_src}}" draggable="false">
{% endif %}{# if grid #}
<span class="photo_card_tags" title="{{tag_names_title}}">{{tag_names_inner}}</span>
{% endmacro %}
{# TAG ########################################################################}
tag: The Tag object
Space-separated string, if you want more than "tag_card".
A string to use as the innertext.
Otherwise, will use the name based on the other parameters.
None = no link, just a <span>
'search' = link to /search?tag_musts=tagname
'search_musts' = link to /search?tag_musts=tagname
'search_mays' = link to /search?tag_mays=tagname
'search_forbids' = link to /search?tag_forbids=tagname
'info' = link to /tags/tagname
True: Include the description in the alt text
{%- macro create_tag_card(
) -%}
{%- set href = {
"search": "/search?tag_musts=" ~ (tag.name|urlencode),
"search_musts": "/search?tag_musts=" ~ (tag.name|urlencode),
"search_mays": "/search?tag_mays=" ~ (tag.name|urlencode),
"search_forbids": "/search?tag_forbids=" ~ (tag.name|urlencode),
"info": "/tag/" ~ tag.name,
None: None,
}.get(link, link)
{%- set class = ("tag_card" ~ " " ~ extra_classes).strip() -%}
{%- set title = (with_alt_description and tag.description) or None -%}
{%- set innertext = innertext_safe or (innertext or tag.name)|e -%}
{%- set element = "a" if (link or onclick) else "span" -%}
<{{element}} {{make_attributes(data_id=photo_tag_rel_id, class=class, title=title, href=href, onclick=onclick, **kwargs)|safe}}>{{innertext|safe}}</{{element}}>
{%- endmacro -%}