It makes sense that anon sessions are still sessions. So @give_token
will ensure that every request has a session. Logged in conditionals
move from 'if session' to 'if session.user'.
There was a bug where moving an album out of its determined parent
caused future digests to fail because I wanted to use the GroupExists
for control flow, but due to the @transaction decorator it was rolling
back the changes.
Moved some of the logical pieces of the function into subfunctions
as a visual and readability aid.
Adds CSS variables for the highlight and shadow so they don't need
to be custom-defined for each color of button.
Elements should use more generic classes like green_button instead of
add_tag_button unless there's a good reason.
Appearing on search and album pages, the tray is where you can
remove items from your clipboard without having to click on its
checkbox -- that photo card may not even be on the current page.
Because the function does not do any resolving or converting
to an absolute path, I feel the name 'normalize' is inaccurate
and could be misleading when read. This is more clear.
Primarily necessitated by unit testing. Running through the DB_INIT
is quite slow on disk, so this argument causes the sql to be done
on an in-memory database and all the other files are put into a
Eventually I would like to have the other files be in-memory too
but that may be overcomplicated and underuseful.
More careful uncaching of the summed bytes, to minimize
recalculation. Fewer cases where the album itself
is removed from the photodb's getter cache.
This also helps the download link on album pages disappear if
the child albums don't actually have any photos.